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Everything posted by thewood

  1. What mechanism categorizes whether its open, rural, etc.?
  2. I love polls...just can't get enough of them. After all the effort put into making a RT function, how many are actually using it? WEGO edit: I wish I had thought of the cow bell comment. Very witty. On the "pole" comment, you have have to say it like this...I gotcha pole, right here! (grabbing at (own) crotch) [ August 21, 2007, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: thewood ]
  3. "Sumerian cuneiform script" another first in the BFC forums...
  4. I don't think its a real bug, but a design decision. A bug would be a feature that doesn't work. There is nowhere to even try yo get arty to fall during the game with the AI. edit: If someone from BFC can clarify this. I know a lot of stuff didn't make it into the manual and the editor isn't exactly casual user friendly, so I might have missed. Been looking for a while. [ August 21, 2007, 08:11 AM: Message edited by: thewood ]
  5. I think the AI can only use mortars/arty in the first turn, is that correct? If it is, its one of the mind boggling omissions that makes me wonder what the design concepts were behind CMSF. Its what makes me wonder if MP was paid a higher priority than SP. Then I try to play MP and realize that couldn't be the case.
  6. I have focused on urban warfare...building movement makes it almost impossible. I then tried various assaults in the open...APCs and ATGM firing logic is kind of screwed up in 1.02. Next I figured lets keep it simple, a little company on company pure armor...T72s only fire HE at M1s. And that's playing Hotseat against myself to avoid AI planning issues. What do I try now? Are there any combinations left for scenario designers?
  7. The face command is the only one I have found to work. I'd be interested in any other way to do it.
  8. Won't be able to reproduce the water around the island, but it sure does look like somehthing CMSF was made for.
  9. I just saw the death clock for the first time yesterday. Good to know something made the transition.
  10. thewood

    Dev blogs

    released shortly, where was that stated? Is this a real patch or an add on?
  11. Be careful with the ToW comparison. In ToW, each vehile seems to have a 10 ft. (est.) barrier around it. They can run over a man who is standing 10 ft. from the side of the vehicle. Not much better.
  12. Actually, most of CMBOs no's came after the beta demo, they had been filtered out by release.
  13. Just look at this thread and the "Are you enjoying CMSF" thread. Then play the demo. Do you have the same issues? Do you think they will get fixed (if they need to be fixed). It is pretty straight forward.
  14. I've got a 2:1 ratio by my count yes:no (trying to filter out colored commentary). I bet at this time in CMBO's release the ratio would have been closer to 10:1. I think 2:1 is a little troubling for a game from a company with BFC's reputation. Its also interesting that there almost as many positive responses to the CM:Gold discussion as there is to this discussion (about half the overall responses).
  15. I assume 1.03 is out on Friday...(two weeks from the 10th)
  16. Why couldn't BFC just have extended the original RtM, why did they have to chage everything.
  17. You are so far behind. He's playing Advanced Roger the Magnificent (ARtM) and I heard it rox. The only problem is its expensive and the games are short. Sequel next year.
  18. Every now and then I get an indestructible T72. I can pit round after round anywhere on it and it keeps on ticking. This has to some kind of random bug. I have seen several ther posts about this as well. I haven't noticed if its just ATGM, or any tyoe of round that is doing this.
  19. I was thinking the same thing, but the more I read all the rants and raves, I couldn't help ordering. I already had the demo, but I wanted to experience the full-blown buggynicity that is CM:SF! I needed a close-up perspective of the scene of the accident. I also wanted to play around with the editor. I'll get the WW2 release when it comes out. At least I'll have the camera controls down by then. </font>
  20. hell no he should concentrate on pitching. as long as he gives up 5 in 6ip he has a computer ban as far as i am concerned </font>
  21. Isn't that T-72BV called the T-90S. The other T-90 is a much more modern AFV. I am speaking from partial ignorance.
  22. I'm not going to say C2 is broken, but other than relative spotting and some FOW issues, it seems useless to me.
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