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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. If you click on the major powers flag icons on the right hand side of the screen (where their MPPs are listed) then it will take you to their capitals. I find this a pretty quick and easy way of moving around the map.
  2. Italy works quite well as a minor, in fact the Axis have more opportunities with her now than they did have before, because German money can be used to invest in the Italian armed forces. Whether or not this is a wise decision will be yours to make...
  3. You can either cash some in, or when you get successes with your diplomacy it will free some of them up. Every country only has a limited amount, but this amount can be modified in the editor if you did want to try out a game where Germany has more.
  4. The only relevant change in 1.03 has been in raising Fighter defence against carriers, because in the past they could be slaughtered by carriers if attacked on the ground, whereas both types of bombers withstood the attacks much better. So that change was only to try to even out the differences a little. What types of planes are you using to attack the NW3 ships with, and how do the results you're getting compare with what you think would be more correct? You can always send me a turn if you want me to look at a real life example.
  5. I strongly suggest checking out the Version Notes to see what's been changed since the last time you played, because otherwise you just might be missing out on some good opportunities.
  6. SeaMonkey gives the best advice, try out the Operation Z scenario in the demo and see what you think.
  7. We have been doing our best to incorporate solutions to this in campaign design, so for example in Operation Z in the Pacific, the Soviet navy only deploys when the USSR joins the allies. That way they can't be used for early scouting, and we are doing our best to minimise this for the Global Conflict too.
  8. Yes, that 'just one more turn' feeling before going to bed often gets me into trouble! From my experience in playtesting the Global Conflict, you're going to be continuing to get that feeling with this release. Very much so!
  9. Yes, it's been changed so that the USSR and Japan can be at peace while the rest of the world is in flames. So with the Global Conflict game things will be more historical and realistic. That said, it won't stop players from trying out "what if" strategies, so if the Japanese feel brave then they can attack the USSR in 1941. Now we'll be able to see if it could have made a significant difference!
  10. That was just the game engine providing you with an opportunity to relive that moment and gloat!
  11. It means that the battleships will be able to attack ground targets and remain undamaged 100% of the time, but when ground units attack naval units in port, they will never escape damage (unless the unit attacking is very weak or unlucky).
  12. Could there be a variable condition attached to them that turns them off? For instance, if the variable condition was that France was allied but not surrendered, then at some point in 1940 these convoys will probably stop working as France will probably have fallen.
  13. If the convoy line is white then the convoy isn't functioning. Is this in a default campaign or in a mod?
  14. I think that subs are definitely worth it, but more so later in the game. Early on they are pretty easy targets and without submarine research they are fairly easy to sink. Obviously they still have a role in sinking enemy ships, but come 1944 when you've got loads of subs interdicting his convoy routes (if that's the strategy you use) it will really annoy the Japanese player. I should know, I've had it done to me enough times, and it makes Japan divert resources to more destroyers, or deploying air units to cover the routes, rather than in defending key positions or launching offensives of their own. Of course, it does cost quite a few MPPs and takes some time to set up properly, but it is one extra way of targeting Japan and I don't think it should be neglected. But then I wrote the manual so maybe I'm a little biased! Another bonus is that once in a while Japanese troop transports might run into them, and you will smile when you see them inflict some good damage on the transports!
  15. The rain will affect both, so even if it wasn't raining where your carrier is, if it was raining over the target then your planes wouldn't be able to hit it. As it's the Monsoon season in your game, I'd suggest getting that carrier to a safe port asap.
  16. I really like the screenshots with the arrows and text, it looks great, and looking at this is putting me in the mood for playing yet another game of OpZ!
  17. Have you changed any of the AI scripts, or has anything else in France been significantly changed for your mod? Edit: I hadn't realised Hubert had already replied, it goes to show that you shouldn't leave a web page open for too long without refreshing!
  18. Hi Al You'll probably need to write some transport minor scripts to take the garrison units there, possibly along with some unit scripts to ensure that some Corps are available. The AI will only use air units as a last resort, and in the situation you've described it's probably assigning them to something it considers to be more important.
  19. Actually it is possible because Italy can still be developed. I really don't think you'll miss having her as a major at all. Thinking about it further, it will now be slightly easier to develop Italy, because in the past the only way you could do so was by having the Italians conquer countries in the Med. She'll still be a weak ally, but there'll be more potential for building her up because German MPPs can now be spent directly on her. Whether it's a good thing to do will be something you'll have to find out, but it'll certainly be an option.
  20. Hi Gunhawk My recommendation is to stand and fight in Burma for as long as possible, and carry out a fighting retreat into India. The terrain and supply is really bad in Burma, and that will help to slow the Japanese advance while buying you time to build some more British Indian units to deploy here. Elsewhere in the Pacific it is mainly a question of fighting where you stand with your land units, but if you can get some key units to safety (e.g. any air units in the Philippines, and as many naval units as possible) then do so. Good places for naval battles early on are around the Dutch East Indies and in the Coral Sea. But watch out that you don't leave Hawaii unguarded... My favourite books are General Slim's Defeat into Victory, and just about anything by H.P. Wilmott. Both authors were a big influence on designing this campaign. Have fun!
  21. If you can send me a file it would be great, please send it to Bill@furysoftware.com Thanks!
  22. Hi Xwormwood Thanks for your post. I'd really need to know what's causing an early Soviet war entry to answer properly. If it's because the Japanese leave Manchuria empty then that's fine, it's their risk. But if it has other causes then they may need to be looked at, so if you could let me know what might be triggering it it would be very helpful. As Colin said we did make a few changes earlier on, and it may be that some more need to be made. I really don't mind the allies being able to use diplomacy to bring Stalin on board earlier than usual, providing it costs a lot to do so (that's where the expense you mentioned comes in). But if something else is triggering it, or there is a consensus that diplomacy is too cheap, then that'll be something for me to work on. In all my recent games the USSR has joined in the spring or summer of 1945, and Japan has been holding until either very late in 1945 () or into 1946 (). But it could be that mine and my opponents' strategies are significantly different from yours and your opponents, and if there's a loophole then we'll need to fill it. Bill
  23. Hi George The demo for PDE includes the Storm of Steel scenario, which starts in the spring of 1939 and gives you a few months to decide how (as Axis) you plan to conquer Europe, or as Allies how you are going to stop them. It will give you a flavour of the game, so why not give it a try! Some of the improvements include: a better AI; the introduction of Decision Events; and a bigger map which now covers more of the USA and Mexico. The post-WWII scenarios are actually quite fun too, so even if it's not a period of great interest to you, when you feel like trying something different they might be just the ticket, and once you've finished them, there are also some excellent Fall Weiss mods that have been done for PDE.
  24. I just want to add to what Scott wrote, because when your unit is adjacent to a port you'll need to right click on the unit and some options will come up, which should (providing you've not spent all your money already!) include the option to amphibious transport. I hope this helps!
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