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Everything posted by pad152

  1. Another G.I Combat?? Nothing could be as bad as G.I. Combat!!! :eek: They tried with three different releases (Original, Matrix Version, one other) of Close Combat 3D they all failed.
  2. Comments: I'm not much of an RTS fan but, must say this game does look good! I really like the detailed infantry and tank screens. I hope CM: Shock Forces gives us this level of info in such a clean and detailed manner. I would have liked to have seen aircraft in CM modeled like this. Having infantry taking over Arty & AT guns seems highly unrealistic. In the AAR I saw "capture engines" ??? in the mission complete screen. Questions: 1. Does the game include an editor? 2. Are Infantry AT weapons (Anti-tank rifle, anti-tank mines) included? thanks
  3. The combined-arms combat in Iraq lasted 3 wks the limited insurgency is going on 3 years.
  4. 98% of RTS games are all the same, then again computer Harpoon(one of the best war games of all time)was RTS! I don't think we'll see CM: SF as a Command & Conquer clone!
  5. Where is the front line in Iraq? The problem with the war in Iraq and the next Middle East war, there may not be a front line. The Chinese saying of "How do you attack a dragon, you attack the tail". This is the problem with a large modern army, it has sharp teeth, but also a very long tail. The biggest problem the army is it's focus on taking objectives and no plan for keeping them. Ok, we have taken the objective, now what do we do!
  6. Oh, tell that to the truck drivers who come under constant attack. or the female army Capt. who’s' A10 was hit in the battle for Baghdad. CM SF mission a Stryker group coming to aid of a convoy, coming under attack. Female troops, I'm still waiting for my female snipers in CM: Barbarossa to Berlin
  7. Weapon Failures? Due to the hi-tech nature of the some of the weapons in SF, what will we see in the area of weapon failures?
  8. I wonder if the Army ever thought of a simple cheap RPG type weapon with a dual AT and AA role? Iraq has shown even an Abrams tank can be disabled with enought RPG hits. Seems to me, if you over specialize you run the risk of having the wrong weapons in the wrong fight.
  9. Isn't that the problem in an urban environment? you can't always tell who are the bad guys until they start shooting. A car driving down the street, is it a scared civilian or bad guy! I just don't think you can have a simple good guy/bad guy being very realistic in modern urban warfare in the without a third party. The subject of civilians has become so taboo, you can't even cover it in a wargame? The modern version of the Operational Art of War had civilians! The U.S. has forgotten in war there are no civilians, are enemies have not! Is the game going to enforce these same mistakes! Maybe someone should create a wargame for the pin heads in pentagon that allows you to change the rules of engagement to see what can really happen in modern urban warfare.
  10. Weapon systems and target limitaions? Seeing the ability of the simple RPG to be fired at and hit aircraft, helo's, and other targets, what limitations are there on the target types of some of the fancer weapon systems in the game? firing ATGM's at a helo? firing anti-air missiles at tanks?
  11. How can you model urban combat without civilians and other non-combat units civilian cars, trucks, etc? This just doesn't seem right, hostile urban area with no-civilians, just call in an airstrike! It seems to me, to simulate an urban environment there needs to be a third party that may or may not be hostile. Please explain this to me.
  12. Wow Whiners, Wankers, and Left Wing Wargamers the forums here sure are entertaining lately. It's about time some the old timers here get what's comming to them! Way to go Madmatt!
  13. Civilians:confused: I don't see how you can do suicide bombers or IEDs without including civilians. I though Battlefront said they would never include civilians in their wargames or did the war in Iraq change that?
  14. Gee, would you like it better if the 14 year old had an RPG!. Is it the 18 year old's fault he has a bigger gun than the 14 year old? What do you think happens to 14 year old's who shoots at police?
  15. Will CM:SF support in building fighting? How will CM:SF emulate this without 1 to 1 control of squad or team members?
  16. Civilians? How will the game model suicide bombers? I seem to remember a post long long ago (in a galaxy far far away in days of CM1) where BattleFront stated there would never be civilians in their wargames! :confused:
  17. Helo's? How will helo's (Transport & Gunships) be handled in CM:SF?
  18. CMx1 games were mainly about armoured combat (tanks), it's true tanks played a lesser role in combat in the pacific, and most Japanese tanks were little more than rolling beer cans (early war armoured cars). It sounds like infantry will play a more important role in CMx2 so the pacific war should be possible.
  19. Battlefront always said that CM did not lend itself to the Pacific war. I hope that CMX2 will be able to cover war in this theater.
  20. 15 months from now is still Winter 2006 in the US! :eek: Except for the fact there are no beta testers, Duh! Reading the forum I find it hard to believe the game is anywere near Beta. I hope I'm Wrong!
  21. Time Frame? Reading this forum, it sounds like the game is in pre-ahpla stage and still 12 - 18 months away? A 2007 release?
  22. In somes states these days that picture would qualify as felony child abuse! :eek: P.S. If you ever get divorced, some laywer is going to have a field day.
  23. You would be hard pressed to find any squad in the German army that matched it's TOE in 1944/1945 and that's historical FACT! It's harder to find any army in world that matches it's TOE after a war breaks out even today. Less that 20% of the units in Iraq match their original TOE that was on paper before the war. I guess it's historically accurate to model everthing that was on paper before the war broke out, but what about the other 80%!
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