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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. Hmmm, nice King Tiger. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  2. I pittled around with the editor a while back and found a decent way to simulate the stone watch towers on the bridge. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  3. Trying to convince the huge fan base of this game of your arguments is like trying to convince all of the people in Times Square last December 31st that the new Millenium doesn't really start until January 1, 2001. Not going to happen, dude. And the answer to the Millenium question is that TIME is not measured in whole numbers. Whole numbers being numbers that start out like: 1..2..3..4..5..etc. Time however is measured in real numbers. That is numbers that have fractional amounts. For every measurement of time, whether it be a millenium, century, decade, year, month, week, day, hour, minute, or second, there is always a smaller or fraction of that previous divisor. And real numbers include ZERO. For example, take a year. It is divided into 12 months, each consisting of ~30 days, each consisting of ~4 weeks, and each consisting of 7 days. So now, a week after Jan. 1, it is just no longer say, 2000, it is 2000.019. The decimal equivalent of 1/52. Hence the Stardate system used in Star Trek. And since real numbers include zero. The year 1990 was the start of the 90's. It was not a part of the '80's. So I'll be damned if the year 2000 is still a part of the '90's. But anyway, sorry for the off-topic analogy, but I mearly provided the proof behind my anology. So to convince the CM community, let alone BTS, of your suggestions of real-time play and "niche" gaming, (whatever the hell that means :rolleyes is ludicrous. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  4. I missed out on the previously mentioned locked thread and have no idea what was discussed, but based on the quote above, I find it absolutely hilarious that the Cechnyan rebels gave the Russian Army a run for their money. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  5. I know, great isn't it??? But I guarantee it'll be worth the wait. They really look good in-game. I've got the Ostwind, Wirbelwind, Wespe, Marder II and III, and the SPW250s to go. I also need to get the support guns redone as well, for the Quad-20mm and 37mm FlaK guns are used on the SdKfz as well as by themselves. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  6. Howard, You remind me of another one of our board members when we all tried to explain to him why the computer will "throw in the towel" when it feels there is no point to continue the fight....but that's a different story. The point is that we all tried to explain it to him, including BTS, and it took him 6 to 7 pages of explaination in the particular thread. The problem was that he wouldn't listen to what everyone was trying to tell him. This is you here. You don't understand the development history of this game at all. All of what you are saying and suggesting has been discussed countless times and the game developed the way it has because of what works. Real-Time will simply not work in this environment. As far as sells go, regarding this niche product??? Well, considering that it sold out of the initial one month supply in ONE WEEK and the second printing sold out in TWO WEEKS, I don't see where you get your finacial questions regarding retail success. Also, if it were such a niche product, why does the Gaming Mags and Gaming sites all give the game at least a 4.5/5 star rating average? Concerning CC. I guess you never experienced the STUPID attacking AI bug where tanks just sit and spin in place. I really suggest you read the Battlefront.com Manifesto. Boy I just love a good stupid arument to bring the good ol' "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" back out to the Forum. I haven't seen this stupid of argument since before the Gold Demo. For veteran members (pre-CM release), they'll tell ya of my antics back then. For now I spend my time in creating winter mods for the community. It's my way of giving back to the community for all the **** we went through. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  7. The 'Sneak' command is supposed to do that, but I haven't used that command much. I usually use move and that works to an extent. I believe this phenomenon still needs tweaking. To me they break or route too easily. Actually, all this seemed to work better with the original Gold Demo v1.0.
  8. Men don't fly in the air, but I experienced a situation yesterday in which they certainly would have. I was playing a scenario as the Germans in which the Americans had some pretty big artillery, probably 155mm. I had a line abreast flank of 5 tanks and a platoon of infantry w/support and this 155mm barrage came down and totally decimated my left flank, knocking out 3 tanks, (brewing a Panther, BTW) immobalizing 1 and killing most of my support weapons and mauling a squad of infantry. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  9. Actually, I think this can be solved with a simple line of code saying something to the effect of "RETREAT in direction of FRIENDLY BORDER" via the battle parameters. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Quango: I look forward to the day when someone else does create a Close Combat-in-3D or a Combat-Mission-in-realtime. It will make those developers rich! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't count on it. The game Napolean 1813 was realtime and offered the depth of orders that CM does, and it flopped because there was no way to click fast enough to issue the orders in a sound fashion. A person can never click faster than a computer. BOY Quango, you sure have opened a can a worms with these ill-informed persecutions. This game has been in developmenmt for 3 freaking years with all of your suggestions being looked at and talked about every since and then for someone like you who has just come on the scene a month and a half after the release and bring up these complaints that have been discussed both ways dozens of times. BAD TIMING DUDE!!! You have to realise that this board has been up since the first day and the way CM was developed had a direct corrolation on what went on with this board. BTS used this board to get ideas and feedback on what people wanted in the game. There has never been a game company like this that has used it's fan-based community to help design a game. Hell, some of these board members have even helped in art design within the game. Some of the stock textures within the game come from fellow board members. CM will never be Real-Time. Period. There was talk and consideration to implement a full battle movie feature to where you could watch the whole battle play back once completed. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Quango: (A) Is that an official position from the developers? If so I would expect Close combat to do this in the near future. Then they will have the market. Can't see the logic really. These games are trying to simulate reality. You don't stop battles every 60 seconds to have a think, look at the options, etc. etc. Maybe Atomic can buy out Battlefront if that is the case..! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Atomic buy out BTS??? Don't make me laugh!!! The fact is that these two guys left the big companies to make a better game than the big companies ever could. Don't believe me?? Look at the great praise that CM is getting on all of the Computer Gaming sites. The fact is that all RTS games all boil down to CLICK-FESTS. How can one possibly employ sound tactics and strategy with that method. Especially with some of the HUGE battles that CM can create. Especially with the 3D environment. We're not talking about the small 2D maps within the CC series, we're talking about huge hilly terrain with many, many terrain heights with a wide variety of LOS problems. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  12. I've got one coming to CMHQ shortly. In fact, Madmatt will start posting a whole ****load of my stuff next week. My Tiger is very similar to the pic above. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  13. Actually the time frame between sequals is around a year or so, since they've got the core game engine done and a major portion of vehicles already and not to mention the infantry models. I'm not saying that there won't be improvements, but when you consider that this first version was built from scratch, the subsequnet ones won't take near as along. It's like the first one always takes the longest, but the next ones are easier because you know what you're doing by then. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 08-18-2000).]
  14. THIS JUST IN!!! Just finished the other three SPW 251 varients. (251/2, 251/9, 251/16) ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  15. CM RULZ CM ROX WAZAMAC ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. What you don't want to happen in CM...... Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: You'ld -tom w<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh what the Hell? Since I haven't been on here being my ol' Maximus Butticus self lately. I don't know, I must have missed that day in school, but I don't recall the contraction "you'ld" ever being used in the textboooks.
  17. OK, as a veteran member of this board, I can explain this whole thing. First of all, when you hit "GO!" the computer calculates the turn. So what happened here is that the computer calculated the JgPanther shooting at the Halftrack, NOT a shot at the Sherman that suddenly appeared. Think of it in terms of computational chronology. The shot at the Halftrack was computed before the Sherman rolled in front of the JgPanther. The results of the shot were calculated only to affect the Halftrack and not the Sherman. Whether the shot hit or missed the halftrack is inmaterial. Now, had the shot not gone off before the Sherman rolled in the Line of Fire and the tac-AI had enough time to change targets, then the shot would have been calculated for the Sherman. Secondly, again, what you see on the screen is a mere represention of what is actually inside the game engine. Whether it be on "realistic" scale or not makes not difference. You can notice this in how units will track LOS to another target through a building when the screen clearly shows that LOS should be blocked by the building. Try this, during the movie, select a tank that is targeting something moving and the target moves behind a house or something, that target line remains for a distance through the house. You see, within the game engine that house isn't exactly where you see it on screen. So it's the same with units. The units aren't exactly where you see them. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  18. Hi all, For those who don't know, I, Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo have made several winter mods that can be found on CMHQ's 3rd Party Mods section. Stephan Galambos and I have been working on winter textures in the past together. In fact, the winter Panther A that is up on the site now is a conglomeration between us two. Honestly I have been using our "co-mods" in my game for a couple of weeks now, including the Panthers, StuGs, and PzIVs. BUT I just wasn't totally satisfied. (No offense to Stephan, of course.) SO after more playing around with my paint program I have finally discovered how to "whiten-up" my original base "grayed" textures. So in the last couple of days really, since this past weekend I guess, I have been whitening-up my base gray textures with a more transparent effect than Stephan's method. Currently I have the following textures done: <UL TYPE=SQUARE> <LI> PzVIB King Tiger <LI> PzVIE Tiger <LI> PzV Panther G (late) <LI> PzV Panther G <LI> PzV Panther A <LI> JgPzV Jagdpanther <LI> PzIVG <LI> PzIVH <LI> PzIVJ <LI> JgPzIV <LI> JgPzIV (w/skirt) <LI> JgPzIV/70 <LI> StuGIIIG <LI> StuGIIIG (late) <LI> StuH42 <LI> SuH42 (late) <LI> StuGIV <LI> Nashorn <LI> Hummel <LI> Pz38(t) Hetzer <LI> FlammPz 38(t) Hetzer <LI> PSW 234/1 <LI> PSW 234/2 Puma <LI> PSW 234/3 <LI> PzIIL Lynx <LI> SPW 251/1 <LI> SdKfz 7 Gun Tractor <LI> SdKfz 7/1 Quad-20mm Flak* <LI> SdKfz 7/2 37mm Flak* <LI> German Truck <LI> Kubelwagen * Flak Guns not done at this time. Will try to get them done by this weekend, hopefully, or before Matt posts them. All of these textures belong to my set. Some have some shared files that are part of other vehicles. BUT once I get all of the German stuff redone, everything should and will fit together with no odd winterized texture on something that isn't winterized. I've already sent almost all of them to Madmatt and he sent word that he will start posting them next week in "Maximus Mod Week". I think you gus will really like these versions, especially the Panthers which I just did in the last 24 hours. The pathetic looking Panther G (late) conversion REALLY came out good. You'll probably start wanting to design snowy scenarios with this one in instead of the other versions. Want a screenshot of the Panthers before they are available at CMHQ? Email me at davem@shawneelink.net . Please don't request the textures themselves, for the zip file is ~1.3MB. The pictures are 110K each. (I have two, one from the front profile and one from the rear profile) In fact, I'll zip them up together. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  19. No, CM:BO, is not modelled in 32-bit color. This was brought up between the Gold Demo and Full version rlease period. It only uses 16-bit color. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  20. First of all, my picks are based on movie making in general, NOT on authenic equipment. Battle of Britain--Why?? Yes they used authenic planes and stuff, but the cinematography was pathetic. They reused the same footage over and over again with cheesy explosion effects. Granted the age of the film, but com'on! Battle of the Bulge--Again, bad cinematography and special effects coupled along with fake tanks. Anzio--bad acting. But how could anyone say that Apocaclyse Now was bad? That has got to be THE best Vietnam movie ever made. It showed a good representation of what river patrol boat life was like and the fear of getting off the boat and such. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  21. Just read it. Very interesting read indeed. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  22. Actually these have been made for quite some time. Both Stephan Galambos and I collaborated on these using my "base" textures and his "dirtying-up" method. Either of us were supposed to send them in to Madmatt. I assumed he did from a previous email, but I guess he never did. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  23. Well considering that CM started out as being Computer Squad Leader when BTS was teamed up with Avalon Hill. But since AH was sucked away by their now parent company, BTS continued to develop CM into something much greater. Let's ask this question. Have you ever wanted a computerized version of ANY classic board game? Whether it be ASL, D&D, Warhammer, etc.? Actually CM simulates WWII miniatures more than ASL's chip & die driven game system. I've been following CM since January 2000 when the Beta Demo was the only thing out. The comparison to ASL has come up many times and it is basically answered by my first sentence in this post. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  24. Sometime in August '99 I think. About the time when Hidden & dangerous came out. Wasn't impressed with it then. (Compared graphics to H&D and got turned off.) But then in January 2000 clicked on one of the advertisement banners and discovered that the Beta Demo was out. Downloaded the demo and got hooked when I heard the machineguns and tracers a flyin'. Became the notorious Forum member "Ol' Blood & Guts" and then during a Forum screw up I changed my name to "Maximus", so hence the name "Ol' Blood & Maximus (Butticus)" Now I just download scenarios and work on winter textures. For everything has been taked about already. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  25. Hey, that's great! That one looks a little easier to do a winter mod on. I'm gonna check it out and see what I can do for a winter one. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
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