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Everything posted by pad152

  1. How will squads look in CM: SF? What games with a full squad of individual men do you like? Steel Panther - Never liked the circle of match stick men infantry. Soldiers Heroes of WWII (SHOWII) - liked individual control of men, but the squad control in FOW(Faces of War) is just bad (very poor AI control). Company of Heroes (COH) - looks ok, sort of but infantry are nothing more than cannon fodder! Close Combat (CC1, CC2, CC3) - So far I think the way these games handled Squad Infantry is still about the best. The Close Combat 3D (GI combat, Squad Combat, etc.) games were total crap, watching infantry was like watching march of the tin soldiers (pain full to watch). How can CM: SF with squad control of infantry (no individual control) and RTS gameplay be something more then just another RTS game? So far no one has advanced the click click here, click click there nature of RTS games!! If you try to pay attention to units at one end of the map, things just goto hell at the other end! Really like to see some screen shots of infantry in action!!
  2. Squad Management Having played with latest WWII RTS games (COH & FOW) I must say I don't like the squad movement/management in either. I think both suffer from poor AI management. How will Shock Force be different?
  3. MG Ammo Unlimited? - I don't see an ammo amount shown for any MG!!!
  4. I think the biggest issue was not having a McAruther type to take command once Iraq fell. Some one who could lay down the law without 500 lawers telling him what he could not do! Someone who could teach the Iraqies separation of church and state.
  5. I really liked the bunny suit, let's face it, if five guys in bunny suits start chasing you, your gona run!!!
  6. It still looks like a weapon from a bad British sci-fi show! I guess the soliders could also yell, come out or we'll use our raygun on you!
  7. Well we agree on one thing, I did't like COH either! I do hope TOW turns out to be the best of WWII RTS games, something more then just another click fest.
  8. Today most kids don't know what the Warsaw Pact was, and Nato was design to protect the Olympics
  9. From the little thingy on the tip of the weapon, it looks like you have to hit the door straight on, weird! What's next a weapon to open windows?
  10. I also have the game and it's broken, to the point what it's unplayable at this point!!! The game is 95% frustration and about 5% fun. Go read the COH forums and then read FOW forums, there aren't many happy players on the FOW forums!!! Game crashes, speed lags, units that can't be killed, missions you can't complete, if you are right theses are not game bugs, they just didn't explain it correctly! I just hope TOW doesn't using the same squad system!!
  11. What version of FOW are you playing? You may want same want to send a copy of your game back to developers so they have a working copy they can share with the rest of us! "Tactical level near impossible" no it's broken and unbalanced. Go read the offical forums and read just the fix list for the comming patch, then tell me the game is not broken, un-balanced, or released unfinished! You can't even complete the training missions, they are broken! offical FOW forums http://forums.ubi.com/groupee/forums?a=frm&s=400102&f=3001055373
  12. With the change in concept, I take it we won't CM:SF until somtime in 2007! :confused:
  13. I really liked the demo of Faces of War, too bad the release is DOA (dead on arrival). The damage model is one of the best I've seen, I hit a tank with I bazzoka it bounces out and hits a truck that knocks off the bumper and right front tire. Now that's a damage model.
  14. The truth is I never did understand "War with Syria" if you want to pick a bad guy Iran would had made more sense. US vs Iraq Duh, no brainer but it might be tuff to play Iraq. US vs Iran - yes With a nut case leader anything is possible, none of it good! Israel vs Syria Gee, can anyone say Lebanon! I would like to see the game be more of a Steel Panthers playset. You gen a map and then pick the players. Let the game start with US vs Syria players, then add battlesets for Israel, Iran, Irag, etc. That should keep everyone busy for the next 5 yrs or so!
  15. I hate to say it, but the war in Iraq has already been lost. Southern Iraq - You have British forces sitting on their hands while the local city governments (tribes) and police enforce Islamic law (AKA Iran). Did anyone one hear the head of Iraq a couple of months ago while he was in the US? Every other word that came out of his mouth was "It's for Islam" and not Iraq. You can't have a democracy if all the rights are second to a religion. Northern Iraq – if the Kurds go independent there is a good change Turkey will invade Northern Iraq the last thing they want or will stand for is an independent Kurd state on their southern boarder. Central Iraq – they will be killing each other for decades to come, it’s now a war of religion!
  16. I think joining is a noble thing to do, but once you join, you will go and do what they want and need, not where and what you want! If you join with a needed degree like computers science you will have more leverage in what you will be doing. Make no mistake if you join the armed forces and there is a war, you will most likly go! Good Luck
  17. missing? - or do I smell an expansion pack comming!
  18. Well COH - seems like nothing more than your typical RTS (click click here, click click there) where you play capture the flag in WWII. Every unit you see in the game is the same as the demo, very small number of unit types. I don't understand the hype over this one. FOW - DOA (dead on arrival), this release is so buggy and unbalanced it's unplayable. Even some of the training missions are broken and can't be completed. I really liked the demo but even on sale for $24 US at circuit city this week it's not worth it. This one will be in the bargin bin long before it's fixed, if it even can be, too bad. They already delayed or canceled Silent Heroes expansion pack. I haven't seen a release this bad sense Distant Guns.
  19. Huh, from reading the interview, it sounds like a demo is up in air!! quote "We are working on this issue with BattleFront.com now, and it is highly probable that we will release a playable demo soon. However, the final decision hasn’t been made yet."
  20. Bone? I want chicken wings! Well it looks like the squad has a door knocker, so will we see squads knocking in doors or blowing them? So if squads can open doors, then there is indoor combat? The pannel looks very busy! I must say I really like the clean simple look of the unit detail screens in Theater of War.
  21. Never take a weapon into battle that requires a battery!
  22. Isn't the real issue Rules of Engagement? Either shoot everything or shoot back only if it shoots first. Iraq, US is at the disadvantage and Iran is laughing thier ass off. CMSF; Allied force - only shoot things that have been or can be identified and try to limit damage to infastructure! Emeny - direct enguagement by regular forces, and face ambush and pop-up attacks by irregulaer forces?
  23. pad152


    Silent Storm was ok until the mech and lazer guns showed up, that just killed it for me, some of the missions where poorly designed. CMSF - when? I here it's now end of year.
  24. pad152


    Infantry Having just tried the demo of Faces of War, (aka Soldiers: Heroes of WII, part II) the infantry look great. The infantry in Theatre of War also look very good. Why can't someone make a turn-based game with infantry looking this good? I wonder why some one hasn't licensed one of these RTS games and turned it into a turned based tactical wargame. There hasn't been a good tactical squad based game, sense the original x-com.
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