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Everything posted by Ted

  1. Well, the armor is in laager. The men are well fed and supplied with a complete load out. They are eager for their marching orders.....
  2. I see A1Steaks is on this list. Watch your T34's boys.....
  3. Holien How goes the count? (This is a bump with a question)
  4. If it's a twenty turn scenario and you wnat to finish in a month that would be sixty emails or two emails per day. If there are 3 scenarios per round that would be 6 emails per day. Holien can you be more specific on the amount of scenarios per round and aproximately how many turn they are? No matter what I think TCP will be in order.
  5. I believe after a certain period of time without seeing the actual unit the symbol will disappear. 3-4 minutes maybe? So I’d say no you may not have knocked it out. But if it’s not firing back at you and there are targets to shoot at it certainly is possible. Are you playing the AI or a human opponent?
  6. There should be some benefit from advancing behind an AFV. You see many scenes of combat footage where squads are moving up behind an AFV. I could see where in cities and towns moving down streets this would have a great advantage. Although I don't thinks being behind and AFV should not block the LOS/LOF it should be an improvement on moving in the open. In CMx2 can the LOS/LOF of the firer be traced through the silouette of an AFV? If so I'm sure that will have an effect on both the shooter and the targets fire results.
  7. Rats I was hoping to get Steve or Charles in here to discuss how to hit/kills would be achieved in the new game. After all I'm sure they have nothng better to do. I thought fer sure space lobsters would arouse a response.
  8. Hey, leave my bears out of this Finished all my scenarios in group 9. Sending last score to Kingfish tonight.
  9. Will CMx2 use the accurate to hit/kill physics that CM is using? If I understand it right, in CM a shot hit is calculated by the gun type, (bore, muzzle velocity, etc) type of ammunition and distance to target. (Does wind effect a to hit?). If it is a hit it is then determined where the hit on a target is. How or at what accuracy is that calculated, within a certain amount of square inches or square feet? Then armor penetration is calculated given the angle of the strike, thickness and slope of armor? Will CMx2 be even more detailed? How will you create the physics for battling space lobsters?
  10. Would a 30 day dead line for a 66 email game be difficult to achieve? It would be important to arrange groups by time zones especially if TCP must be involved. Perhaps part of the tourney idea could be a battle of hemispheres, East/West, North/South kind of thing. (Or time zones, or today vs. today, yesterday vs. yesterday, or is tomorrow vs. tomorrow, can never get that right ) Are these all CMBB scenarios? Is that why it's discussed in that forum?
  11. Kingfish, What exactly are the plans for future updates to the RoW? Do you plan on just updating the first page? I’m confused (but no surprise there).
  12. Yeah. I wonder who designed that one. But I must say some of these RoW scenarios sure do get me hot. Usually just under the collar.
  13. I just received the Allied Briefings for ACTION AT WET TRIANGLE.
  14. You're right. Sorry for sending you on a wild goose chase. Can you handle a 15Meg file via email?
  15. LoL, Just got to this thread. Oh those rules…. I remember playing with my brother and on many occasions I'd stop play and declare a rule. My brother would groan and say “Oh no, not another one of Teddy’s Obscure Rule Numbers” and knew he was in trouble. Now it’s been a long time, but I seem to remember rolling a low Dice roll and hitting one of his fast moving tanks then rolling a number one higher than the maximum to kill number (say a 7 instead of a needed 6 or less). My brother, who couldn’t believe I hit him in the first place, was pleased and went to continue his turn when I said “Wait” and went to the “Book”. (Brother groaned). Well it turned out that one number greater than the kill was a possible Shock. -Roll the dice- and sure enough he failed and was shocked (Brother groaned). Now, when an AFV while on the move gets Shocked it must finish its move traveling in a random direction dictated by a die roll (Brother groaned). He travels down an open road drifting towards the only house in sight and, sure enough crashes into it (Brother groaned). Dice role to see if he immobilizes, he makes it. (Brother relieved). “Wait” I say and open book (Brother groaned). “Obscure Rule Number One Twenty Two C”…. A roll of the dice later and his AFV “crashes into the basement” and is removed from play (Brother quit). So, my two cents: -AFV’s in CM can’t crash into wooden houses, fall into a basement and disappear. -In CM it doesn’t take 4 “dice” rolls and 4 “die” rolls just to move one tank.
  16. Go to www.battlefront.com click on "support" They have all the patches there.
  17. Looks like a bunch of Aussies and Brits in Group Nine. Since I'm in the US I guess that makes me the middleman. Anybody have a good world clock?
  18. Before the RoW there was the Not-So-Superbowl. I believe it was the first organized tourny on the forum. Seeing that the anniversary is coming up next week I was wondering if anyone remembers that tournament?
  19. A hearty handshake and a job well done to all the RoW organizers for helping put together what is traditionally the best CM tournament on the web.
  20. Perhaps we'll meet on the battlefield. Good hunting!
  21. Or will you come to each of our houses with a clip board and form to fill out?
  22. Didn't the remnants of the 10th SS division escape the Falaise Pocket and move to a little town in Holland called Arnheim for rest and refit. If Market-Garden still went off after the Allies took the time to close the pocket perhaps there would never have been a movie called “A Bridge to Far”.
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