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Everything posted by Ted

  1. Is that a After and Before picture at CMMods? Great stuff. I'm going to download it now. Thanks!
  2. How many of the above are finished finalists? How many are left? Any clue if it'll end early? I know, I know, too many questions.
  3. (sniff, sniff) What the...? Argghhhh I'm in the cesspool! Lets go Jets! (sound of running feet fading into the distance)
  4. Just finished Wolf with G.G. Who should I send the final score to? Holien? Anyway, two down and one....no wait....Honor has to count as more than one game in itself... So really it's two down and "Honor" to go. With about 14 turns left (it will go down to the wire) and a weeks vacation at the end of the month I'm not sure I'll be able to meet the dead line.
  5. RoWIV stands for Rumblings of War tournament number 4. This one ends early October so keep an eye out then for RoWV (I hope) Actually I'm not even sure how that name got started. Anybody?
  6. Kingfish, Carl and I are back on. Thanks.
  7. One thing I like to do is fix my opponents armor on an advancing infantry half squad or scout (or more if necessary) with the added benefit of buttoning him up and then with tanks move to the side, preferably both sides, of a Cat. Once a Panther or Tiger is spotted, if you have at least a three to one ratio or sometimes two to one and infantry with bazookas, if anything you should be able to push it off the flag. Hopefully, you’ll have time because it does take a lot of patience. Have you tried using smoke? My brother likes to use what he calls “swarm tactics”. He lays smoke using 60mm mortars, tanks or artillery and charges like cavalry. It can be pretty hairy to defend against, especially in CMAK where there isn’t a plethora of ‘schreks to guard the flanks. In the dessert one tactic I like to use is using the shoot and scoot. Move forward out of the dust, shoot and back up into the dust and disappear. You can do this to move up left to right. Watch his target lines switch from one tank to the next but hopefully never getting a shot off. The keyword there is "hopefully" Of course if it’s a small or tiny map maneuvering around something is much more difficult if not impossible. But if the map is that small you may as well be facing a pillbox. How can you beat that? A3-Thanks for the welcome.
  8. Yes but there's 27 different kind of Shermans. Some are light weight and some not so light weight. And you get a lot of them. There's the M10's and Hellcats that can be fun. There's always the challenge of using speed and manuever to best the beast of German cats. Also, Shermans pack a great HE punch. Much better than the MkIV's.
  9. I played the same scenario and had the exact same problem. It's more than that one though. It seems any dessert scenario w/ roofs off it reverses the walls on some but not all two story buildings. I'm using an NVidia video card.
  10. Wow, two people have finished "Honor". I've finished Methode and will send in the score today. Kingfish, I can't seem to get a hold of Carl Enqvist. Can you help? Plus shouldn't the new RoW threads start with the rules or somethin'.
  11. I've lost Carl Enqvist again. Hey Carl are you out there!
  12. I've lost Carl Enqvist again. Hey Carl are you out there!
  13. I've lost Carl Enqvist again. Hey Carl are you out there!
  14. RoWIV ends on or about October 2and. RoWV (If there is one) would certainly be announced with great fan fare so just keep an eye on the forum come the fall.
  15. A note on crews from Redwolfs observations.... - Crews from knocked out vehicles, mortars etc. are costly when killed, about 6 points for a regular crewmember, about 8 for veteran (that is about what HQ men are worth). Since crews cannot defend themself, withdraw them or hide them well. It may even pay to invest other resources to rescue them. When you loose an onboard 81mm mortar, you more than double the damage if you loose the 6 man-crew as well. Not to speak of a captured crew, as always it counts twice.
  16. This is one of the notes Redwolf did on scoring. "- Captured units count 2 times as much (I noticed it may be more for some cases, but didn't measure)." You can find all the notes in the "Exit Scenarios" thread.
  17. WWB said: "2) If unit U fails to exit but survives, player A takes a penalty for not exiting the unit." What kind of penalty are we talking about here?
  18. Acording to Kingfish the tournament ends: "90 days starting from July 02 -or- whenever the last score is submitted from the 12 finalists, whichever comes first." Hey, 12 finalists! What turn are you up to in "Honor"? I'm halfway done and need to know if I should start double timing. [ August 14, 2004, 07:06 AM: Message edited by: Ted ]
  19. Acording to Kingfish the tournament ends: "90 days starting from July 02 -or- whenever the last score is submitted from the 12 finalists, whichever comes first." Hey, 12 finalists! What turn are you up to in "Honor"? I'm halfway done and need to know if I should start double timing. [ August 14, 2004, 07:06 AM: Message edited by: Ted ]
  20. Acording to Kingfish the tournament ends: "90 days starting from July 02 -or- whenever the last score is submitted from the 12 finalists, whichever comes first." Hey, 12 finalists! What turn are you up to in "Honor"? I'm halfway done and need to know if I should start double timing. [ August 14, 2004, 07:06 AM: Message edited by: Ted ]
  21. We seem to have lost Carl Enqvist (G.G.) We've been stalled on "Wolf" turn 15 for quite a few days now.
  22. We seem to have lost Carl Enqvist (G.G.) We've been stalled on "Wolf" turn 15 for quite a few days now.
  23. We seem to have lost Carl Enqvist (G.G.) We've been stalled on "Wolf" turn 15 for quite a few days now.
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