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Everything posted by thewood

  1. The armored guys also tried out flying tanks, so they just kept giving the Horse guys ammunition with crazy ideas.
  2. Steve, I think may main problem is there is little guidance from BFC on what is abstracted and what isn't. I was never explicitly communicated what we could expect from cover. The bugs aren't helping me get acclimated to the environment. In CM, you used the LOS tool to what terrain you had, and could quickly start to figure out what did what. Up til you last post, I thought we were in a pretty much WYSIWYG. While I realiezed through various posts that this was probably not the case, I was still assuming a lot. I'd like to get a clear definition of what tess do, what walls do, etc. Playing CMSF can be a lot of fun, but, right now, its one of the most frustrating games I have played. I know you will get to this, but these types of claifications are what we needed in the manual and the tutorial, not two pages of back story.
  3. I have had good luck with AT units firing. I have noticed that the AT5's take a while to aim and fire.
  4. Steve being from Maine, I thought for sure there would be a car up on blocks and a couple varieties of Double_Wides.
  5. That is why the US Army is investing in them. T72s and BRDMs won't shoot at them.
  6. Actually, I think few of those are fine control. Most are poor UI or information that is needed.
  7. I think you can assign points to buildings in the editor to discourage remodeling. In the QB engine, you should have random buildings assigned point values and this would discourage it in QBs.
  8. I think its the M1 that doesn't list Track in the first 9. If it gets tracked, it suddenly appears at the top. So, my guess is its just the top nine listed.
  9. Did someone leave the gate to the PENG unlocked?
  10. Someone finally beat my 16Mb video card and 1.8M CPU. I'll dig out my old Compaq 386
  11. I wonder if that says anything about the target market for all CM products. edit for calrification: I am probably a good example of CM customer. I have a family with liitle kids, multitasking; work email, watching Sox, listening to my son read. RT TCP is just undoable on a regular basis due to interuptions. Even WEGO TCP is hard, but I can do it. At least in TCP, I can catch breaks frequently. As a matter of fact, in an hour I will be doing a short TCP CMBB game.
  12. I see a lot of scenarios scattered around and noted that TPG stated they were looking at how CMSF will fit into that website. I was just curious because I can't remember, where did we used to get scenarios before the depot or TPG. Just to make sure to keep the forum average up on negativity: I am a little disappointed in the number of scenarios included.
  13. Sure it isn't a Ford...most eventually have see through floorboards.
  14. Some great insight in the posts here. Admittedly my knee-jerk reaction on morale and routing was, its not like CM, it must be broken. I still there are some TACAI and self preservation issues, but reading these makes me realize some of it is juts different.
  15. I was thinking more of a defensive battle. In RL, are Javs assigned to non-Stryker units?
  16. Unless in RT, then all you've done is clear the round out of the breach.
  17. Exactly, thats why I'm asking the questions. Actually, I was thinking if its replenishing an autoloader or a ready rack, it should, on its own, back into cover instead of sendin coax mg fire at a Stryker. Oh well, just have to hope that someday...
  18. So assume what I am seeing is the 73 firing a few rounds and then a pause while the autoloader is replenshed.
  19. btw, to the original topic. I don't thing BFC intentionally sacrifide WEGO to the altar of RT. But, they would have had a lot more resources and time if CMSF had been only WEGO. Not saying that's wrong, but I would assume CMSF would have either come out earlier, or different.
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