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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. What's a Mac, again? I had a Big Mac for lunch, never heard of an Apple Mac. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  2. They have been made. It's just they have never been sent in. I'm sending you the file now. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JOCHEN PEIPER: Are "DIAMOND VIPER V770" good ??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have a Diamond Viper V770 TNT2 Ultra also. I'm using the latest Diamond drivers from 2/3/00 (I think) v4.12.01.0368. The good thing about TNT2-based cards is that they handle transparencies and typically render better quality images than Voodoo3s and under. They aren't quite as fast as Voodoos, because they offer more and better features than older Voodoos. My Viper does display some blocky smoke, but ONLY when you position the camera within the smoke itself. But I contribute that to the ol' graphics "clipping" bug. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wadepm: 30 miles south of Chicago<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Kankakee? I'm from Harrisburg, IL, USA ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  5. Yes this whole thing was discussed a couple of months ago. It also included doing a FOW map where the map would change dramatically. The question was brought up like "Should we be able to know exactly where every dip in the terrain is and where every tree is?" Well, things were being talked about as to placing a black "shroud" over the map until proper recon was done. But in CM's scale, it is assumed that recon was done prior to battle and that the commanders already had a general map of the area. Actually having a black shroud over any RTS game or what have you is simply unrealistic anyway. Look at empire building games. Like the Roman Empire didn't know that there was a mountain just 5 miles away. To have your own units disappear if "out of contact" is very unrealistic also. You mean, those troops don't know where they are? Darwin is right. There comes a timet where gameplay and realsim comes to a point in which one or the other destroys the other. That is in fact why these are called games and not real-life or simulations. The fact is that BTS did a very good job in depicting FOW while maintaining excellent gameplay. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fangorn: Philistine, Well, let's just say that this case is even more hairer than those I've seen in college The big problem is, what CCJ has one (if he did it) may not be a crime in Oz, which means that, even if that's a crime under US state or federal law, he can't be sued. Anyway, I really doubt that he could be extraditaded as he's an Australian citizen. Imagine an case that's what is a crime under a state law and not in another, as the gunman example. If that's not a crime to that state, can he be sued in the other one?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you wanna start extriditing everybody that has a warez or pirated copy, you better start getting ready for the MILLIONS of Chinese that are guilty of that. The fact of the matter is that they can't even sell a legal copy in China because just across the street a pirated copy sells for $1. I mean JEEZ, the man has been busting his balls creating excellent textures for CM and he tries to get a little headstart on full version stuff and you all just start screaming at him for wanting to get a jump on things. Very sad, very sad indeed! ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  7. So Fionn...I bet you never taped anything off of TV. You broke copyright laws.....you THIEF!!! I bet you never taped one of your so precious football (soccer) games off of TV to watch it later. "This game is copyrighted and can only be reproduced or re-broadcast via expressed written consent of the National Football League (or whatever)" Now how many of you have ever written a letter to the NFL asking if you could tape a game??? Answer: NEVER! So let's get off of this stupid subject. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  8. OK, I'm a little "iffy" on this whole thing. Now how many of you have ever made a pirated copy of 1) A music cassette or CD. 2) A video tape. 3) Taped a show/movie off of TV. 4) Recorded songs off of the radio. 5) Downloaded free MP3s off of sites like Napster Hell, I even know someone that gets boot-leg copies of first run movies while they are still at the theaters using home video cameras. The point is that ALL of this media is copyrighted. The law is is that you can do this, you just can't SELL pirated copies for your own profit. So downloading a warez copy of a program is not a whole lot different, now is it. Now if CCJ, sold a copy of it, then that's a different story. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  9. And don't forget my winter infantry camo MODS. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  10. You are playing the Gold Demo I assume. Chance Encounter WAS the third scenario, hence the 'ce' in the zip file name. The other two scenarios in the Beta Demo are in the full game, and so is Chance Encounter for that matter. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  11. Try deleting the prefs file and restarting the game. It'll reset it to your desktop res. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: It looks like Oddball hit that Panther with a few "special" rounds.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, but those "special" rounds make pretty pictures. But it scares the hell out of them also. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  13. Honestly, I haven't been monitoring this board since I got the game. Why should I? No need to. I have been playing it, working on winterized textures, downloading new textures and scenarios. I subscribed to TGN's Scenario Depot and I get an email everytime a new scenario is uploaded. Someday, I hope to learn web page creating and hope to create my own page with CM stuff like textures. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  14. Check out the review here. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo
  15. Must be from the salvation of all disgruntled gamers from mediocre games and gaming companies to which there IS a game company that can make a great bug-free game. Bug-free as in no show-stopping bugs. And as the reviews say, the graphics aren't on par with the current 3D offerings...well, as BTS has said many times before...many people over estimate what today's hardware is capable of. For a game that is totally rendered with polygons, it's gonna take a decent to high-end computer to handle this game. We're not talking 2D or 2D/Isometric here anymore. And for people who keep complaining about sprites for trees, well let me know when everybody has a 2GHz CPU w 2GB of RAM and 256MB 3D cards. To do a fully 3 dimensional tree would take a tremendous amount of polygons. I'm not bitching, I just roll my eyes when I see a review knocking the graphics in CM. It's like, "Ooo, a 3D game, let's compare it to QuakeIII." Not the same thing, bub. ------------------ Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ. Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 08-01-2000).]
  16. Adding memory at least up to 128MB is your first priority. Lowering the tree density also helps. I myself have a: Celeron-433 128MB RAM 32MB D-Viper V770 TNT2 Ultra SB Live! X-Gamer w/LiveWare 3.0 I usually play with "sparse tree coverage".
  17. I don't know fellas, but it seems to be Voodoo related. I have TNT2 Ultra and haven't had anything like that at all. I hate to say it, but there just goes to show ya what a great product 3Dfx puts out. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Can Gold Demo scenarios be played in Final Version?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> YES The Beta Demo scenarios couldn't be because of different file format, but the Gold Demo ones can. However, any PBEM games from one version to the next won't be compatible due to bug fixes from patch to patch. If scenarios based on the Gold Code weren't compatible between demos and/or patches then any scenarios written for say, v1.01 wouldn't be compatible with the the upcoming v1.03 patch. Now that would be stupid, wouldn't it??? Yes, Valley of Trouble is compatible with the full version. That was one of the first things I copied into the full version along with v1.01 patch. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 07-26-2000).]
  19. Well, let's just take a look at the phrase "Hitler's relatives". OK, so can you imagine how one of them introduces themselves. "Hello, I'm Tomas Hitler." Just how far do you think that person is going to go in life. BTW, viewpoint taken from Jay Leno's monologue from a couple nights ago. Com'on people, the whole thing is a joke. Which brings up another point. Since when did anybody else other than the author receive royalties??? That's like Jesse Ventura's relatives suing for royalties off of "I ain't got time to bleed" 40 years from now. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  20. I must chime in and say...forgeddaboutit. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  21. My uniforms are up at CMHQ!!! ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  22. Hello all, as some of you may know, I have been working on winterized textures for CM. I have done the COMPLETE set of German vehicles and equipment. (Although not available to download yet. Gotta compile zips for them all.) Today I whipped out a winter version of all of the uniforms in the game. I have sent Madmatt the file and it should be up within a couple days. These are really cool. I think you'll like them. I discovered a new technique while doing the uniforms, so I may go back and try to apply it to some of my vehicles to get a more realistic effect. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  23. HELL, .30 cal MGs can take out Pumas! Unless my Intel was fogged over. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  24. I'm away from the house, 300 miles away to be exact. I won't be back home till late Monday evening. But I plan on working on the Panthers next. Stephane Galambos emailed me before I left and he said that he downloaded my SPW250s to replace his. He also said he downloaded my Tiger and King Tiger. So apparently he's endorsing my work as well. I will eventually do all the German stuff. These will probably maintain the underlying detail due to the use of a filter in my paint program. I'll wait till CCJ's JgTiger comes out before I do that one. Err, umm the JgTiger isn't even available in the winter months is it??? DOH!!! I have figured out a little more about my paint program and may try to some new camo patterns on the Panther G (early) model. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
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