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Everything posted by Fenris

  1. Currently if you don't have the required module(s) the scenario is greyed out in the battle selection screen and it tells you which module is missing I think. -F
  2. Nice to hear some news, looking forward to it, thanks. Interested in this one too. -F
  3. Props to Mr (or perhaps Ms? - hey it could happen) generous. Have fun Wodin =)
  4. "We're gunna need more men." Looks awesome. Kudos, must have taken significant effort. I imagine it'll take just as significant an effort to play a game through that. -F
  5. Definitely. Being able to make maps out of just about any graphics file (once you get the scale right) would make it easily re-usable in whatever setting. -F
  6. I'll 2nd VASSAL for all the reasons Broadsword has posted (although admittedly I've not used it for this purpose). Being reasonably easy to edit a game module and change it to suit your needs if necessary is really handy. Main drawback is they are only virtual versions of a board game, ie you still need a copy of the rules and no AI etc Hardest part is the CM2 maps. You guys just using QB maps? As an aside it occurred to me recently that it's too bad kickstarter wasn't really around when Hunter was trying to get CMC done. Probably would have helped him enormously. -F
  7. This excellent idea was originally posted by someone else, apologies but I don't know who it was, kudos should go to them. I'd be really nice to have the artillery targeting options when assigning area fire for direct fire weapons. Being able to issue point, area and line targeting orders to MG's and large calibre weapons when doing area fire would be really really useful. I can't recall what came of the original posting of this idea so I wanted to raise it again for visibility. Thanks -F
  8. John Kettler dug up this info and posted in this thread over in the CMBN forum (FWIW) http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=109790 Info is from here - http://worldoftanks.com/news/1757-chieftains-hatch-french-panthers/ If this is true and accurate it would seem to back up what ASL Vet is saying. -F
  9. Wasn't this being discussed in another thread? edit - added info from this thread to this one - http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=107179&page=15 -F
  10. Someone with better Japanese might be able to say it better than me. Watashi wa daisuki. Arigatogozaimasu Only played with it a little but it sounds excellent in game. Really nice, thanks for sharing. -Fenris
  11. The stretching ain't too bad IMO and is easy to get used to. You can usually control how aspect ratio is displayed by playing with the scaling on either your monitor on graphics card. On my nvidia card control panel I can change the scaling under desktop size and position settings so it's either stretched to full screen on at the correct 4:3 with black side bars. Personal preference I guess. Lack of fog is a bummer but doesn't break the game. It's purely a display thing though, your units still suffer reduced line of sight etc. I didn't require the Vista patch. Bought the game as an online download, it's version 1.03 according to the splash screen. Have fun -F
  12. Long time since I've used any Japanese but this sounds subarashii! =)
  13. I'm surprised, in light of the maps features, it's taken this long for the pun to be made.
  14. Yeah that's basically it, do it all the time. If it's too close or far it'll say out of range. Might be experience, I don't know. Someone else probably does. Are the mortars behind a tall building? I think if they're positioned too close buildings can block the line of fire. -F
  15. I agree. That being the plan I am a little surprised GaJ didn't spring for a couple of TRP's to quickly paste the area with arty though once he spotted Bill's infantry. On other matters... Seems unusual that the JPz spotted the ATG so quickly. I was under the impression ATG's are generally quite difficult to spot, more so for armoured units. But c'est la Combat Mission. -F
  16. Yes good stuff. Only had a quick play around with them but liking what I'm hearing. Many thanks.
  17. Same thoughts here. I find it much easier to play a CM1 game, being simpler it's much less work (I'll admit I do need to get more familiar with CM2 though). Larger engagements. Massive scope. ROCQ's campaign system. Adds up to still be enjoyable. I've got CMBO, CMBB, CMAK and a CMAK modded to the ETO installed and they've been on every PC I've had for the last, what is it, 12 years I think. Makes it easier to wait for the new CM2 titles too. God I wish they'd do even a cursory strategic layer though. The random map generator is also something I really miss from CM1. But as you say they're different enough beasts that I think they'll exist side by side on my PC for a long while, so it's all good. -F
  18. +1 I use a lot of various mod sites for the games I play. Repository could really use some work in so far as navigation when browsing mods IMO. Prefer and use GaJ's site far more often. Thanks GaJ by the way =) -F
  19. Elefant behind tree got a smile, good one. Nice shots. Shader is growing on me too. Does make it look 'hot'. Really like the PzIV shot. Thanks -F
  20. Start a thread and do testing a la the 1.x MG effectiveness and Baneman's HT gunners threads... Might get some traction. -F
  21. Hopefully for GaJ's sake that grass gives as much concealment as the graphics suggest. Being able to remain hidden so to ambush from close(ish) range is going to be very important I think. I agree with Herr Oberst. Mines to slow Bill down in a kill zone would be very useful. That said the amount of firepower at Bill's disposal is going to make it very messy for the Rangers me thinks. -F
  22. Yeah pretty sure. Too early for 410's and they don't have the twin tail of a 110. Another sign is nose is shorter than the engines. Is the other way around on a 110. Just to back me up here's a quote from the Me-210 wiki page Edit - I'm reading 410's started entering service Jan '43, bit earlier than I thought. But the film says it's from Nov/Dec 42 so I'll stand by my original ID. Anywhoo enjoy the vid.
  23. Whilst not exactly CMFI it's close and has some good combat footage that I've not seen before. Tank combat around 36th minute AT guns vs Pz3's I think. Never seen this before. Otherwise lots of M3's, half tracks and the like. Also LW raids from about the 6th minute with Me210's and Stuka's at low level. Some other birds as well but harder to id. Spits and P38's too. More at 23-28 minute. Low Ju88s, 210 again I think and 109 by the looks. Some DC3's as well. At The Front In North Africa (1943) -F
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