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Everything posted by Darwin

  1. Damn I am jealous! Sounds like a wargamers dream vacation, we're definitely going to want a full AAR with photo's upon your return
  2. Sometimes it is just so freackin ugly, someone gets a few lucky kills that tip the battle and it snowballs from there. There are occasions when a surrender and new set up are preferable for both parties IMO.
  3. It's so dificult sometimes expressing emotions. You've done a smash up job Elvis, really impressed.
  4. I have a fast connection and the pages all load well, I think the layout looks really good for the AAR's. If you have the webspace and gumption you could allways make a simpler version for modem users.
  5. Entirely dependent on what tankls I've got vs what tanks the opponent has. If I feel I have the stronger armor ie Jagdtiger, konigstiger, etc I will try to engage at as long a distance as possible. When my armor is weaker I will try to close the gap first. Regardless always try to get as large a local superiority as possible.
  6. Call me gamey but I'm playing one now with a small horde of wasp's torching everything in sight. Not historic but very fun. I'm hoping to get all the good cover on his side of the map in flames, we'll see how it goes
  7. Oh no, a bunch of infantry fans... I've generally found the better an opponent is with his infantry the more difficult he is to beat. It is with infantry I wish to improve the most. One of my favorite opponents is an infantry wizard, always makes me pay for my rashness but god when I beat him it is pure sweetness ------------------ Mad Gamers Society http://users1.50megs.com/lokesa/
  8. When I'm too blasted to give a my opponents a fair showing I'll play infantry (free online large multiplayer sci fi) Chain of Command was fun for a bit but they're still using the same 3 maps from 2 years ago. I can't play it anymore! I'll probably buy unfinished business when it comes out (add on for Jagged Alliance 2) CM really has my gaming interest covered. Sure I'll check other stuff out but I don't think it'll be surpased for a while.
  9. Yes, These Mad Matt and Fionn getting together has definitely been a boon for the CM community. Thanks for all the time you two have invested
  10. Excellent CEO, I was hoping to get a piece after seeing how you manhandled Berli. Be gentle Thanks for the replies, I'm good for now.
  11. You apes think you're going to live forever? send me a set up. ------------------ Mad Gamers Society http://users1.50megs.com/lokesa/
  12. I think having Berli and Goanna around we get all the estrogen we need for a forum such as this
  13. Sorry about that Michael. It's all the advertising my free site forces on me. As it's just for fun, it'll have to do for now
  14. First a bonus article giving some ambiance <a href="http://users1.50megs.com/lokesa/games/ranch.html" TARGET=_blank> <a href="http://users1.50megs.com/lokesa/games/escape.html" TARGET=_blank> Note these are loaded with images, those with slower connections have been warned. Also note that you can reach episode 2 through the ranch but I wanted to show off the cool banners.
  15. Only 10 reviews so far. Your input will have an immediate effect on the rating. Check it out.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: You could just admend that law and state that all screenshots need to be taken by me! Madmatt <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Your video card or the kid gets it.
  17. I got my game Isn't having a constantly growing pool of user made scenarios cool
  18. Sounds brutal, who wants to play it blind?
  19. Amazon.com lol I was thinking pay per view instead
  20. There is a point where gameplay and realism conflict and this is one of them. As realism icreases here gameplay goes down with the exteeme being the game as a topo map with simulated runners and radio messages. Sure it could be tweaked either way but I think the the game does a good job of it. As it is now even though I, the player, know there is an enemy tank across the ridge my shermans on the field are as yet unaware of it until they get LOS. It works
  21. Put up the first chapter to <a href="http://users1.50megs.com/lokesa/games/trial.html" TARGET=_blank> Click on the image to check it out.
  22. yeah, feeling your pain. Last friday? Must be rough
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