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    the trenches
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    Wargaming, computers

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  1. Gentlemen, Many people heard of this game long ago and had high hopes, myself included. I was directed to this place by another wargaming site about a week ago, and, after viewing the screenshots and the videos of gameplay, my hopes for this game were rejuvinated. Then I started reading this forum. My first thread was "How Rude", of course; it was at the top and being posted to feverously. I was shocked, to say the least. The ADMIN and his cronies attacking and threatning other posters? Who's main crimes were disagreeing with the "official" opinion? I've never seen such in a wargaming forum. Mr. Steve, Admin, Your Highness, With power comes responsibility. It is truly your right as administrator to ban or admonish anyone you like, in accordance with your forum rules on member behavior. But when you do not apply the same rules to everyone, you have broken the first rule of Justice, and are now a hypocrite. Also, by lowering yourself into the frenzy of that post's debate, and expressing your own strange opinions, you dislayed your lack of leadership and tact. You should have remained above it. Instead you came off as a child who declares that he will determine who can play, because he's the one who owns the ball. How many people have you "run" from this board? How many sales have you lost by your attitude? The three you banned last week; thats a hundred and fifty dollars, right there. Do the marketing folks from 1C monitor this board? They should. I'll try to give them the heads up via E-mail...is that OK with you, Guv'na? One more thing...try to speed up registration conformation. I know you are busy banning people and all, but...Ok I get it now. You figure by the time a person gets confirmed, they'll be an old grog, too. Brilliant! About the names...The contest is on the same sheet of music as this site. However "cool" you think it may be to have your name in the game, in reality you are masquerading as a WWII veteran. Par for the course around here. Mr Dorosh, I wonder how various Canadian military history organizations view your impersonations of a Candian war hero here? You say he is no relation, but the perception to visitors is that you are him. Try playing us another tune, Henchman. Its one thing to call yourself "SSMeyer", "Oberstkommando", or even "Hitler". You could do no more harm to their reputations. On the otherhand, when you dress to kill, you dishonor your country and its honorable veterans every time you post. Now to the game. From reading the other, non-violent threads, I began to have worrys. No building entry? Thats a big one. Really big. The "gameplay area" is much smaller than the terrain visable to the player. This is another big one. No cover (to speak of) for infantry or AT guns?...Hmmm...I could go on and on with the red flags, but that was not what was so disturbing. The attitude of the "grogs" and "offical" spokespersons responding was deplorable. If they did not outright attack and attempt to degrade a poster's question/comment, they tapdanced around the most important question: When is the demo coming out, so we can all decide for ourselves? Bad dancing, I might add. "99% comlete" was one quote, IIRC. Probably the truest of the bunch, upon closer inspection. If you reason that it has taken 5 years to complete this game, 1% is, oh, 18.25 days or so...So they still have a few days before we can throw that one on the dung pile too. "A week or so"...Just how long is "so"? Now they claim mountainous workloads of translating before "its ready". Someone once told me that the maximum effctive range of an excuse is 0 meters. Ontheway! You have to ask yourself, "why was this game dropped by publishers, over and over again?". Does any one want to put money on a lame mare to win? And after all my readings, I still dont really understand what Battlefront has to do with this game. Are they distributors, publishers, testers, gamblers who bet broken nags? What exactly? These "beta testers"; I know of them from other forums, they are not professionals. In fact, the whole feel and presentation of Battlefront's ToW spiel is amateurish. Do they really make money from sales of these games, or are they just doing it as a favor to their grogs? Your fears of being overrun by flashbangers are unfounded. Unless you are putting out something that tops Company of Heroes, all you will get here are the curious fringe players, and persons who reg just to bash the game because, uhhh...its the equivlent of a 45 yearold housewife on a skateboard attempting to drop in on a 12 ft vert ramp. Or the fact that it takes 3-5 days to get a reg conformation--that'll cool 'em down. Im not wanting to start another "How Rude" thread by this post, although I expect the same treatment as other new posters have received. But somebody has to stand up and say it. Battlefront: Quit jerking chains. I read an idea about outsourcing this forum. That would be a good idea. Might stop you from losing more money. And after a while I finally understood the meaning of the title..."Theatre of War"...The kind of war you see in the theatres! Have fun with your little 5 year old wargame, boys.
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