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Everything posted by Darwin

  1. Cover and I have been doing something along the lines of what your doing Foobar. My idea was to start real small just a shot out platoon half green or so but as he does the maps I've started as an elite company of american para's with different support units attaching for the various battles he creates for me. We've played 3 of the battles so far and he has the 4th ready for me now. We haven't been keeping track of all the details and instead he sits nearby and watches me play against the ai(smirking mostly as I deal with his traps etc) and then makes the next map based from a good feel for the conditions of my troops. The good thing about playing these against the ai is you can play a game through quickly. The downside is that the ai cant compete with better players and so has to be stacked or the player must be given unreasonable orders to make it challenging. I might do a series for him when we're done though but on a very small scale. Keep it small but with greater detail and maybe play them pbem not to destroy him but to have more GM control over what goes on.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kevin Peltz: I had told myself that when version 1.03 was released, I would stop coming to this forum, as lately it has at times taken directions that have upset me greatly. 1.03 is here, and I am gone- but I feel compelled to say thank you to pretty much everybody who ever posted on this board: each post I have read (which is virtually all of them) has either increased my knowledge in some way, or has given me cause for reflection in others. For this I am indebted to all of you. Especially though, I would like to thank Steve and Charles for CM, and to Fionn, MadMatt, KwazyDog, Moon, and the many others who have laboured on the game either directly or indirectly to bring it to the level it has reached today. What is interesting about CM is that even though it is putting a new spin on wargaming, it has brought back, for me, the same fun and excitement I used to get 30+ years ago when I first played "cardboard and paper." Until now, that excitement has been missing- I'm glad it has finally returned...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bummer, does it have to be concrete? Good luck in everything, sorry to see you go. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>posted by Bad Ju Ju "10 percent troublemakers." If I stopped going to work to avoid the 10 percent of morons, idiots, and real world ALL CAPS dolts I deal with, why, my mortgage wouldn't be paid. Although Kevin is of course free to stop reading and posting here, to me it is his loss as much as ours. Could it be I detect a little "I was here first" elistism?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The forum we have today is a completely different forum from the forum of old. Not saying it's better or worse but it is definitely a different experience. I too miss the old forum but enjoy todays forum nevertheless. Since beta my attittude towards the forum has changed greatly, and now that we have the game I'm afraid to read any serious game related posts for fear of not having the enjoyment of discovering the details myself. Like Fionn said, I don't blame them one bit
  3. I played a bit of squad leader back in the day, that and third reich.
  4. PIAT's??? I hate 'em, bunch of whiners, allways complaining "we're tired", "I'm weary", "can we have some tea now?". I fudged some paperwork and got them on the navy payroll, the daily rum allotment seems to help considerably. As for their effectiveness... They absolutely rock, nothing like taking out armor with a spring loaded weapon
  5. Nice review. It's obvious that you love the game but the review doesn't come across as biased. Your inclusion of "cons" although minimal lends credibility to the review. Written to the non-grognard I could definitely see it as enticing new players to check it out. Thank you for supporting our patron developer BTS.
  6. Ah my evil Nemesis It's been so long since I've gotten a file from you, I've had to resort to making silly articles as a CM fix Hurry up and die already, SEND FILE!
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dNorwood: A while back there was an extensive discussion of the various means of relieving yourself w/o leaving the computer.... Do a search<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bwuahaha Matted straw LOL
  8. Wow, interesting. I'm about 50, 55 turns into a pbem game of "all or nothing" as Brits and "think" I'm dominating. I expected you to say it was weighted in favor of the brits... With such a strong defensive position though I can see how it could play entirely different than my game has gone. Tell you what, after I finish playing it through, I'll drop you a note. If you're still interested we'll mix it up.
  9. That is freackin cool Kingfish, very clean layout. Going to have to get a west coast version going so we can have tourney between chapters.
  10. Thank you sin, appreciated. And the rest of you? take a peek. go ahead, I dare ya.
  11. Neat, Smack dab in the middle of a bunch of pbem's I think I'll wait to check it out but it's still nice to see BTS on top of it. Again, beautiful game guys.
  12. Hey guys, I just put another short piece together. Click on the image to check it out. <a href="http://users1.50megs.com/lokesa/games/hero.html" TARGET=_blank> [This message has been edited by Darwin (edited 07-27-2000).]
  13. Warning possible spoilers ahead for the "All or Nothing" scenario [This message has been edited by Darwin (edited 07-27-2000).]
  14. The Pbem part is pretty simple, when you get the game post here asking for a butt whoopin. There are several people here who like to prey on new players...
  15. If I remember correctly BTS stance was that bridges required a bit of work, time, and a lot of HE(more than a few satchel charges) to destoy. Beyond the scope of CM.
  16. Trooper, your no reserve strategy is valid and probably works well but their are myraid tactics of various strengths and weaknesses. Some keep almost everything in reserve while probing with a minimal force till targets are identified and prioritized. This also is a valid strategy. As to which is better I would say it is mostly situationally dependent with your personal style playing big as well. I like to have reserves if at all possible.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by howardb: the CC engine is sooooo Pentium 75 today.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> With CM I may finally be able to stop playing the old DOS games
  18. Thats the one. Thanks it's now bookmarked
  19. Those booklets were pretty cool, I had them for WWI fighters, battlemechs and medievil/fantasy fighters. The battletech series made the booklets much more complicated, I definitely preferred the simpler dogfight and hand to hand versions.
  20. I remember someone posting a link to a site with short avi's of German armor. You might dig it up in a search.
  21. Have you guys looks at Steve's "Page O' Camo"? It's on this site under resources.
  22. I wish I had caught this conversation sooner. My current job is front captain in a fine dining establishment. And as such get to schmooze good wines all the time, tonight for example I started with stonestreet chardonay followed by a saintsbury pinot noir We serve a variety of scotch's mentioned here too bad they're not for me. I will take a port every once in a while though, they go so well with dark chocolate. As for beer I got hooked on Maudite off this forum, an excellent barley wine reminiscent of apple cider. Didn't care too much for sing ha but love the Sapporo dark germanboy mentioned.
  23. Too funny, I seem to sense a wee bit of biterness there SS regarding this unnamed companies multiplayer.
  24. Print screen generally works fine on the PC. For those of us with a banshee video cardn (and I would assume others as well) however we need a program like hypersnap to capture screens during the video playback.
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