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Everything posted by thewood

  1. Yes, and as commander in CMSF, just don't select any unit and you see them all. Friendly FOW tells what that particular unit can see. There are several minor implications to this, friendly fire being important, but also affects your abilty for a platton commander to issue orders in formation order.
  2. One way to fight RPGs on rooftops is not send Hummers to do a man's job.
  3. Ran Wadi Scouts hotseat modified with a BMPs as a test. Start up from US: 4 grayed out ? seen from the start...seems reasonable that the strykers could see these bunkers. Hit start: get a few more greyed out ? with no info Got BMP fully recognized after about 30 sec. play time but info on it. Got solid on bunkers but no info other they are crewed. Played a couple of turns but no significant change in intel. I really like the relative spotting thing. Turn 5: during the Syrian turn, I openned up the BMP. About 5 seconds into the US execution, I immediately got an icon for the HQ unit being exposed. No info on it, just that it was an HQ unit. I did notice that if I leave the BMP closed, when I order it to fire, the commander opens, mans the AT4, fires, then buttons again. What did I learn: The intel and FOW work great. One small exception is that the US immediately knew it was an HQ unit as soon as it openned up. I also checked and saw as soon as I opened up the BMP, the HQ being carried stuck their bodies out of the hatches. I am going to test with different infantry units to see if its only HQs that get immediately recognized or all infantry.
  4. Same here, with all the discussion of things we would like different, This is pretty much what I hoped for. Steve was right about the more you play it, the more you appreciate it.
  5. Actually the best way is to not select anything before the lasso. With nothing selected all units show.
  6. I'm just curious. Seemed like one of the things that would be effected by it. Trying any coordination in Elite requires good command and control.
  7. Is that a designed FOW issue in Elite level
  8. They could have esaily been beaten by the Wolverines...college football reference to flesh the real american. btw, I am distant relation to Joshua Chamberlain and a direct relative in the Maine regiment.
  9. In POA2 you get an icon that shows last approx position with timer on it to show old that intel is. Very useful
  10. But the issues in CM were different. In CM most of my issues were related a tanks bunching or take a slightly off kilter path with really long aypoints. In CMSF, I am seeing a lot of dancing around with Strykers.
  11. Actually that was exactly my mistake. Thanks. Sometimes its a little frustrating that these little details are not documented. But it is a big manual.
  12. That is mainly because I have been playing around with other things. So I never notice something myself, I am not allowed to comment on it, even if its just to test it.
  13. That is why CM had two covered arcs, one for armor, one for everything else. This is one other function that was a great addition in CM,, but seems to have been lost in the traslation to a more RT focus. btw, I beat up TOW quite good on not being able to do ambushes automatically like in CM. I'll have to apologize to the TOW crowd.
  14. I was just going to post that about the tank dance in CC. It is very much like that. I am taking a long shot guess and say it might have something to with turning radius. Never really had it in CM. I have most of my problems with Strykers and the pattern ( with very limited data) is Strykers with cornering or coming close other objects.
  15. I am just comparing to CMBO. I know about the 8. Those were done during beta and pre-release and don't count.
  16. With all the games out there that were scripted, I find hard to understand why other types of triggers weren't included. You are bascially playing odds both designing and hoping that the human does what you hope, and as a player that the designer thought of every possible strategy. Maybe I am overly concerned. I haven't actually built a scenario to run yet to play.
  17. Thats funny, all I get in elite are general type of infantry.
  18. I thought this was a wargame not a simulation of shopping with my wife.... </font>
  19. Small digression: Gettysburg was touch and go despite Lee's strategic blunders. Battles did decide it, like Little Round Top for one.
  20. I would think it must take some to track friendly FOW.
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