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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi Hauptman I did a quick search of previous threads in this forum and I noticed that someone else reported the same problem a while back. At the time Hubert offered the following advice: Please let us know whether or not this helps. Thanks.
  2. The island question is a tricky one for all of us to answer, but all I can say is that in my last three games Japan hasn't surrendered once. All the games have been extremely close, going right down to the wire, and great fun! I certainly am listening and working on further improvements to OpZ too.
  3. Hi Wushuki With regards to your question about bomber losses, the strength of the resource they are attacking will be a factor, along with any AA upgrades it has. I believe that those are the only two factors unless your bomber is intercepted by enemy fighters, or an AA unit is present.
  4. How many turns will there be in your scenario between March and August 1939? Only I think that a spread of scripts (say every few turns, or even every Axis turn) to check this might be the easiest approach. Once you've made one script it's easy to just copy it, paste it, amend the date, paste again, etc...
  5. Hi Baron Thanks for bringing this up, I'll do some testing to see if I can fix this. Bill
  6. I've found that taking Kiev is absolutely vital, and playing this scenario has made me realise why Hitler sent his Panzers south to help out in the Ukraine.
  7. I've actually seen both sides win a number of times in PBEM games, but the key to Axis success is in what they do in the first few months. If the Soviets can stop them in a key area (e.g. Kiev, which is probably the most important place on the map) then the Germans will probably lose.
  8. Moon posted at the same time as I did!
  9. Hi Rich Is the save files folder one you created yourself? I'm just wondering whether it's a folder contained within one of the game files, or elsewhere on your computer? But to be honest it could go in any one of those games, and if all your games are working ok with the correct graphics then perhaps it isn't an issue? Maybe you accidentally copied and pasted a version into this folder at some point?
  10. Hi Mithel The answer to your first question is yes, and to your second question you were right in saying that each tech level advancement of bombers increases the chance to hit the defending unit by 10%.
  11. It's funny, I've never thought that typing a number in once to be quite the equivalent of jumping through hoops to play a game! As a beta tester I have far more versions of all the SC games on my harddrive than you could imagine, but even so, typing in that elicense number once per game has been effortless, so effortless that I can hardly recall doing so. I checked out the DRM issue a while back when others were saying similar things to you, and the elicense system seems like nothing compared to the others you mentioned. You're entitled to your opinion on DRM, but saying that it's a massive chore to input your elicense number is simply laughable. Your issue really sounds like it's simply with any kind of DRM, not with the work involved in registering with elicense, and it would be better if you said so. But Battlefront already know that a small number of people won't buy any game that has any type of DRM whatsoever, so what you're saying isn't really anything new. I also find it a bit strange that you've waited more than two years to post about a game you bought and didn't like. It's almost like you've been seething with anger all that time, and your first post just reeked of arrogance and aggression. I showed it to a friend of mine and what they thought of it would be unprintable here (and they're not a big fan of SC2 either), so if you aren't a troll, that post sure made you look like one. Besides, if you hated that game so much, why aren't you using your time more constructively on the forums of the games that you do like? Provide some positive input to the gaming community somewhere, because this negativity about a game you bought ages ago is simply amazing.
  12. Hi Bill The amendment Gorgin suggests would only work with a new game, but is worth doing if you feel that you'd like a bit longer to play in your next game.
  13. Hi Colin The main reason behind my decision to give them 2 strikes was because they represent significantly larger formations than anyone else's armour in the game. This decision was strengthened by other factors, such as Soviet armoured doctrine and their experience of fighting the Germans, but the bigger size of these units compared to everyone else's in the Pacific was the main reason. I've blown a number of Soviet armoured units away, it's not impossible to do, and Vladivostock has been known to fly the flag of the Rising Sun in 1945, which is why I'd never considered that giving them two strikes could be a problem. Earlier in this thread it was asked whether anyone used diplomacy on Nepal. I have, and I have seen others do it too. Also, and more frequently, on Communist China, which is why I wouldn't want to totally abolish diplomacy. Fortunately in the game engine diplomacy on majors (i.e. the USSR) can be differentiated from diplomacy on minors, so it is possible to make it harder to get the USSR active while leaving minors' diplomacy as it is now. So, for example, we could raise the cost for the allies to carry out diplomacy on the USSR while leaving it the same for use on minors.
  14. It's not necessarily a glitch, there is a % chance of spotting enemy units and if your ground and air troops could already see the vast majority of his units, then it leaves very few available to be spotted by intelligence. I can only suggest trying it again, or trying out a test scenario where you start with level 5 intel, your opponent has loads of units of sight, and you see if any get spotted. Admittedly that could hardly be called a game, but within a short while you should be able to see whether or not any are being spotted.
  15. Hi Colin There are other solutions, but it really depends on how frequently this is a problem, because in some games I've seen the allies invest a fortune in the USSR and get virtually nowhere with activating it. Options available while keeping diplomacy are as follows: We can raise the price of allied diplomacy We can reduce the number of chits they can invest We can reduce the % increase a diplomacy hit gives I would really like to sample a wider opinion before making any changes to the official scenario, so I would welcome some more feedback from other players too. How many people find this to be a common problem? How significant would the changes need to be?
  16. Hi Gundolf I think it will be that the exit tiles are only set for Soviet use, therefore you've reached Japan's high water mark.
  17. Hi Yolo Which campaign are you playing, is it Operation Z or one of the mods? If it is OpZ then I'm sure we can all give you a little advice to help out. For instance, of the forces that start in Manchukuo, only five units are needed to garrison the country and the remainder can be sent south to fight in China, or elsewhere. The five units that you need to keep in Manchukuo need to be in, or adjacent to, the five cities mentioned in the pop up on turn one.
  18. Hi Armuss On the first one, I think we'd have to work out what negative reaction the world could give to such a move. There may be ways of doing it, or perhaps of giving Mexico significant partisan forces to deter an invader?
  19. Hi EMF It will require two scripts as they are both separate features (i.e. one is a country's activation, the other a convoy): 1) To ensure that Cuba joins the war when the USA does. 2) To set up a convoy at this point. I hope this helps. Bill
  20. But if you move your planes out of Russia to avoid it, that will cost you too, so I think it evens out. I've always understood it to be a one-off to represent German unpreparedness for the winter. Besides, having it happen again could be quite dangerous, as in 1943 and 1944 the Soviets could really make use of such an event to wreak havoc.
  21. Hi Nupremal In answer to your questions my understanding is the following: 1) Yes. 2) No. 3) I don't think so either but would need to run a test to be sure. I certainly don't see why they would be affected. 4) Ditto. Convoys: 1) Agreed. 2) True. 3) You get nothing. 4) You will receive MPPs for the places you still hold. This is a tricky situation, so you'll need to give some thought to which countries you give a convoy to. In the PTO it works out as hoped for in most situations (i.e. the Japanese will, more often than not, lose Yenanyaung before they lose Rangoon). In the long run the DEI roughly works out ok, at least in terms of the overall effect, but it wasn't working out at all well in China after it surrendered to the Japanese, which is why the occupied China convoy script was disabled in v.1.02.
  22. Once the US has joined the allies, if you right click on the US airfleet and select Operate, it will allow your air unit to move to Europe - but at a small cost in MPPs.
  23. Best to send the file to support@furysoftware.com In the game's folder you should also find a folder called ERROR which should have a file inside called errorlog.txt - if you can send this file too it will help.
  24. Hi Cantona I'm afraid that it's a mistake in the manual. I've just been in the editor and I counted up 6 majors and 23 minors slots available, making 29 in total.
  25. To a large extent the HQ represents the logistical side and all the supply dumps. Admittedly the HQ might be destroyed but as you can buy it back I think it works out pretty well. I really like the effect that outrunning your supply lines has in the game, whether it be during Barbarossa or when the allies liberate Paris and race for the German border in 1944. It's actually very historic.
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