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Everything posted by Darwin

  1. Canada... Yer screwed From following the board it seems Canadiens recieved their orders around 6 to 8 months after ordering on average. As a new order however you can be expecting it shortly.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Beman: BWAHAHAHA AAHHAHAHAHHAAAH...urk {dies} DjB<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> must have been the pate...
  3. It started out innocently enough pretending sticks were guns or that our friends were from some other culture that needed to be removed...
  4. I seem to remember a discussion regarding ambushes and how units should be expected to react to it. From what I recall the consensus was that a typical reaction for highly trained troops would be to charge the ambushers. Was it an ambush situation from the men on the fields perspective?
  5. http://combathq.thegamers.net/ They have a lot going on, check it out.
  6. hmmm, posting pics... Several ways you can do this but they all require you to first post the pics somewhere else on the web first and then link to the pics from here. The simplest method is to use the UBB code as described in the link avaliable just underneath the submit reply button when making posts.
  7. It's all in good fun. Berli actually encouraged me to post the URL so... I'm glad you liked the shots, hypersnap helps tremendously.
  8. "what were you drinking, i want some." House special called a tricky dickey screwdriver, one part alcohol, 2 parts purple cool-aid and a jigger of formaldahyde from the jar with Hitler's brain we got in the back storeroom...
  9. OK disclaimer, I wasn't going to post this URL till I was happy with it, but this piece just has to be let out now. Also it's a SPOILER for the Chambois scenario In relation to the thread "things are getting serious..." check out Berlichtingen's Woes [This message has been edited by Darwin (edited 07-09-2000).]
  10. This message Posted By COVER From Darwins Computer. I forgot to log in as me..... It is with a heavy heart that the Proud survivors of the Polish Armored Brigade accepted surrender from the Fleeing German crews at Chambois. Losses were high on both sides, and several well beloved men of the Polish Brigade lost thier lives that day. The great General Berlictingen himself was captured hiding out in a basement, as the remnants of a broken 2nd Panzer div. fled eastward towards thier homeland. In an amazing show of courage several crews from abandoned vehicles charged determined German support crews covering thier comrades escape. The Germans escaped with some vehicles to saftey, including at least one Tiger. 2 Panther G's. 3 StugIII's, 3 Panzer4's, and several support vehicles were knocked out Polish losses also ran high... all but 2 Sherman 5's and a few support vehicles were knocked out, with several beyond repair. Cpl. Kochanovski (PIAT) and Sgt Klimek (Inf) are up for medals for bravery under fire. Sgt Klimek and his brave men lost thier lives. Corporal Kochanovski (PIAT) is now leading the Heavy Weapons section after a field commision to 2nd Lt. from his grateful CO after the battle. His exellent marksmanship at long range destroyed an enemy Panther G and surely saved the liveas of many of his comrades. The Pols have had thier revenge at last. And to answer your question Berli.... Yes I did have some more tanks.... [This message has been edited by Darwin (edited 07-09-2000).] [This message has been edited by Darwin (edited 07-09-2000).]
  11. I was a bit under the influence when I posted it, glad it went over
  12. [This message has been edited by Darwin (edited 07-08-2000).]
  13. I have yet to get a kubelwagon but I would assume they can tow light artillery pieces around. Am I wrong? These in itself is a huge benefit...
  14. Got to love those crack piat teams What do they go for anyways? Must be about 20 points or so... I wonder if they'd be worth their cost... I guess if was to take out a pzII or a marder they'd have paid for themselves or maybe a pzIV or even a halftrack eh. But boy oh boy, imagine if I was to bag something big like a Jagdtiger. Man would that be cool. Using a pissant to squash the beast just like something out of the bible. Yes, I would be pretty darned happy if I pulled something like that off, elated even. On the other hand, if the tables were turned and I lost a JT to a measly piat... Better to just not go there GG
  15. When you eyes blur and you have to squint when looking at the monitor... When your fingers hurt and there are sore spots on the palms of your hand from resting them on the keyboard. When you get to see the sun rise on a regular basis. When you find the drunken 20ish blond across from you at the bar entirely boring as you visualize your next moves against Berli.
  16. I've gotten a hetzer once so far and threw it away imediatly I lost it to a top hit from a zook, I really have to start seeing those things as threats... As to the Panther being easily taken out, play with it a bit more and you'll see it often take ricochet after ricochet while calmly destroying the Allied armor.
  17. Pressing "C" while holding down the shift key will change you unit scaling.
  18. Have you played Jagged Alliance 2 yet? If not, you could probably get it real cheap and it's a lot of fun. You might want to check out some of the free online multiplayer beta's out there like CoC at http://www.2am.com or infantry at http://www.harmlessgames.com
  19. It seems that posting about my mail being down is the most effective way of getting it back up. Once again it seems to be running fine...
  20. My email seems to be having another fit. will have icq open for a bit till I'm off to work around 4 pm PST.
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