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Everything posted by thewood

  1. You and I must be the last two people playing POA2.
  2. You and I must be the last two people playing POA2.
  3. You and I must be the last two people playing POA2.
  4. Another intersection of design/bug/lack of documentation. We may never know.
  5. Actually, there are supposed to be delays built in. Haven't seen them yet. Did you ever play CM before? You want realism, play POA2. Have fun with that.
  6. Actually, there are supposed to be delays built in. Haven't seen them yet. Did you ever play CM before? You want realism, play POA2. Have fun with that.
  7. Actually, there are supposed to be delays built in. Haven't seen them yet. Did you ever play CM before? You want realism, play POA2. Have fun with that.
  8. Should your lack of self restraint a burden on us?
  9. Should your lack of self restraint a burden on us?
  10. Should your lack of self restraint a burden on us?
  11. I played the original steel beasts and thought infantry was way under modeled. SB was really built for a cols war type full front war. Get into urban combat and CMSF, with all its warts, really shows what it can do.
  12. Isn't the higher difficulty setting...duct tape over the esc key.
  13. Isn't the higher difficulty setting...duct tape over the esc key.
  14. Isn't the higher difficulty setting...duct tape over the esc key.
  15. A lot of these problems sound very familiar to anyone who has TOW.
  16. A thread can't digress any more than this...I never thought CNC programming would ever be mentioned in a BFC thread. Its a sign that end times are upon us.
  17. In Wadi Scouts, I have the same problem with the .50s. Sometimes they will fire, sometimes they won't.
  18. It is the most fun thing about CMSF.
  19. But using your movie analogy, your expectations were high based on past performance of Ridley Scott. I am in the same position with BFC. My understanding and expectations were that BFC had set themselves up to not rush a product out the door at the behest of a large distributer. Now that the distributer is satisfied, BFC can get to work on the real game. In the mean time, everyone has wasted time, including BFC, on the friction you get with a release that isn't ready. Like I said before, its like I just found out there is no Santa. I thought BFC had set themselves up to be above the pressures to just get it out the door. Its not the first bubble burst in my life, just one I thought wouldn't happen as soon as it did.
  20. One of my first posts after relaese was that US troops keep on coming. It is difficult to suppress them. I have planned on testing various troop parameters to see what the effect is, but all parameters being equal, US troops look like supermen. Dare I say Hamster-Uber
  21. Looks like the game is trying to compensate for the individual squaddies being spread out. Almost like an average or center point of the individuals in the squad.
  22. I haven't a single grenade launcher fire without first giving an area fire order first. Also, I don't think the change in behavior is spotting related. Something is controlling when the AI fires. It was rather loose in 1.01, and rather tight in 1.02.
  23. Slap, I was not talking specifically about interiors, just the level of detail in some areas, whiole others areas lacking or borken on release.
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