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Everything posted by Panzer_Meyer

  1. Congratulations Manx, this is indeed good news. Hope you have fun, oh and don't brake CMHQ like you did with CMs.
  2. Damn you SuperTed, stop jerking us like this, it feels good, umm I mean..... Can't wait tills it's done.....I mean released.....oh I mean out.......ummm...never mind!
  3. Damn those things are awesome, I hope we get these for CM:BB. How fast did these things go? I would imagine fairly fast.
  4. I am really looking forward to playing as the Romanians. They had the biggest presence out of all the other German allied countries. Romania fielded some 250k troops I believe if not more. The Romanians peformed really well at times, in the Caucasus, Crimea, Odessa. Other times they ran. The Romanins relied mainly on infantry and cavalry, they did have a few tank divisions though. Italians are second on my list though.
  5. Good idea, but I think BTS stated that nothing like this till the re-write. I would like to see tanks providing cover for infantry (LOS vise). But Steve said it's not possible with the current engine.
  6. It think it will have something to do with Manx and combat-missions. I am guessing he might take over CMHQ or something to that affect. And I am guessing that the techinacal difficulties might be just an excuse to get it all working and MANX to transfer all those mods over to CMHQ. Maybe he even re-did the layout of CMHQ(not that there is anything wrong with the layout). Or they are just messing with us and nothing is going on.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Schrullenhaft: The answer is: 42<hr></blockquote> 42, FORTY TWO?!?! Damn it, wtf does that mean. forty two days from now, forty two hours from now??? What??!!! Or maybe when I turn forty two, thats 24 years from now.
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed: The weekend and October are not over yet. <hr></blockquote> Damn it Ted!!! Don't say things like that.
  9. They can't run over troops! Most likly it was hidden sqaud, MG or something that shot at your troops, but you did not spot them.
  10. Just play the music you want in the backround while you play CM. Thats what I do and it works fine. IF you want to repalce the backround sounds (birds and battle sounds) you can replace the .wav file with the music you want. But then instead of hearing far away battle explosions and birds you'll ave music. I reccomend just playing the songs you want int he backround like i do. Worls fine that way.
  11. Jason, Is the 400m just plain open ground?? Or did you add brush and some trees now and then. If it's all open ground, damn must be interesting. Send it my way, rommel22us@hotmail.com
  12. rlh, I will make a whole scenario pack covering bidermann's battles he was part of. So there will be quite a few. Anyway, bidermann gives good insight on what happened in the battle and which company and/or regiment took part. This is great help, and he does remeber most of the town or places these battles took place. He has some really good pictures too, like the one of the T-60 he knocked out with his 37mm pak about 60-100m in front of his position. He describes that scene real well. btw, he looks bad ass in some of those pictures. With a pipe, or leaning up on a binker wall with his 37mm pak in front of him. Just bad ass, basicly.
  13. I got this book about 6 months ago. Read through it and found it one of the best veteran memoirs I've aver read. (I haven't read to many though). Anyway, I though it to be a good book, altough he does tend to get equipment and tank IDs wrong, you have to keep in mind, it's been probably 20-40 years since the war, so this might make it a bot difficult to remeber certain things. This is pointed out in the book by the translator and editor. This book takes you trough the war in the eyes of this one soldier. From serving as an anti-tank gun crew, to a Officer commading a soldiers of his own. He writes goes into great detail explaining the battles he was part of. I am about to read it for the second part. I am going to do an entire scenario pack following the Bidermann's 132nd infantry division. More like his regiment though as in some battles they were saparated and other regiments wiped out. Anyway, good reading and I hope you like it as much as I did. Good Book!
  14. I think what Manx maent is, he will still recieve Mods, but the way people download them will be different. I read something about using morpheus, it's a software similiar to napster. You can download MP3s and also movies, images and SOFTWARE. So if we all get morpheus, which I already got, and manx host the mods this way, it's free, unlimmited space (well his HD) and no bandwith issues. The only problem is looking for the files, but you can search up a certain person. So if Manx signs up under a certain name and tells us what it is, you can keep him in a sort of buddy list thing. That way you know when he is on and DL the mods you need. Hope that clears it up, and I am not 100% if this is what he will be doing.
  15. LOL, damn, good question. Now that you menton it, I wonder myself. Any grogs now what it stands for? BA Zoo, the zoo part. Anything to in common with a zoo?
  16. Basicly what it mean that those troops have (should) motorized transports, trucks,H-tracks and so on. As for the game a platoon has nothing, neither does a company, but notice a battalion.They **** load of transport and SPs for the battalion.So thereyou go. I am sure someone will come along and explain it better.
  17. Damn great work on both parts, the moders and MANX, good job! Thanx!
  18. Congrats on getting those books Panzer Leader. I am looking forward to scenarios you make. I myself have no books on the GD but one book called"Forgotten sodier" is a bout a soldier that served with the GD from 43 and on. But this books is far from what you're looking for. Forgotten Soldier, has almost no data on composition of forces and even some places and wepaons the author mentions make no sense. But, it was 60 years ago so, no wonder. The book is basicly an autobiogrpahy not a recourse book. Anyway Good luck with the scenarios and research. I myself am going to do a scenario pack and waht not, based on a book called "In Deadly Combat, by Gottlob Bidermann" He served in the 132nd division through the war, should be interesting too. Good luck!
  19. Sense I live in CA I can't come, but someone take pictures. At least one, of all of you there, sitting around a table or what not. (something like the DC meeting)
  20. LOL, like the look on that guys face. A little bit of smirk and *sigh, waiting sucks* look.
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