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Everything posted by thewood

  1. Does the BMP-1 have a ready rack of some kind? I keep watching the ammo count drop on the 73mm gun and every few minutes it increases a few rounds then starts counting down again. Also in the systenm damage box, what does it mean when a system is geyed out. It still has a big green plus, but is greyed out. Couldn't find it in the manual.
  2. Funny, I missed that on the first read through. With all the LOS issues and the number of people reporting shooting through ground, I am surprised it ended up in the manual. While non-combat things like branches passing through trees can be shrugged off, I'm surprised BFC so easily shrugs off something that so puts a needle to the immersion/realism balloon. I gives a pretty big advantage to the AI. I guess it comes down to what is the line CMSF draws in abstracting the chaos of battle and is everything abstracted to the same order of magnitude.
  3. Actually I thought VBS was used to as multiplayer for ther military. The AI is completely scripted if I remember.
  4. But to be fair, the AI in those tactical shooters are robots. For all the issues in SF's AI, there is almost none in vbs2. Also, penetration of armored vehicles is very abstracted in those. Its all about the graphics in those. That's 90% of the game.
  5. I had always heard that the export models of the BMP-2 were somewhat simplified to keep maintenance reasonable. Does anyone know if that may be the case with stabilization.
  6. Yeah, that's kina what I thought too. Although running in RT is a pain in the ass when the clock update is skipping cycles. In WEGO, I would think its not as much an issue.
  7. I have noticed that sometimes time doesn't pass in real time. I have seen instances that last up to 10 sec. take almost 20 sec. to run. I have a very low end machine though.
  8. All you have to look at is Strykers taking fire from T72s andstanding and fight with a .50
  9. Is this related to armor having little in the way of self preservation sense? That is a bigger concern for me.
  10. WOW, August Bank Holiday...Sherman, please adjust the wayback machine to 2001 please.
  11. Show the emoticon for tucking in then?
  12. You need to take a very large happy pill before you go to bed. You're also the orneriest guy I have ever encountered North of Maine.
  13. You guys are missing the biggest analogy of them all: The Beatles. Did any other band not only change itself often, but they led the change. That is where I am hoping CMSF is going.
  14. Under NDA or not, if all you do is say positive things and beat up reviewers, without being specific, you look like a fanboi and people will tend to dismiss your comments. I am under NDA with automotive companies everyday while having articles published and doing press interviews. They first thing my CEO will say is don't start conversations you can't finish. The second rule in press interviews is if NDAs are a problem, state it up front, not at the end of the conversation. edit for clarification: That is not a rule, but advice to avoid saying something everyone regrets. I've done it before.
  15. Jason, can you clarify. I am not being a smartass. I can see you are heading somewhere interesting, but don't quite understand what you are trying to say. Why would any shot with a chance hit, actually hit, regardless of the function of terrain.
  16. So what is your threshold for editoial control since that seems to be the sticking point.
  17. Hey if David Duke wrote a review on CMSF and it was succint and accurate, Id listen to it and throw it into the pile for consideration. btw, doesn't mean he doesn't have a valid opinion on something I am interested in (CMSF). But it has no more editorial coverage than these forums and yet many here seem to hang on the words posted. btw, I'd like to know what exactly you are seeing as decficient in CMSF. Are you seeing excellent AI pathing, CM like threat assesments, walls blocking LOS/LOF, etc. I am just curious. You seem to be very good at reviewing the reviewers and you have good communications skills...so what's your opinion? Sorry for the ramble. Here are a couple of reviews(don't know if they were posted before): Worthplaying: http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=44744 From KampfGruppe - a CM club, KG_Scout wrote a very short one, almost just a comment. (I hope the context is OK, KampfGruppe is a German battle term, not related to Syria or the US.) Its actually in forums down the page some. http://www.kampfgruppe.us/showthread.php?t=5869&page=2
  18. I assume the ars you were thinking of was arse.
  19. POA2 is actually WEGO...plot your moves and then action. And yes it has more than almost any other wargame going on under the hood. Once again, its not for everyone. You have to be hardcore to actually enjoy it. I get excited every now and then and go back to it and admire it. After 30 minutes, I stop and have to get a beer and play CM.
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