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Everything posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Heh, ignored again it seems. He made 3 posts after yours, completely ignoring you and instead chosing to reply to another poster. I don't know why you even bother. I gave up on the guy ages ago. I try not to discuss with fanatics any more. It never ends well.
  2. I tried the sounds, and while they DO sound great... they just don't fit in with the rest of my soundmod
  3. Heh, well I might be busy a bit, but in three weeks I'll be on a long vacation (red; unemployed again) so I might have time then It's really easy to do in GIMP tho...
  4. Theoretically they should. But the problem I've had with CM is that not only do the visuals lag sometimes, but the sound also lag sometimes. If you're going to try it out and compare an MG42 to an MG34 using the same sound file, you should do so looking top-down on the guns from a close perspective to minimize lag. Also, only my Simplified and my Lightweight mod has the same sound for the MG34 and MG42. The others actually have different sounds for them... EDIT: but will they sound like the idealized sounds you have in your mind of the MG42? I don't think so. But that's a whole other story.
  5. I'm good with the sound I have for the MG42 now
  6. Are you going to update your hit decals with normalmap as well?
  7. Dude, the thompson and grease gun sound nearly identical in real life (if you shoot just one shot of course) Same thing with the MG34 and MG42. The main reason they sound different is because of the different rates of fire. Anyone who has tried my Light or Simplified mods can testify to this.
  8. I'll have to try these when I get home. Alot of your sounds work well within my standard mod. Edit: especially since I haven't found a sound for the PPSh that I'm 100% satisfied with.
  9. Actually I'm pretty ok with them using a single sound source for multiple weapons (in fact, I've even tried to promote it in the past but that tunred into a cluster**** because people don't seem to understand how sounds are handled in the game). BUT, I'm not so ok with which sounds they use on which weapon. The Mosin-Nagant, for example, should have its own separate sound so that us modders can add bolt action sounds for it. SVT could use the gun 7 single and then the MG's could use the gun 7 pk since they all are the same caliber and essentially sound the same. In fact, BFC could clean up the sound resources significantly by letting the tommy gun and grease gun use the same sound, the MG34 and MG42 could use the same sound as well. They could dispose of the coax sound completely and get the tanks to use the sound that corresponds to the weapon fired instead. I could go on, but I think you get my point.
  10. Actually, I don't think the Air rocket sound is used at all in CMRT. (other than the FT then) I think it's only used in CMSF.
  11. Well there are damages that are not included in the UI of the game. Things like dislodging the turret or a penetration that severs the driveshaft might not be reported on the UI and thus the vehicle is effectively destroyed, but still has no reported damage on the UI. (ok, driveshaft damage might go under "engine" but what would a dislodged turret be? After all, the systems in the turret such as the main gun and coax are still operational)
  12. It's always good to focus on the task at hand We can wait for the soundmod
  13. Might want to make a soundmod for the weapons using RO2 as well saferight Those are some spiffy sounds IIRC (been a while since I played)
  14. I recall in CMBN, having a sherman being bombarded by 20mm fire. It was basically rocking back every time a shell hit (and those were quads, so plenty of hits). And yet, it didn't seem to have a lesser accuracy when firing. I think that not only penetrations, but even riccochets from weapons should affect the accuracy of a tank.
  15. I dig it man, I dig it. Would be very groovy to have a command like that.
  16. I don't get it. If it was essentially already done, why pull it? Why not keep it in but in very limited numbers?
  17. No problem man, happy you found something to your liking
  18. If those had been proper IS-2's, that KT would have been toast
  19. Wow! I didn't know the russians had already gotten their lend-lease vehicles I don't want to be a stickler, but this is the CMRT screenshot thread, so how about we keep to the subject and post stuff from CMRT and not the other titles (good as they may be)?
  20. I hope you enjoy it! I have three actually :/ One that I don't use any more because I got a really hard smack on the fingers for putting up the intro to supertroopers (wasn't even the whole movie or anything, just the intro and they slapped a ton of restrictions on the channel that are permanent). Another one is my "personal" one. That's the one I usually put up CM stuff on. And then I have a third one which is my main one. I use that to put up storyline videos from Star Wars: The Old Republic. Here are the links to the two I still use: The Chakra Kusanagi channel (SW:TOR): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ-GYUv0NPgGLvsSroj4L9Q/videos The LoboOddball one (where I post CM and other stuff): https://www.youtube.com/user/LoboOddball/videos
  21. That's how I do it It's how I started soundmodding in the first place way back when I was playing the original Rainbow Six game
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