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Everything posted by pad152

  1. The new WEGO system sounds like a 60 second pauseable RTS or am I wrong!
  2. Tell me it ani't so! No more randomly generated maps ???
  3. It's the desert, duh! I do wonder if the game will suffer from the limited number of units types! We sure were spoilled with all of the different units types in the CM1 games. I do hope LOS/LOF work a hell of alot better than TOW.
  4. It's not just with the allies campaign, one would expect your core group to always carry over, they don't. One of the issue is it's hard to tell one infantry unit from another and the same with tanks. I'm gona see if I can name them with with the editor. It would be nice to get an overview of your units at the end of a mission, this way you can better tell which unit survied and which ones didn't. The unit screen at the start of a new battle, contains a differen OOB then at the end of a battle.
  5. Campaign Discontinuity Having played the first two missions of each campaign, there is a big discontinuity of forces in the missions of the campaigns, the worst case is the Allied campaign you start off with US Infantry core group and the next mission is British Tanks, where's the continunity? The core group is not always carried over from mission to mission of the campaigns. This kills any role-play aspect of the campaigns. I would like to see the same core group in each mission of the campaign and hope this is addressed in the up comming expansion packs.
  6. Webwing Can you tell us how to create the map for the mission briefing sceen! Thanks
  7. Editor Requested Features - with all the changes comming, no doubt the Editor will likly have to under go some changes, please consider the following: 1. Auto add unit placeholder when a new unit is placed on the map. Currently it's a two step process, add unit, add placeholder and show the unit ID of the new unit ID, this will make it easier to find the placeholder of a specific unit. 2. Ability to edit backpacks, it would be nice to create your own loadout for troops and tanks. 3. Ability to create new infantry detachments to unit list, this way you could be create 2 men MG and Anti-tank teams onces, and other types without recreating them for each and every mission. Thanks
  8. Moon, Madmatt Can we get these videos posted on the Battlefront Web Site as downloads, it would be a shame if TOW fans lose access to them.
  9. Try the demo of Tow, and then try the CM:SF demo when available.
  10. Tutorial 5 Trigger? If unit 43, the one used to test the distances is killed the other units would never hold & defdned correct? Could is be changed as: SET @dist = Distance(UNIT, 43,POINT, "defend1") SET @dist2 = Distance(UNIT, 44, POINT, "defend1") if ( @dist < 10 or @dist2 < 10) Then . . . ENDIF
  11. The game does require micromangement. Do what I do, first pause right after the mission starts, order all of my units to hold, don't fire, take cover (kneel, prone), the use some to recon the area, see what develops, then move troops as needed. Otherwize your troops will just move straight ahead into the enemy.
  12. GlenLivet4Me Try just turning off music and EAX.
  13. Placeholders ? - is there any easy way to find the placeholder of a specific unit?
  14. Update Looks like it's sound related. I've been tring to find updated drivers for my Sound Blaster Live 5.1 card. The driver is dated 9/2/2003 and the lasted one support. Creative No longer support this card, third party drivers don't work because it's a Dell, it seems Dell Sound Blaster cards aren't the same thing! I don't have any sound issues with any other game. If anyone knows of better drivers that work with the dell version of the cards?
  15. I have yet to complete a single mission because the game hangs. Tried the following - Turned off the following options: Shadows, EAX, sound. Test this - launch TOW, leave it at the main menu screen, don't select anyting, within 15 to 20 mins it will just hang! and require a cnt-alt-del and killing the process. P4 3GHz 1.5 GB Ram 6800 GS Video w/256 MB DX 9.0d SoundBlaster Live 5.1 sound card Win XP SP2
  16. Webwing Big Thanks! Your videos are better than the manual. The editor manual just tells you what things are, your videos tells us how to use them!
  17. Madmatt Can we please get these videos posted on the Battlefront web site?
  18. I keep getting file not found for the 2nd & 3rd Tutorial!
  19. Excellent! Just what we needed the Mission Editor of Dummies Video! Thanks
  20. I gotta say, this game takes some getting use too, it takes losing several battles before you find out what you can do with your units and what you can't. It's not CM or Soldier Heroes of WWII, it's something in the middle and yes you have to micro-manage the hell out of your units. Then you have that magical battle where everything comes together and you just have blast.
  21. Sometimes Units Won't Fire, why? I seen this twice now my tanks or AT guns, are ordered to fire, and they won't. The units are not paniced, have ammo, full crew, no fire button is not selected and they have a clear line of fire. My units are getting hit by units from the other side of the map that I can't even see, and my units won't even fire at a tank 200ft/meters aways in plain sight. I don't get it, what's is going on?
  22. I'm starting to play around with the editor. From the manual 1. I want to start a campaign with combined arms, tanks & Infantry! Is this possible? 2. What's the correct order for adding new units, Add new group first, then add the placeholders or add the placeholders first! The editor sure could use some more and better documentation. Like how how to create a complete mission! The documentation is clear as mud!
  23. DeLaVega Here you go http://www.digitalmindsoft.eu/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=247
  24. Finally got my copy, three things. 1. Please put the lable with the license key on the inside of the DVD case, so it's less likly to become damaged or unreadable. 2. One feature I would like to see for infantry/soldier is an auto take cover when you placement them near a bush, wall, tree, etc. This feature already exist in another 1C title, "Faces of War". 3. Dynamic Campaign Generator, someone released one for the game "Faces of War". This would really add a lot replay value to the game. http://www.digitalmindsoft.eu/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=247 Thanks
  25. Someone released a dynamic campaign generator for the 1C title "Faces of War". It really adds a lot to the game, I wonder if something like this could be done with TOW?
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