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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. Perhaps there wasn't a printed manual because it was a DEMO!!! Get a clue, IgotMilk/Big Time Software. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  2. FutbolHead and Wild Bill, yes even when I right-click on them and "Save Link as" most of the time they don't work. However, some scenarios that I have gotten that way...work. What I meant to say by "doesn't do the trick" is that for some reason, the .cmb and .cmc files don't transfer too well over the internet using that "rick-click" deal. Moon's scenarios coming from his site didn't seem to work by doing the right-click. Now they did work coming from Manx's site zipped up. So what is a man to do?? ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  3. Bil, just played Sunken Lane last night and won with the British. Played it a bit differently than you did in the AAR. Thought I had finally killed off the defenders then the reionforcments showed up as I was nearing the top of the hill. Actually made quick work of them to, but with a few more casualties than I expected. That was one hellava fight though. First force on my right got pretty much annihalated, lucky my reinforcemnt company on that side was able to push the attack. The 3"-mortar spotter came in handy on that side. Reinforcement company on the left side also helped in pushing the attack. However, my question is.. Assuming the equipment listings are historically correct, what am I supposed to do with 3 Fireflies with AP ammo only against an opposition entirely composed of infantry?? ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  4. Designers, posting links directly to your .cmb/.cmc files doesn't do the trick. Please zip the files up. When you click on one of these .cmb links all you get is a bunch of garbage on the screen. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  5. Did a right click on your link above and did a "Save Link as" and then copied it from my "Working Folder" to the CMBO/Scen folder. Go to start the scenario and it kicks me out of the game. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  6. Well, you all go ahead and drink your ales or whatever, and when we square off in a PBEM or TCP/IP game, I'll kick your drunk asses. For me, a Diet Coke is good enough for a cheap buzz. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  7. We gonnna get any new "winter-ized" vehicles any time soon? ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  8. There are several Ardennes scenarios and operations available. McKinley's Battalion operation by Moon is an Ardennes one. My friend and I are playing a Hot-Seat game of it right now. Parker's Crossroads scenario is an Ardennes one. There's at least 4 or 5 more already on the CD. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  9. Scenario/Operation designers, please zip up the your files. They don't seem download very well in just the .cmb or .cmc format. To do this, just click on the file and if you have WinZip installed, then right click and you'll have the option to "add to zip file". Select this and then type in a name for the zip file such as "scenario_name.zip" whereas "senario_name" is the name of the scenario. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-25-2000).]
  10. Hmmm, this sounds like a video card driver problem. Make sure you're running the latest drivers for your video card. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  11. Andreas, the PzII Lynx is pretty cool. It's got like a auto cannon that when it shoots it actually shows those "firey" explosions at all impact points of it fire volley. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  12. THERE IS NO CAMPAIGN FEATURE. What you see is what you get. Scenarios and Operations. Been discussed many, many, many, many times before. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  13. I thought so too Doug. About having POWs being able to run. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  14. dumbo, scenario doesn't work. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  15. Manx, two pictures on the way. He ain't kidding, it's HUGE! Got two pictures one from each corner looking across to the opposite corner. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  16. I know, I know. You've said that you're going to raise it in the v1.02 patch. But what I really started this thread is for votes on by how much you're going to raise it. I just tried a quick battle this morning for the first time, and seriously, you can't buy SH*T with 1000 points. So I'm thinking maybe something in the 5,000-10,000 range. What do you all think? ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: But you can switch from, say, PBEM to hotseat and vice-versa. (And from/to TCP/IP once we finish that). Charles<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You can? How do you do that? ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  18. I'm running a Celeron-433 128MB SDRAM DirectX 7.0a Diamond Viper 770 Ultra w/368 drivers SB Live! X-Gamer w/LiveWare 3.0 I've had no lock-ups. Probably the problem is that you've done a recent install of DirectX. Like Doug said, reinstall both your video and audio drivers. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  19. The AI is kicking my ASS!! Or maybe my guys just suck, I don't know. No, but seriously. Seems like the brutality has been picked up since the demos. I'm losing Heavy Tanks just as easily as little ones. And the infantry combat is wild! ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  20. You know, I noticed this too. The first game I played it was OK, but subsequent games it went back to no FOW. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  21. Yep, I believe Charles is correct. Didn't think of it myself, but I belive that should do the trick. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  22. Since there is no "auto-run" launcher, did you go to "My Computer" and access your CD-ROM drive? Then double-click on "Setup.exe"?? If you did and are still getting the errors, then "Oooo", you MAY HAVE received a bad CD. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  23. Thanks Mike. the d/ld's from Manx's site do work. Strange isn't it? ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  24. Well, fellas, I don't know what the problem is. Downloaded the files from Dick Reece's site in .zip form and they still won't work. Just checked for extra file extensions and none to be found. It's like they weren't saved properly or something. Or they don't have text briefings. NOW THAT might be the case. Have you guys got that user-made from V B, called "Zuruedzchlasen"? It's a Ardennes-based scenario involving the town of Malmedy. It's a good armor battle. Go to this link and check it out. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/006153.html ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  25. No it wasn't that. I'll tell you why. Dick Reece's scenarios/operations work. Moon's or the ones from the Appui-Feu site are the ones that don't work. I just re-downloaded Moon's and the French site's ones and I'll see what happens. Dick Reece's site has Moon's files in a zip instead of a bare .cmb or .cmc file. I'll try the zipped versions and see what happens. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
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