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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Ted

  1. I’ve just changed my video card to an ATI Radeon 9550. Now when I open CMBB all the labels are just white boxes, sometimes you can see a hint of text. Other text also can not be read, turns, scenario name, ammo count, target information all just white boxes Can anyone help?
  2. Right now it looks as though it will be done along the lines of Holiens “Luga Breakthrough” tourney. That was a multi-scenario tournament where at the end of each scenario the Allied player with the best score played the Axis player with the best score in the next scenario, the second best played the second best, etc. So after the first round if you do poorly as the Axis player you would face an Allied player who did just as poorly in the next round. Kind of evens things out.
  3. John, it's the Nabla scoring system. See RoW (Rumblings of War) tournament in the CMAK forum for more info. Juan may be right in that we may not have enough people to use the system. I thik we had about 70 people or so in the RoW's Good catch, I must have read it several times and never noticed the "m".
  4. Sure you can count me in. I haven't had a chance to practice my Russian tactics though. (Maybe I'll get to be the Germans)
  5. Jason, Would you send off the scenarios to me. tramos1@optonline.net thanks!
  6. Jade, Do you still need to be sponsored to join the BoB?
  7. Jade, Do you still need to be sponsored to join the BoB?
  8. 49 Been around since the beginning. It would be interesting to have a tournament -30 vs +30
  9. I live in the Eastern time zone. If there's anything I can do to help just let me know.
  10. Yeah, no intelligent person with half a brain would....hey wait a second.
  11. I realize you can adjust way points after starting movement but still it’s a straight line between waypoints. Also there is a fixed time delay every time you add a waypoint no matter the distance. Perhaps I didn’t make my self clear (I’m good at that). When I said pulling and pushing I meant that it would create a curve. For example if you wanted to move around a patch of woods to a place on the other side you would click on where you want to finish your move creating a straight line through the woods. You would then “grab” part of the line going through the woods and “pull” the line so it curves around the woods. Something like being able to stretch and bend the lines.
  12. Just to keep beating the subject… First, I have no problem with way points either. I just try and not have so many it takes more than twenty or thirty seconds to get going. I may delay other forces around them so everyone starts at the same time. For something different would it be possible to just plot two points, a start and a finish, with a line connecting the two just like we have now only being able to pull and push the line using the cursor to create a desired path? This would create only one time delay even if you wanted to skirt around an obstacle to get to an objective. Just thinking out loud…. you could add varying time delays for every pull or push depending on the distance from the center line. Or have a formula that calculates the overall deviation from the center line and adds that to the start time.
  13. Holien, In one of the RoW tournaments there was a night scenario where both sides had paratroopers showing up all over the place. You never knew what was going to happen next. I believe it was based on a historical situation where two para-drops took place almost simultaneously to capture a bridge. I’ll take a look for it.
  14. Yes, welcome to the news the way I want to hear it.
  15. LoL, Yes Steve, it seems like anything you say takes a new spin and comes back to haunt you. In fact from a reply you have written on page four of this read I have proof the first game will be WWII:
  16. Add 1) White Phosphorus and it’s detrimental effects 2) Convoy/Follow command 3) Full movie playback 4) Scroll map using mouse wheel 5) Oh and how about highlighting or somehow noting a berserk troop (explain why some units do what they do) Keep WEGO PBEM QB’s WWII theme
  17. NP, Well now, it sounds like you guys are moving right along and haven't faded into the ether after all. I thought maybe you had caught summer fever, the surf was up and it was time to catch some gnarly waves instead of CM’ing. I have no problem waiting for the final score so long as progress is being made. It's not like I'm going to win either And there isn't another scenario to start anyway. Do you think you guys could finish in another week? What's your best time guestimate to reach a final score?
  18. I don't mean to sound harsh but if they can't commit to a finishing date perhaps it's best to just exclude their results. This way if they feel they want to finish the scenario just for the fun of it they can do it at their own pace. I don't think either one has enough points to win the tournament. I haven't seen a post from either one of them in a long time. Did they loose interest?
  19. I just read this over at the Steve’s Bones thread: “When will you guys know what we're going to do next (and right after that)? I don't know. I'm thinking mid Summer. We really don't want to announce anything until we have the game a little further along visually. Pictures and small QT movies are worth thousands of words, so it would be more efficient for us to have a larger discussion with those sorts of materials available to you guys. Steve” We’re heading for the middle of August and my curiosity is starting to get the better of me. For the first module of CMx2, I think it will be located somewhere in Normandy. BUT Boiled Space Lobsters with drawn butter sounds tasty to…. “I can assure each and every one of you that Space Lobsters of Doom is as much on our radar as it always has been. I am someone who lives in an area where Lobsters are kinda like the sacred cows of India, except boiled with lots of butter so as to draw in those tourism Dollars. Have no fears about our seriousness in this matter of Lobsters! Steve”
  20. I just read this over at the Steve’s Bones thread: “When will you guys know what we're going to do next (and right after that)? I don't know. I'm thinking mid Summer. We really don't want to announce anything until we have the game a little further along visually. Pictures and small QT movies are worth thousands of words, so it would be more efficient for us to have a larger discussion with those sorts of materials available to you guys. Steve” We’re heading for the middle of August and my curiosity is starting to get the better of me. For the first module of CMx2, I think it will be located somewhere in Normandy. BUT Boiled Space Lobsters with drawn butter sounds tasty to…. “I can assure each and every one of you that Space Lobsters of Doom is as much on our radar as it always has been. I am someone who lives in an area where Lobsters are kinda like the sacred cows of India, except boiled with lots of butter so as to draw in those tourism Dollars. Have no fears about our seriousness in this matter of Lobsters! Steve”
  21. I told you I never had any men. All I started with were assault boats. I thought I'd offer you rides while singing Oh-solo-mio when somebody started setting off fireworks. But I hope to enjoy the kick-line you have going there.
  22. I'm all for extending it a week. MrSpkr and I are on or about turn 18. The summer is upon us in force and it's hard to coordinate time for TCP'ing. We're good at turning out quite a few turns over the week end but 14 or so is kind of stretching it. Anyone else?
  23. I think the problem was on my end. I sent the very same file yesteday and it went out fine. I loaded Symantec's Norton Internet Security and all sorts of whacky things have happened. I suppose I could be having more fun if only those Tiger II's would show up.....
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