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Everything posted by Darwin

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Must admit to the best laugh(s) I've had in a long time... 3 zooks against 1 Hetzer in the fog... Hetzer 3, zooks 0<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Laughs??? I was screaming!!! At least all those inept zooks are dead now, some slight satifsaction...
  2. I come here to you today with my head hung low in shame. My forces were valiant but eventually worthless against one hetzer in the fog, giving Berlichtingen his first win over me. Props to Berli, good game (BITCH)
  3. mmmmm, sedatives yummy They're within the compound, fire on my position...
  4. Hey Germanboy, you seem to smack Berli around a lot. It's fun huh? Just beating his ass time and time again
  5. Here I thought this thread would be comparing dead guys to crawling guys in their effectiveness. A note on such, don't crawl when under direct assault...
  6. Project at work??? Maybe now's a good time for unemployment
  7. CM fills my gaming needs at this level, was interested in Shogun as it was being developed but... Not that I don't play other games but at this level CM monopolizes all the time avaliable.
  8. Anyone ever read the Genji mono gattari or tale of genji?
  9. I liked all the Clavell work I've read. Check out Noble House too. Was King Rat from Clavell also? Ran was my least favorite of the kurosawa films, loved Yojimbo though. The musashi novels were great. Movie's were alright but I had the books first... How about the Seven Samurai that was pretty cool movie too
  10. ok, so I spend all this time on a freackin scenario only to accidently save over it! Be aware when you go to load another scenario into the editor you will be promted to save the one currently in the editor, pat attention...
  11. interesting Quote you have Paladin, I like it. If there must be music it must be punk
  12. If I lose this one my tally with Berli will drop to 6 and 1 I believe but I haven't lost it yet The funniest part is that in the beginning of our email battles he was very vocal nowadays I'm lucky to get a "back to you"
  13. I had 2 conscript squad with an HQ hidden in a building. When the enemy got near the squad that had LOS to them surrendered even though he was right next to a friendly squad and HQ unit and although fighting has been severe in the area this cluster of buildings hadn't been involved, I dont even think the amis had spotted them out yet. Although disapointing I couldn't help but laugh, what was I to do with these guys
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Quentin: I guy I know who used to play a whole lotta ASL once did something that was probably even gamey-er. (For those of you who know him, it was Gary Fortenbery). He had a PzIV in a '45 scenario where the Ruskies had a IS-2, or some such massive heavy tank. The other guy was laughing at him as he pulled up next to some woods that separated the tanks. Gary then makes his task check to dismount the crew and enter the woods. Next turn during defensive fire they make their Panzerfaust roll and pop a hole in the IS-2. Next turn they hop back in the Pv-Iv and drive away... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sounds beautifully done to me
  15. I believe he is correct, not registered until confirmed. On a side note I think the ladder will seem screwy until we load it up with tons of games. You aren't playing enough people
  16. I'll play you a game, have you finished out the included scenarios yet? You played a lot of CoC didn't you?
  17. That's your work kwazy? Good job (on the scenario as a whole) I'm around 35 turns into it. The logistics on that map are more troublesome than the enemy fire
  18. Coffee cans are a must. Having downstairs neighbors, I really cant be dumping my filth out the window every 5 seconds. It's best to store it up and wait for the opportune times. 5 hours sleep on a good day maybe *sheesh*
  19. Was wondering what side you were on, the my stugs part kind of seals it though. Sounds like you did good. [This message has been edited by Darwin (edited 07-16-2000).]
  20. I use and like hypersnap, it's the only one I have experience with though so I can't compare it to others. Get it free here http://www.hyperionics.com/
  21. Ouch Thomas, a preorder even... I don't know when you ordered but we'll assume you missed going out on the first batch, figure in how recently any people in the Netherlands have gotten their orders and possible mail lags and it's still reasonable... Definitely send Steve an email though, as a preorder I'd have expected it to have arrived already.
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