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Everything posted by Darwin

  1. Yours can be attributed to user malfunction Mine was strictly AI work. By the way when I said I was going with the default setup, I mean I go with the units as deployed by the AI and try to make the best of it.
  2. Awesome BTS. Good for you guys (and us the gamers as well) You have put a lot into this game and it is definitely appreciated A hearty congradulations to the BTS crew
  3. In one of my games a Humbar started out inside a small building and I can't get him out. I probably could have placed him elsewhere during setup but have been going with the default setup for my blind games and didn't realize his problem till the orders phase. I would assume this could also happen to reinforcements and they are deployed by the AI as well.
  4. Slightly related, I finally was able to use a flamethrower team effectively by torching a building forcing the occupants out into a hail of gunfire. It was very satisfying
  5. What a fine display of me being supportive
  6. I'm going to have to go on assumptions here as I always play with full FOW. It seems as though no FOW would create an entirely different game. There would be no ambushes, no way for the defender to hide his troops or have a hidden fresh platoon for a late game suprise. On a map such as VoT the germans wouldn't have a chance in hell vs any solid commander. Not that playing without FOW doesn't involve strategy but the scenarios would have to be redesigned for play balance. As it is now to play without FOW would give the advantage directly to the attacker. For me a large aspect of the game is the scouting and manouvering before the heavy action. Most of what I'm trying to do in the beginning of a game is locate and identify as much of the enemy as possible looking for clues as to his thinking. To be able to see all my opponents units from the start would take away a huge element of the game and would not reward many historically successful tactics making it a less realistic portrayal of WWII in my opinion.
  7. Jesus, as soon as I post this, my mail comes back online ...
  8. My freackin email is down. They estimate that it will stay that way for at least another 4 hours. My icq # is 10139683 And I will be leaving it on for most of the day. I need those files !!!
  9. Hello women of the board. I am on a streak and would hate to see it falter but need fresh meat for blind Pbem'ing. Who is up for default set-up blind games?
  10. HR's got it too. Now that the full version is out, I'm going to have to start pushing it again
  11. Foobar, you will s**t bricks, it is soooo good I'm saving everything I can for blind, send me any file other than an operation or any of the first 7 battles
  12. San Diego has recieved the blessed CM Baby!!! Killmore and Lawson, I'll be expecting files from you guys shortly
  13. I considered naming this thread satisfaction but knew it would just be taken as a "game recieved" post. I just played this guy on VoT with him as Americans. He began by smoking the entire battlefield and rushing platoons up both flanks. He got smoked, game over, Axis major victory... Anyhow, amazing tactic. I see how it could easily ruin someone. I've allways used smoke, or have tried to use smoke, as precisely as possible. Never had I grasped using it, nor had I ever seen it used, to such an extent. I remember reading posts back when the first beta was released from people who had gotten the treatment but failed to appreciate it's beauty not having experienced it myself. I heartily thank my vanquished foe for sharing this most excellent tactic with me for future modification and possible use
  14. I think I preordered in september but the wait was much longer than that.
  15. What to say, at a loss for words here but needing to respond. I started following the board what seems like 3 years ago??? I came interested in "Achtung Spitfire" and found a squad leader incarnation in the works. I was immediately interested. These guys have allways been open to suggestion and debate and have modified their game from interaction with us the gamers. I think that is awesome. As for the game itself happy is an understatement I see CM as a tool for wargaming that is eminently playable. I cannot stand the carboard counter look and prettier games generally lack the depth and historical realism to satisfy me. CM absolutely rocks, it is beautiful to the eye as well as being a detailed simulation, a battleground for competion. The editor... God, unlimited wargaming!!! The ability to create or recreate any f*****g battle we want in an envirionment as nice as CM's... This is dreamgame for me guys. The only question I have is in the size of the operations. Will it satisfy? I think so. There will allways be things left out and more that could be done but there also comes a time to let things go and CM's time is here now. Thank you BTS
  16. Mousepads and coffee mugs would be neat...
  17. AH, thanks Charles. Perhaps I had a misunderstanding with my opponent, it is my impression that after I had eliminated everything he had including his reinforcements he had a morale level of 0% and still the AI did not surrender for him. I'll post further when I can confirm this.
  18. In respect of Strider and other german VoT players, the VoT scenario is balanced for blind play. For "non-blind" games Germans need luck to win whereas with Allies good play is sufficient. As for the morale level difference I had a solid 85% at the end. I am waiting to see if I can get his password to investigate further.
  19. I just had an interesting Pbem experience. As Allies in VoT I was trying to crush my opponent forcing an AI surrender before his reinforcments arrived. At around turn 15 I stepped it up and had eliminated or captured all remaining Germans on turn 16, no surrender. Turn 17 reinforcements show up and are imediately destroyed, still no AI surrender. My opponent had no troops and 0% morale yet still had to manually surrender. That can't be right...
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