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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi Flu If I've understood correctly, a British airfleet has lost 4 points while intercepting a German Airfleet, rather than 1 point as you thought? The thing is that in air battles when attacks are intercepted the British Airfleet won't receive any bonus from the Maginot line. The Maginot line would only give it a bonus if the Germans attacked the British Airfleet there directly. I hope this makes sense?
  2. Their MPP value will be 2 or 3 times the strength value of the resource. Hence they are good targets for strategic bombers, or better still for capturing!
  3. If you press Print Screen it will take an image of your screen, which can be pasted into an image program or email and either saved and posted here, or emailed to either Hubert or myself (Bill@furysoftware.com).
  4. Hi Colberki, could you provide a screenshot to help us to pin it down?
  5. Ah, I'd posted about the Indomitable but it looks like Hubert posted too!!
  6. The Russians are the only country in the game that have artillery units in the scenarios that come with the game.
  7. Hi Dave The table you're looking for is on page 159. Along with the good news, when you're defending, that an attack across a river is delivered at only 50% effect. Using the engineer to prepare some positions around Chungking is a good idea too!
  8. Don't forget to press the P key to see where partisans are likely to appear, otherwise you might have to retake plenty more places besides Foochow!
  9. Hi Yolo I would actually strongly recommend playing a human opponent just for this very reason, but playing as Allied. Diving straight in at the deep end will reap dividends later - just bribe your opponent to keep the results quiet! I still remember my first ever SC1 multiplayer game where I had my backside very promptly handed to me on a plate, embarrassingly so, but I learned so much from that first game that it never happened quite like it again. In some early playtests I shared your frustration with China, until I saw in some of my other games where I was Allied how my Axis opponents were smashing up my Chinese defences and advancing on Chungking. Partly my bad Chinese strategy was to blame, but they also showed the way that Japan can make the most effective advances in China, using strategic bombers and upgraded tactical bombers to bomb defending units, which are then in their weakened state attacked by ground units. One piece of advice I will willingly share is that it would be a big mistake to focus too much on China early in the war. Even if you find it hard to advance in China, the Chinese won't find it any easier to do so themselves, so as long as you maintain your position you can prepare for the bigger war that is to come with the UK and USA.
  10. Funnily enough some of this matches my multiplayer experience, where the Allies have had to grin and bear it for a while because if they were to send in their fleets against massed U-Boats it would be a real mistake. The period 1940 through to the USA entering the war is the worst, just as in real life when Britain stood alone, and only then can the UK and USA launch a major campaign to deal with all the raiders and U-Boats interdicting their convoy lanes. While some AI adjustments may be necessary, the good thing in this game is that we really do get a Battle of the Atlantic, just as in real life, whereas in previous SC games it didn't always happen. That's the reason why Germany now receives a number of U-Boats throughout the early years of the war, so that she can afford to be a major pain in the UK's neck while also preparing for Barbarossa.
  11. When we first started playtesting I did need to readjust to the new scale, but it didn't take long because with the Global game we're really playing at an ever so slightly higher level. It's not that much different, but it does mean that we can spend more time planning at the higher levels and considering our strategies. The overall Global feel to the game is different to the previous games we've had in this series, and having played it quite a lot now I don't feel that the map scale is wrong. But it's a personal choice and I do look forward to seeing some larger scale maps, though bear in mind that bigger maps will lead to more units and slower turns. Some will like this, others might not, and turns in the middle to later periods of the war can already take some time (about 10-12 minutes max in my multiplayer games).
  12. The only way during a game would be to see if a city hasn't got a rail connection to the capital but is showing at full strength. But this isn't really ideal so if you are after this information to help you plan your strategies, I can only suggest opening up the scenario in the editor and going to Campaign (on the top menu) then Edit Country Data. This will bring up details of all the towns and cities belonging to every country, and towards the bottom right the Industrial and Supply Centres will be listed.
  13. Hi Scott I don't actually find the editor slow for most tasks, but occasionally one or two things can take a bit longer, such as deleting land tiles, but overall even on a very big map most things run very quickly for me, and it isn't always slow at doing this (my having other programs running in the background might be a factor here, especially when I have a video running too!).
  14. With Japan, although she starts out earning more than Germany, her income isn't going to rise like Germany's does so within a short time you'll find Germany outproducing her. Japan does seem to have a good income but it really does have to invest it wisely, and the beauty of this set up is that it gives you the ability to choose the investments, and therefore you can base your long term strategy on your purchases. This is something players seemed to miss in the Pacific game, so here it is... One note of caution: after the Dutch East Indies and USA have imposed an oil embargo, Japan's income will go down quite significantly. This is the time to start preparing your offensives, and for this you will need a stock of MPPs saved up to enable you to put all your invasion forces into transports. In early test games I made the mistake of not having sufficient MPPs to do this, and it cost me dearly. It was still a fun game, but when Japan goes to war it needs to strike with an iron fist.
  15. The Allies can interdict the convoy route but as we've seen at some cost. It's a strong deterrent. There is a decision event during the game which allows the Germans to change the convoy route so that it isn't quite so exposed, and if the Royal Navy is free in the long term to interdict that route then both the Kriegsmarine and the Luftwaffe are doing something wrong.
  16. Hi Bill I think we should employ you as a proofreader because those are some good spots! Thanks, we'll have to get those corrected. As to Foochow, because it survived a long time in Chinese hands during the middle to later years of the war, to make it a tougher nut to crack we made it an Industrial Centre so that it doesn't need to be connected to another city to be at full strength. Resources need to be connected to either a Capital, Industrial Centre or Supply Centre by rail to be at full strength. Good to hear that you're enjoying the game!
  17. It will take a while because there are a lot of scripts, and it may well appear to freeze for a few minutes while checking them, but in my experience this is quite normal and if you give it a bit longer it should then save the file. It's best to just let it do what it's got to do for a few minutes.
  18. Hi Geofighter I'm glad you're having a blast!! For the USSR to declare war on Japan, go to the War Map, select the USSR's flag in the bottom left, and click on Japan on the actual map. It will now ask you if you are sure that you want the USSR to declare war on Japan. If you get stuck this is also covered on pages 81-2 of the manual. Good luck with your invasion of Japan!
  19. At least one Beta tester is designing a scenario using a larger global map, and we already have theater specific campaigns in the previous releases in this series, hence we didn't include any in this release. I don't doubt that mods of theater specific campaigns will be in the pipeline once the modding community gets busy though!
  20. Hi Cantona Yes it is possible to copy the weather information over using the import/export functions. If both maps are exactly the same then you can copy both the Weather Zones and the Weather Map, but if the map is different then just the Weather Zones (which contains all the details on the chance of each type of weather in each zone) can be copied over.
  21. Hi Armuss The manual is correct because in the default scenarios the Soviets can deploy artillery units. All of these unit types, Artillery, AA and AT are still available in the editor so that they can easily be added to any scenarios that you want to change, and of course they are still available for use in any new scenarios anyone wants to design.
  22. Hi Scott It is possible to transfer much of the scenario's details and especially the map quickly and easily, but due to all the enhancements and added features in Global Conflict not everything can be directly transferred across. To test how long it would take, I just imported the map from the Battle for Okinawa scenario in the Pacific game directly into Global Conflict. This only took a minute, but tidying it up, adding in the items that weren't transferred across and double checking the details would probably take me another hour or two. It might be worthwhile to prepare by taking screenshots of the terrain and unit dispositions in your scenario, and annotating these with the unit names and experience and entrenchment details, as you'll find this very useful and a real time saver when the game is released and you can then start transferring your scenarios across. When transferring your scripts I suggest doing one file at a time. Most will be a doddle, but some might require extra lines to be inputted. Fortunately you'll soon know because when you try to save the scenario it will tell you if it doesn't like the format of the script files, along with telling you what is missing. With all the improvements in the Global game, the work involved will definitely be worth it.
  23. Hi Dave This is actually being introduced in the Global game, you'll just need to press L and it will bring up all the reports that you may have missed from the beginning of your turn. Although it doesn't stretch back as far as all turns, I've been finding it extremely useful indeed!
  24. Yes, certainly. Literally anything from WWII and around that time will be possible to create in the editor. The only thing is that importing a full scenario from a previous iteration of the SC2 series will take a while and require significant manual editing, but it could certainly be done.
  25. It represents the return to combat duty of the wounded, the repair of vehicles and using the cadres in the rear to train up replacements. You still have to wait a while for the unit to return, and it lacks any experience and enhancements that the destroyed unit had had. Obviously, if you aren't winning the war then your income will suffer and you will be able to rebuild less and less units, and this is what tends to happen to Germany if things aren't going too well.
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