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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MantaRay: And Canada. You don't get it until you take William Shatner back. Ray <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ahh, PriceLine.com won't like that. And then we wouldn't have anything to laugh at on TV.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by killmore: I always selected Wermacht. I did not expect king tiger - but I expected that Wermacht might get something as good as Panter at least once. That never happens! I think Panters should be as common as panzerIV by the end of the war. I got many pIVs but never a Panter. It just feels wrong. No heavier tanks - not even once. [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-21-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh, I just gotta. "There's an aweful lot of pantin' goin' on around here." I won't even touch the Wehrmacht one. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-21-2000).]
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker: How about that Anti-American "sediment", OBG? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What are you talking about? ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  4. I'm waiting for the "Lions, Tigers, & Bears" patch. Oh my! Forget the Cows.
  5. Steve, if you don't mind me asking, why won't you download the demo? Basically, the way CM works is like this. OK, consider the way a true turn-based game like Talonsoft's games are. You know. It's like I move, fire all my units and then they draw op-fire from the enemies units that still have enough reserve movement points left. Then the AI does its move and the same thing happens in reverse. Now consider RTS games where they all boil down to click-fests and so therefore very little actual strategy takes place. Enter COMBAT MISSION. CM has interwoven both of these styles of play in a way never before seen. First of all, you must unlearn everything you have learned from previous wargames. Why?? Because all other wargames have "gamey" tactics. CM has no gamey tactics. To win, you must do what makes sense. ie. Don't charge down a MG42 post without first supressing it with covering fire or mortar fire. Now, the way the actual "orders phase" and "simultaneous-exection phase" work is like this. Consider CM like a RTS but having a "pause" option to issue orders. First of all, the first "turn" is actually set-up. You place your units where ever you want within designated areas, using their command menu. What is a Command Menu? OK, when you select a unit (left-click), then right-click. A little menu pops up showing all available orders for that unit. In set-up phase, you'll use the commands: "Place", "Rotate", and now with the v1.01 patch, "Hide". Now, after setup. The first real turn starts. The game is still paused and now it's time to issue the units their commands using their command menu. Each unit-type has their own specific orders. AFVs have some unique orders while infantry have their own as well. Once you get the game and manual, I suggest you read through the menu commands. OK now. Using these commands, you can issue a whole string of different commands to the same unit. What you do is you drag movement/fire lines to where you want to move or to shoot at. Of course, to shoot at something, you must have LOS to the target. Each command has their own color of line. ie. "Run" is a light-bluish green line. "Move" is a dark-bluish green line. "Target" is a red line. "Smoke" is a white line. Now, once you have all your orders complete. You hit "GO!". The AI then does its orders (within the processor) then the CPU crunches both sides orders and then displays the results in a 60 second movie which represents 60 seconds of real-time battle. If you're wondering "Movie?" Yes, a movie. This means that you have no control over what happens in those 60 seconds. But never fear! CM has a special AI, called Tactical-AI that basically represents the will of the units to stay alive. During this movie, the Tac-AI will take over at anytime it sees fit to keep your units alive by either ducking for cover, popping smoke when a tank commander sees a serious threat that it can't immediately deal with, or switching targets when a more serious threat pops up that you didn't know about when you plotted your moves. This kind of AI is a first in the genre. Never before has there been an AI that did all of this. Well it has, but it's been a human monkey playing a RTS that thinks it can click faster than the computer. Point is, is that the Tac-AI does everything for you in the movie that you would have to do yourself in an RTS. Now, a little more about the movie. Since it is a movie, "Do we have VCR-like controls?". YES!! That's the greatest thing. Since CM is a fully 3D simulation there is no way possible to watch every little skirmish at the same time. So therefore, you can rewind the movie, scroll to a new "hot zone" and then hit play and watch what happened there. "Well, so what happens in a movie?" EVERYTHING! Tracers fly, infantry fire and/or run, tanks rumble down a street, artillery explosions going off everywhere, tank guns going off hoping to "brew" an enemy tank or roast some infantry with HE, buildings burn. Just imagine what a WWII miniatures game would look like on the computer with the CPU handling all the animations, tracers, and explosions as both sides moved simultaneously. And that my friend is what we call CM. Hope you liked CM 101. Come back tomorrow for Lesson 2: How to hold back your tears after the AI hands you your ass. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  6. Nevres--I doubt they'll start CM2 until they get the TCP/IP patch done. Also as for an add-on pack, well, maybe, but not likely. To get an add-on pack would mean to create all new models and specs. But if you mean more scenarios, etc. just look around the CM fan websites for those. With CM's editor, there'll be hundreds of new scenarios available soon. DrD--Get drunk and probably then bring on the dancing girls. Capt. Manieri--You already got drunk at the age of 14?? Then that explains everything. Steve Clark--You're not by any chance the dead guitarist from Def Leppard are ya? But anyway, the Civil War thing has been discussed in detail. Do a search about "Civil War" or "War of Northern Agression" or some **** like that. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  7. OH MAN!! A "joke" thread where the sarcastic replies are funnier than the "jokes". [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-21-2000).]
  8. The SoundBlaster Live! series is actually you're best bet. They have the EMU10K1 reprogrammable processor that can keep up with new sound developments. All you have to do is download the latest version of LiveWare! and you can maintain the latest in computer sound technology. I just bought a SB Live! X-Gamer for $100 US and it came with 3 full games. Can't beat that! The Live! series also has EAX sound (environmental sound) that lets you "bend" the sound to mimic certain particular environments. Like say you're playing Thief, a game that comes with it, set the EAX to "Stone Corridor" or "Stone Room" and it gives that echo effect like you would think that envirnment would make. For CM, the EAX setting that makes the most sense is "Forest". A couple others actually sound cool for some effects like the background explosions, but they don't sound right for the main action. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-21-2000).]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Well... obviously many of you are still wondering what is up with the USPS. Let me tell you that most of you are making an assumption that your order has already shipped. Only a few orders went out before Friday, some on Saturday, a LOT on Monday, and an even larger batch on Tuesday. There are more to go out on Wednesday, but I think these are all new orders (hard to tell). Steve <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hate to nit-pick here Steve, but I think we were all under the asumption that the "poster orders" were being processed and shipped last Wednesday and Thursday. With a large amount going out on Friday. So the question is, why did "a LOT (go out) on Monday, and an even larger batch on Tuesday"?? Just wondering why the descrepency. Or was it that during your coffee break the warehouse workers slacked off. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-21-2000).]
  10. OT-CCJ, but when are you gonna release Tweaked Textures v3.0?? ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  11. Finale me drem vil cum tru. (From that Euro-English theory) Finally, someone has seen my Genius level shine through. Thanx Andreas. Wondered just how long it would take for people to realize, that I'm not just ol' washed up OB&M. Well, this thread luckily stopped me from spouting off, 'cause the mail lady came again today at 9:30 and STILL no CM, and I'm like, "WHAT! YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" But still, how some really recent orders went out first is still a bit suspicious. That sounds like a mix-up in the BTS warehouse. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-21-2000).]
  12. Rune, I'll probably send you one based on my neighborhood when and if I ever get the damn game. See the thread "Scenarios based on your local neighborhoods" in this Forum ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-20-2000).]
  13. Lorak, I'll probably send you a scenario or two when and if I ever get the game. I'm gonna do a ficticious battle in my neighborhood. I've got a topo map of it from the internet at http://topozone.com so it should be pretty accurate. I think it'll be along the lines of 1400m x 1400m and called Buena Vista. In fact here's the actual map I'm drawing it off of. http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?lat=37.7372&lon=-88.5746&size=s&s=25 ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  14. Try this link. http://home.wanadoo.nl/edwin.vos/cm/scen/guns.htm
  15. John, aren't you the one that only has 2MB of VRAM? If so, then that is your problem. With the iMac you need at least 4MB or is it 6MB? ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  16. You ain't kidding!! What gives on all these "junior members" (no offense ) getting their copies first over us "veteran members" that have ordered at least SIX months ago. Blackhorse on another thread similar to this one had an interesting theory in that the original post office actually started shipping the later orders first. Kinda like a stack thing. You know the early orders were brought in first. Then the later orders were stacked on top of them and then the ones on top (which of course were the late orders) were shipped out first leaving the early orders to be shipped later than the late orders. But all I know is that if I don't get my copy tomorrow, then I'm going to become seriously discombobulated. I am real anxious to start working on my ficticious neighborhood scenario. Could be fun to watch a King Tiger blow apart your neighbor's house at 600m, eh?
  17. I haven't gotten the game yet, but I have gone through all the new sound .wav's and they're pretty damn cool. I like the HIGH-ACTION sounds for infantry casulaties. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  18. Still haven't gotten mine either. You know, I 'll have to agree with Blackhorse. The USPS probably got the damn palletes (or whatever they went to the PO in) ass-backwards in their shipping. Sent out the late ones first and early ones later. I hate to say "It figures." But again after working in a postal service, I've seen that **** does happen in order of delivery, etc.. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-20-2000).]
  19. I had the problem earlier, but I'm getting through now. I think Steve lied to us that the earliest orders went out first. It appears the later you ordered the sooner you're getting it. I'm serious. I mean look at who's getting it and who's not. People who ordered in April - June have already gotten it. And those of us that have ordered way before that are still waiting. Whaz up wit dat?? ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-20-2000).]
  20. You know, what's ironic to me is that Celerons usually are the ones that have NO problems. I haved a Celeron-433 and it hasn't had any problems with anything so far. Might be the on-board cache memory that other CPUs don't have.
  21. I know if I don't get it tomorrow, I'm going to be seriously discombobulated. I originally thought that I'd probably get it on Tuesday or Wednesday, but when so many got it yesterday, I'm thinking great! since it went through our major distribution center. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  22. OK, first off. Ordered in January. Mail lady just went by at 9:30am and no CM!!! What gives???? Steve, got an answer for this? You said the primary factor in delivery is when you ordered, not where you live. People that ordered in June have gotten their orders already!! While some of us that ordered way earlier haven't gotten it yet. Now, having worked in the postal service before, I know how the system works. If you live near a major distribution center (usually a large city), then you'll get a package sooner (usually the same day that that center sorts the mail). But if you live in the "sticks", so to speak, it takes a little longer as it goes through an extra or two minor distribution centers before it reaches the local post offices. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-20-2000).]
  23. For math, programming equations in your calculator always worked for me. Except, I could never remember what they were for. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  24. Yeah, I'd say you should/could/would disband the Yahoo club. Everytime I try going there, there is no one logged in. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
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