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Everything posted by thewood

  1. We did win...You do drive on the right don't you?
  2. I have the same problem on a very low end machine. Try turning down the details. I think it has something to do with lack of video memory.
  3. I am a little intrigued and mildy concerned at how quickly you came back with that picture.
  4. The mortar sections for CMSF are out back smoking with the mortar sections from Theater of War.
  5. We all know the bible was written in American, something that will shock our Canuck brothers (who won't admit they speak American too)
  6. Matrix likes taking things like that re-releasing them. btw, I think Charles is going to be pretty busy for the next couple of months.
  7. Maybe Mrs. Puff can give them driving lessons.
  8. Also, how do you get the two knuckleheads in the back of a Stryker to button up? They are always getting hammered by MG fire from a distance.
  9. I am really begining to think the majority of problems might be how a map was built. Steve mentioned on one map that a bug might exist that never really removed objects that were deleted. Maybe that is why these problems are showing up on certain maps. I wonder if I rebuild the strength and faith map, the problems go away. Or maybe it is the size of the scenario that is the issue. Anyway, It is all conjecture until BFC ways in on what the heck is going on. btw, I like to conjecture after a frustrating QB experience.
  10. I'm glad you ran the test. As I have stated in other threads, equal settings, US troops are supermen. I never thought it would be fire and movement tactics causing it, but it makes sense.
  11. George, I don't understand what you mean. As someone is KIA, his weapon disappears.
  12. You know, now that I look back, that correlation may be correct. It also may be that I am more capable of managing smaller forces.
  13. I definitely third that. It would quiet the board down at least a little and seperate the real bugs from designs.
  14. Now I'll spend the next 6 hours trying to recreate a QB that runs as good (edit: or is it "as well", I never get that right).
  15. Its great if you can put out a module every three months. If not, short attention span sets in.
  16. I just did a tiny QB with US Armor against Syrian Infantry on the hilly map. I played WEGO Hotseat because I was checking out some LOS issues I saw. With me only giving some general orders, the scenario played out perfectly. TACAI reactions were good, pathfinding was very good, ambushes worked, LOS worked, self preservation worked with the M1s, etc. About 1 in 4 QBs turn out this way. That's why I keep playing and harping on the bugs. Somewhere beyond all this angst on the board is a great tactical game. It shows up once in a while, and then disappears again. Here's hoping BFC can put it all right.
  17. Related to something Thelmia said, a lot of the issues I see in scenarios seem to go away or are minimized in good QBs. Although only about 25% of the QBs seem to work at all.
  18. CMBB keeps calling and hanging up. I swear I have seen it sitting outside my house late at night. I amy need a restraining order. I agree with FinnN wholeheartedly. A little clarification and documentation would go a long way. The 200 page manual could probably been compressed to a 10 page cheatsheet for what it tells me on how this game works. Bradley, seeing some of the questions you have on the board could have been answered with simple claifications in a help file or manual. Every time I play, I come back to the boards to see if anyone has an answer to a problem I have.
  19. I am sure BFC's goal was to compare their quality with EA's and Ubisoft's. I thought they had slightly loftier goals.
  20. I've had the same issue with QB. My brother and I have a weekly QB with CM. We tried one today with CMSF. Spent all afternoon trying to get one that worked. No go. I am a little disgusted I wasted an entire afternoon doing this. We ended up playing a CMBB scenario that too lass than 90 minutes. I had given up on AI QB's. Now I have given up on PBEM QB's. Hotseat is next.
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