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Everything posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Well, technically they are just two with a few different versions of the second one. But still, FIVE MODS UPLOADED! Grab 'em while they are hot! This is my last mod for CM. I'm done with modding for now. I'll patch the mods if a new weapon appears in future versions of the game, but I won't release any new packs. Oddballs Final Soundmod - Heavy Version Oddballs Final Soundmod - Standard Version CMRT Oddballs Final Soundmod - Standard Version CMRT Small Arms Only Oddballs Final Soundmod - Standard Version CMBN-CMFI Oddballs Final Soundmod - Standard Version CMBN-CMFI Small Arms Only I wanted to provide videos for showcasing the mods, but I am really backed up on my editing for the youtube channels I have so I just don't have the time. If anyone out there likes the mod and feels like putting up a cool video showcasing one of the mods, feel free to post it here in the thread to help me (and your fellow gamers) out!
  2. Sure, but does the 3k rpm mean that you get more kills than you would with a lower rof weapon? Hardly. That's not why they use it.
  3. Hey Steve! These are the kinds of pictures you need to put in ads for the game
  4. Now that I've found out what sound the FG42 uses, I'll be ready to finish up the mod(s) tomorrow. I'll upload them and hopefully have a few videos up by the end of the day. I might have something else in mind too tho
  5. Aaah, that explains it! I forgot that file Never thought to use it after the 'gun mp44.wav' was introduced hehehe Thanks for the help!
  6. I'm still working on them, but I'm trying to keep all the small arms sounds to lengths of around 1 second or less. I believe this is the strain on the system that most experience with "heavy" soundmods. In those mods (and my old one) the sounds often stretch out for several seconds with echos (or not even echos, but mainly silence) meaning that if you fire an MG42 for example, the game has to process and play 5-15 sounds that are all several seconds long. Having shorter sounds should help the system. And using the shot trail sounds included in the game gives the weapons their echoes anyway, but it is only applied to the last shot of a burst. (the trail sounds are played on regular mods too of course, but you usually don't hear them because of the built-in echo of the sounds) EDIT: the bolt-action rifles will have longer sounds tho (usually 2-3 seconds) since they have bolt action sounds added at the 1.10 mark. This time the sound of the bolt action is VERY subdued tho, so you shouldn't hear it unless you are right next to the troops. Which I feel is right. Also, since BFC decided to have the Mosin-Nagant rifle use the same sound as the SVT-40, I have made two sounds for them and they play randomly. One with the bolt action and one without. This means you will occationally get a bolt action sound from the SVT-40 and occationally no bolt action sound from the Mosin-Nagant. There are, of course, alternative no-bolt sound files if you don't like the bolt action sounds. The two different CMBN/CMFI and CMRT versions differ in two soundfiles. The gun 75.wav and the gun 14 kpvt.wav sound files are different. This is because I feel that the russian 76mm guns should sound different from the sherman 75mm (but they share the same soundfile) and because the 14kpvt file is used by the PTRD but also the MG151, and to really get the "umpfh" that I wanted from the PTRD I added some stuff to the sound, but I don't like how it sounds in the MG151, so for now they are different in the two versions. The sound for the PPSh41 (and the PPS43) has two shots in the sound (at the PPSh41 rof). This is because on some machines, when under heavy stress, the game tends to skip a sound every other shot or so. It happens with the MG42 too, but it isn't noticable. If you have a really good machine that never gets bogged down (ie. have an FPS of over 30 no matter what) you don't need this and I have included the single shot sound as well.
  7. I'm looking for what file the FG42 uses. I can't seem to figure it out. AFAIK I have modded all the sounds, but it sounds like it's still using one of the default ones. If anyone can help, I would appreciate it.
  8. Thanks man, I appreciate it I have actually made the video presentations aroun 3 times now, but I've always found some tiny detail I want to change or some sound I didn't like when playing with the other sounds at the same time... :/ So the final versions will be up soon-ish™ and then I'll be taking a vacation from modding (not that I need one... I think there are only a few modders here that really need vacations hehe)
  9. -The use of the MG3 is about as wide spread as the use of the FN MAG... and then there are a whole bunch of other machineguns in use out there (and ones that are no longer in use). So it's not as common as you make it out to be. -The yugoslavians no longer have the MG42 version. They are all using the PKM now. -The fact remains that the vast majority of Machineguns in use in modern times are of a lower cyclic rate than the MG42. So my conclusion must be that higher rate of fire does not mean it's better than other weapons. ps. actually alot of the german MG42's during the ware were also reduced to around 800-900 rpm. (listen at around 3:30
  10. You do realize that post wasn't in reply to the OP right? It was to someone claiming that the game habitually downmodels the german weapons. Which is BS and deserves an ad hominem attack...
  11. I'm gearing up to release the last soundmod I'll make for CM for a very long time. If new weapons come out for the game, I might make a patch, but I won't be investing any more time in modding. It will come in two main versions: Version 1 (unnamed so far) will include the sounds from my previous mod with just a few changes. Version 2 (also unnamed) will have a completely new soundset for the small arms in the game. Much less "noisy" than my regular mod, but still louder than the originals. They will also be shorter in length and fully utilize the built-in function of shot trails. Hopefully this will mean that they put much less strain on the system for those with less powerful computers. I will release them in a few different forms. Version 1 will only be released in an all-encompassing form that works for both CMBN, CMAF, CMMG, CMFI, CMGL and CMRT. Version 2 will come in four forms. 1 for CMBN/CMFI and expansions, 1 for CMRT and then 2 containing only the small arms sounds (1 for CMBN/CMFI and 1 for CMRT) for those with lower-end systems. They will all be MAC compatible. The mods include some sounds graciously leant by Waclaw, Cptn. Mike and CMJD. It also seems some of my source sounds are from the same sources as JorgeMC so I will credit him despite not using his soundmod directly I'll be uploading the mods soon™ and they will be accompanied by Showcase videos for all three fronts.
  12. Well yes, but not that many use the MG3 compared to other designs out there. And sure, plenty of other designs borrowed from the MG42(and 34), but that's not what we are talking about, now is it? We are talking about the rate of fire of the MG42 supposedly making it superior to something with a lower rate of fire. And most modern military machineguns have a lower rate of fire (with the MG3 being the glaring exception here). So if the MG42 was so great BECAUSE of its high rate of fire (and not because it had great interior mechanics), then why is it that most modern militaries use machineguns with lower rates of fire?
  13. Back in CMBO, my buddy and I were playing a hotseat battle. He was playing the US and I was playing the germans. It was a pretty small battle, and we had agreed on buying no Tanks, only vehicles and armoured cars. So I bought a Puma... It ate up most of my points so I only had a enough for a platoon. My buddy bought several platoons... and one Jeep with a .50 cal... Stormed right up behind my puma as I was advancing and riddled it with hot lead from the rear. It was not my best day
  14. Downmodeling of the german weapons? Hahahaha! Oh wait... you're serious? ... BWAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAAAA! There is no "downmodeling" of german weapons. There is no shady behind-the-scenes modification on the MG42 that makes it do "less damage" or "hit less often". The fact is that it is an ammo waster. There is no arguing that it was an accurate weapon. As accurate as most other MG's of the time. But it fired at least 5-6 bullets to do the same job as the others might do in 1-2 bullets. Go to a firing range. Set up 10 paper targets and try to take them down with an MG42 and then an M1919 (or something else). After that, count the number of rounds used in each gun... As for suppression... suppression is suppression... I believe that in the game it is modeled largely by the number of bullets fired in the general direction of a unit over time. Since the MG42 fires in short bursts while the Maxim fires in largely long bursts, this means that a relatively similar number of bullets are fired at the unit over an extended period of time. Enough for both to cause a similar amount of supression. Don't get me wrong, the allied (the western ones especially) were very fearful of the MG42 because of its distinct sound. But that doesn't mean they ran away in panic every time they heard one. And it doesn't mean that they didn't get suppressed by other MG's. This makes me wonder, however, how far this delusion of yours stretches? Do you consider the MP40 a vastly superior weapon compared to the Thompson, Sten and PPSh41 as well? Do you think the Kar98k was a better weapon that the Springfield or the Enfield? Do you say that the Garand or SVT40 was no match for the G43? Because if you do, there is obviously something wrong with you...
  15. Of course it doesn't. If you fire bullets at a cyclic rate of 1000-1200 rounds per minute that means you will be wasting 4-5 bullets with each hit since you can't regulate your fire like you can with a maxim. Say you try to shoot one single target with the MG42. You'd have to fire a burst... that burst would contain between 5-10 shots. To take down one target. The maxim, on the other hand, would only need 2-3 shots to hit. The advantage of the MG42 is that it's pretty certain that you will obliterate the target with that burst. The maxim might not. Add to that the effect on morale of having a s**t-ton of bullets thrown at you in a second or two and you'll see the benefits of the MG42.
  16. Daum Vein! You worked hard on those shots! Those aren't some "oh I'm just playing the game and taking a few screens as I go" shots...
  17. Good Just thought I'd give the tip anyway... you never know, some don't realize that you can save during the movie turn
  18. This is a great turtorial video by Ithikial. I suggest anyone that is unsure on how to use mods take a look at it.
  19. Well JuJu's UI mod removes them so that's what I use.
  20. Admittedly, I am one of those who relish in getting the last word when in an argument, but I wasn't arguing with you. It was just a friendly tease, and I sincerely hope you didn't take any offense
  21. I was goint to post "I WANT IT, I WANT IT NOW DAMMIT!" but now I guess I'll have to "settle" for a thank you instead
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