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Everything posted by thewood

  1. That's apples and oranges, though, isn't it? I thought Dan was the 3D modeller and Charles the guy coding what the models do. If you have the time to make the models, go for it. They look great. </font>
  2. That is what I am coming to the conclusion of. I used Wadi Scouts a test bed for Strykers. In 1.01, the Strykers open up immediately with .50's. In 1.02, even with manual fire orders, they are very reluctant to open fire. That scenario is almost broken now in WEGO. What is better, is that the Syrians are much more like to open up with AT fire. On the down side, the heavy MG no longer fires on its own. I have also noticed that in any version, TC won't button on their own. They sit there and get killed.
  3. One of things I am still perplexed over is the fact that the interior of vehicles are modelled in such detail, yet BFC says they had to leave many things out to satisfy financial and contractual committments. Why spend so much time on the interior of a Stryker, when that Stryker can't find its ass with a flashlight and two hands. Once again, the same complaint I had about TOW.
  4. Sirocco, that is an excellent point. I still don't understand Syria from a market perspective, unless the market is something other than BFC's traditional market.
  5. Whether its the 1:1 scale or the premature release, its a major departure for BFC from its roots. The 1:1 scale bothers me much less than the premature release. I really hope they go back to the old business model of being done when its done. I have wasted enough of my time trying to figure out what is a bug and what is a feature. I think they have done a big disservice to thier arguement on scale because most of the things people a are complaining about with the RT and 1:1 scale would seem to be bugs and have nothing to do with change in game mechanics.
  6. You don't think a Stryker should try to seek cover if a T72 starts going at it?
  7. EYSA wasn't much better than SA. They just managed to sucker a few more people into buying it. TOW is really the successor to EYSA, for what that's worth.
  8. Not just target, but pop smoke, get the hell outta there, etc.
  9. The comments I have heard in the few posts about the distribution deal are what puzzle me. I agree with Kong that I thought the entire concept of BFC was to give the little developer a route around the "big guys". Now I see that is one of the reasons for BFC taking a credibility beating. First it was TOW and now CMSF. I really want to like CMSF. I had two 24 hour flights immediately following the release and probably played more than anyone else on the planet. I am struggling with whats new and whats a bug. The manual is missing a lot of useful information on how stuff works. I just want BFC to tell us how things really work in the game. How do you get Strykers to fire, when won't they fire, when will a tank fire an AT missle over a HEAT round, why do enemy units ignore each other, etc. I find myself replaying scenarios over and over whan I run into these issues. CMSF is becoming like work for me. This, to me, smacks of a premature release, something I forgave them for in TOW, but have a hard time doing for CMSF. I also just found out there is no Santa Clause.
  10. While I agree the infantry and pathfinding are not bad as people make it out, some parts of the game are unplayble due to pathfinding and TACAI. I keep trying to play various modes and even in 1.02, US vehicles, at least, have no intelligence on how to react to threats. Yeah, we can wait til patch 1.0x, but the expectations from BFC are a little higher than from comapnies like Ubisoft. The scary thing to me is that I have similar complaints on CMSF as I did on TOW, which I considered a waste of my money. I do like playing CMSF. It is fun and educational, but I really expected an experience like CMBO. Once I played CMBO, I never looked back at ASL or SP. I was hoping to have the same emotion with CMSF. Instead, I find frustration and a longing to go back and play CMBB. I guess I have no choice to wait and keep playing. When I need a fix of CM, I go back to CMBB and CMAK.
  11. I also don't remember if the need to be open in the Stryker. Something has changes for the Strykers in 1.02 though. They no where near as aggrssive in openning fire on infantry on their own. They also still satnd and get creamed by tanks.
  12. I asked the same question on release day and never got an answer. I have the BFC download version and want to install it on a portable disk, including elic. Is that possible? I can install the game files on the disk, but can't figure out how to install the elic.
  13. I have been able to get Strykers to fire it, but I have to force them to fire area fire.
  14. I have been playing 1.02 all night and have yet to see any self preservation behavior by Strykers. Had a T55 sitting on a small rise 600 - 700 meters from 8 Strykers. In 6 different replays (all different modes), and the T55 killed all eight Strykers with not a single Stryker popping smoke or trying to evade. I saw some people saying that they had seen units popping smoke and seeking cover. Am I doing something wrong? btw, the morale model seems to be working, Stryker crews were panicking all over the place. I even saw a crew abandon its vehicle after units around it were destryed. [ August 11, 2007, 04:49 AM: Message edited by: thewood ]
  15. Yeah, my laptop is 3 years old and runs it well enough to play. I have also come to the conclusion, after a lot of complaining and playing, that many of "bugs" are design decisions. Just look at the MG deployment threads. In the end, I'm pretty happy with the game. I am disappointed in some of the things that BFC left out that were considered standard items that made CM great.
  16. Instead of my mind, read the rest of the post.
  17. my very first dp [ August 10, 2007, 08:21 PM: Message edited by: thewood ]
  18. How many times did I mention 1.02 in the post?
  19. I thought the .50 on the Stryker was remote controlled. I can't get the Strykers to fire unless I tell them to open. Also has anyone noticed that the Strykers are more reluctant to fire their .50's at bunkers. In Wadi Scouts, in 1.01, I was able to just hit start and the Strykers would open up and clean out the bunkers at range. In 1.02, I have to cajole them into firing. I will say this, anything with AT weapons seem to open up with no problem on armor in 1.02. I did notice the AT5 seems to hot short in all 6 test firings I did. Will keep an eye out for it.
  20. I concur on the Adjust button. That bug was noticed almost from day one. Doesn't pork arty completely, but still a pain. Cancel button still seems a little buggy. I also noticed that in Wadi Scouts, the Strykers no longer open fire immediately with .50. They started hammering the infantry immediately in 1.01, but in 1.02, after a couple of turns, no go. As soon as I tell each Stryker to open up, they go to town.
  21. I concur on the Adjust button. That bug was noticed almost from day one. Doesn't pork arty completely, but still a pain. Cancel button still seems a little buggy. I also noticed that in Wadi Scouts, the Strykers no longer open fire immediately with .50. They started hammering the infantry immediately in 1.01, but in 1.02, after a couple of turns, no go. As soon as I tell each Stryker to open up, they go to town.
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