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Everything posted by Ted

  1. Welcome back. I'm available most of Saturday (so far)and all day Sunday. I thought maybe your name was being bantered about for the Supreme Court but I'm glad your back with us minions.
  2. MrSpkr and I haven't started yet but as his previous thread states he has just purchased a new computer and if all goes well we should be starting soon
  3. Just sent in the final score. Curious this time to see how other people did.
  4. I'm trying. Andrew and I are up to turn 13. I'm available all weekend but Andrew has his wifes birthday Saturday and is trying to refinish his deck. He's only available after 9pm tonight and Monday (Tuuesday is the dead line, no?) which unfortunately is not good for me. I'll no more tomorrow.
  5. Andrew Kulin has just returnes from a weeks vacation. We're on turn 12. We will be finished on time one way or another. Is the end next Sunday?
  6. Fish, Maybe you should call for volunteers in a separate thread. People may not realize that it's possible to play in the 2and round.
  7. So I can plan my life accordingly... Any idea when the next set of scenarios will be sent out?
  8. I just want to say scores or no scores the RoW tournaments are the best CM tournaments out there. Kingfish and the crew have done a hell of a job putting together and play testing 5 very different and interesting scenarios, organizing the tournament, keeping it on track and us informed as to the status by continuous updates for months on end. Then there’s the acquiring and evaluating the scores and weighing the AAR’s. I hope the grousing of a few people won’t sour the attitude of the organizers or diminish the possibility of them coordinating a RoW VI when CM2 finally arrives. Although in no way will I be playing for the money in Round 2 (AAR bonus or no) I am looking forward to 5 more diverse scenarios, playing opponents from around the globe with different tactical styles and the results weighed against what others in the same situation have done. Great stuff. Thanks again your Royal Fishness and all those who put this tournament together! Just one more thing…… When does Round 2 start!?
  9. I agree with Michael, Id like to see a list of all the players, sorted by raw scores per game/side. I know it would be a chore but I'm still grumbling about my score. I thought fer sure I did better this time
  10. Tracks vs jdsu..Turn 17 We'll be doing dome TCP this weekend and should finish today or tomorrow.
  11. Ace, I've renamed the AAR files the way you want. Do you have any particular way you want the subject of the email formatted?
  12. Kingfish, FoxholeRob had a baby in the middle of our scenario. (Ok ok his "wife" had a baby) I see he hasn't finished his game against Dieseltaylor (group 9). Have you heard from either of them?
  13. Ace, I’ve sent you off three AAR’s Highlander in Hell Push to Maleme Wet Triangle I hope you received them. Kingfish, Is this round almost over? Will there be scores posted soon?
  14. jdsu and I are up to turn 14 We had a good round of TCP on the weekend and should have no problems finishing the game on time.
  15. Turn 3 with jdsu. He's on the west coast I'm on the east so exchanging multiple turns on weekdays is tough. On the weekends we're looking to put in a bunch of moves though. Holien, sending off turn 2 movie...
  16. I haven't heard from from jdsu yet. Hope everything is ok
  17. Great work! The dirt/muddy roads in light snow look fantastic. Adds a whole new flavor to the game. Well done indeed!
  18. H Have you heard from Bruceov Vs Theodor? If not maybe you should find two replacements who may be able to tcp the game over the weekend.
  19. Thanks for the update H Any word from a1steaks vs jdsu?
  20. Tracks vs Booz The fat lady is starting to sing at turn 19.
  21. Booz and I are at the halfway point. Looks to be an exciting finish.
  22. Me and the Booz are off and running. Setups received and sent...
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