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Everything posted by pad152

  1. Well I guess we always figured Paradox other publishers made up release dates, I guess this confirms it! So Paradox is going to sell it for only $39.95? Wow!
  2. I don't see Vista listed in the requirements, will it run on Windows Vista?
  3. Hey Moon Sorry about the price/cost confusion in my earlier post, go ahead and delete it if you want!
  4. Wow, so the game will only be $35? ($45 - $10 pre-order)
  5. After looking over the current batch of previews and screen shots, I've yet to see any thing more then a dozen infantry units. Is there some limit to the number of infantry? Can you setup a company size(40-50 men) infantry battle.
  6. Will SF suffer from limited units types? Let's face it, we have been spoiled with the number of different unit types in each of the Combat Mission games. In Shock Force only have one Allied Tank, Hummers, Bradlys, Strykers, and trucks, so will the game suffer from the limited unit types or will Shock Force be more of a infantry game so it won't really matter?
  7. Can you switch modes RT/WeGo once a battle/mission is started? What about swithing modes with saved games are loaded?
  8. They already said they would release a demo, so when available see how it runs on your system.
  9. I guess Jim Cobb didn't read Madmatt's review before giving it "War Game of the Year" Award!
  10. What's the offical word on a TOW Demo?
  11. I would love to see BattleFront do a Naval Game! Distant Guns - Uck! I want to play a game not watch a movie, you can't even order a torpedo only attack! The campaing can't hold a candle to WITP (War in the Pacific) or WPO (War Plan Orange). There hasn't been a good naval game sense Great Naval Battles.
  12. Looking at the screen shots I see time remaining? Timed Missions? Yuck, the only thing worst than timed missions are timed missions in an RTS game! I really hope this is something the player can turn-off (optional) during the start of a battle!
  13. infantry vs infantry - I wonder if it's possible to set up an infantry VS. infantry battle with in the game? Reading about the Russian version it almost sounds like the game is all about armour and infantry are pretty useless.
  14. The Mac is becoming nothing more than a Windows machine, get over it! When are you going to have a Mac version of that software? Just install and run Windows on it! :eek: A year or so from now, nobody will be making software for the Mac.
  15. Well with little or no animation in the game yet (remember the call for 3D animators a month or so ago?), it look's like the game is still 6 - 8 months away. Depending on how much animation is going into the game it could still be a year or more away!
  16. I always wondered what type of mutual defense exists for Asia, if China goes after Taiwan. Would Japan, South Korea, or the land of Oz get involved? Or would our Asian allies in the region just join the rest of the world and run to the U.N. and yell mommy make them stop!
  17. What control if any do you have with aircraft?
  18. I think a psych major could get a degree from just reading and then trying to make sense of insanity that goes on in this forum!
  19. Glad to finaly see some screen shots, after the call for 3D graphics artists, it looked the like it was still a year or more away, now I hope it's only 6 to 8 months!
  20. Good luck, I really hope you can pull this off, you know what they say about trying to please everybody! I just hope we don't have less control (fewer options in WeGo) because of the support for limited real time.
  21. I know Halloween is coming but this just sounds scary! Beyond the RTS tank rush, the biggest issue I have with RTS games is if you spend time to manage unit A at one end of the map, things go to hell on the other end of the map! This to me was the big killer of Close Combat 3D, while you were trying to position a tank, your other units were being killed out of view! Most of the time you had little or no idea what happened to your units. So either you played zoomed out to see all of your units, or tried to rely on the unit AI which sucked. Made you wonder what was the point of the 3D! If you rely on the unit AI, then it's all up how good the unit AI is and not the player. Is it the player wining or the AI! I was very disapointed with Distant Guns, the game to me played more like a movie and not a game because of the limited control over units! Point units in a direction and set weapons free, that's it, the side with more or better ships wins! It's all up to the unit AI and not the player, where's is the fun in that! The player has less control because of the limited real time. Highway to the Reich games, you give orders to unit A, the AI orders sub-units B,C,D. Is it you in control or the AI? I don't play games just to watch a movie!
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