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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. SC2 Blitzkrieg covers the European Theater only, so if you want to enjoy some action in the Pacific then you'll need to get SC2 Pacific. In addition, there are many differences between the two, some of which are quite significant. For instance, one big change of direct relevance to the Pacific was the introduction of new carrier features, so that now they have a choice of modes, where they can choose to launch just fighters, or just naval bombers, or a mixture of the two (i.e. some Kates and Vals with an escort of Zeros). The AI has also been improved since SC2 Blitzkrieg, and the Pacific features Decision Events that SC2 Blitzkrieg didn't. These are situations where the player is given a choice, so that (for example) the USA can choose where to deploy some its bombers, whether or not to send "Vinegar Joe" Stilwell to serve with the Chinese, etc. These are just two quick examples off the top of my head, and they all add a little something to the game. I would strongly recommend trying out the demos for both, and seeing which one takes your fancy the most. SC2 Blitzkrieg can of course be upgraded with the expansion packs like Weapons and Warfare, whereas SC2 Pacific is a stand alone game. Or just buy both!
  2. I wonder if you're seeing the same as me, because I can see the two announcement threads but there are also lots of discussion threads below: Admittedly there is not as much discussion in there now as there used to be, but there is some on occasions.
  3. It still seems to work for me, and we had posts in there in July. What do you see if you go here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=40
  4. The system requirements are listed if you go to the page to buy the game. I tried copying and pasting it here but it didn't look right, so here's a link: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?page=shop.cart&func=cartAdd&product_id=167&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26 Just scroll down to the bottom of the page. Hopefully his system will be up to it!
  5. I've been thinking some more about this, and ideally it would be good if the sub either couldn't travel through the Straits or took some damage in doing so. However, one thing to bear in mind when assessing this issue's importance is that sometimes the U-Boat commander might be quite pleased to pass through the Straits, but at other times it could be the last thing they want. It all depends on which side of the Straits they end up on, who has naval dominance that side, and whether or not the Allies have a carrier or two (or other surface vessels) on hand to make the whole question irrelevant.
  6. What happens if you increase the number of units threefold (with varying types too: Corps; Armies; SNLF) and give Japan plenty of Yen to start with? I would just be interested to see if this makes any difference, so that by a process of elimination we can work out what the problem might be. In OpZ the Japanese carry out a number of operations simultaneously, but I've not experimented much with it outside of the historical scenarios in the Pacific theater, so it would be good to know if we can eliminate these factors from the equation.
  7. Thanks SeaMonkey. Hopefully the next patch will provide some more pleasure then!
  8. Hi SeaMonkey, I'm intrigued and interested to know more here because I've never found it very hard to achieve Japan's historical achievements, and neither have my opponents. Obviously results vary from game to game, and the Burma/India theater is the one place where the Japanese can be a bit slow taking ground (though some players have told me otherwise, so maybe it's my own strategy that's at fault!) but do you find it elsewhere too? Can you be a bit more specific on where you find Japan gets bogged down? Not wanting to hijack this thread feel free to either start another or email me at Bill@furysoftware.com. Thanks!
  9. That's certainly true. I did spend some time yesterday checking the script and couldn't see anything wrong with it, so I'm glad that you've got it working now.
  10. I'm pretty sure that some U-Boats did manage to pass through the Strait during the war (and they certainly did in WWI) so I don't think this is a significant problem. At least, I don't think it's totally unfeasible for this to happen.
  11. You could, but I wonder if it might be simpler if you have both the west and east as one USA (a country doesn't have to have all its constituent parts adjacent on the map) and give the AI some unit scripts to deploy subs on the west coast. Would this work here?
  12. That's true, you'll have to reduce the minors to a maximum of 23.
  13. There are 6 Majors and 23 Minors. The import data tool should work. Off hand I can't say whether it will import everything, but you'll immediately be able to tell if any of the tick boxes are greyed out.
  14. Greece is a useful point to have if you hope to control the Eastern Mediterrenean, or if you wish to prevent your opponent from doing so.
  15. Hi Carl When you first choose the scenario, you are then taken through to a screen which has a tab entitled Advanced. Click on this and then on Scripts and then Victory. You will see a list of the various victory conditions, along with the names of the towns. Or, when you are in the game you can do the same by clicking Next Screen then Options (click on the icon on the right hand side of the screen marked with the numbers 123 written vertically), then Advanced then Scripts and Victory. The method of viewing the Victory conditions was made a lot easier and clearer from the next game in the series after SC2 Blitzkrieg.
  16. I've just tested this too, and all I can say is that it certainly used to happen! Maybe it was just a temporary issue that's been fixed since, but as a result I cannot explain the difference in the number of strikes.
  17. I'm not actually recommending that you abolish any of your current scripts, far from it. Keep them there. If the scenario starts with 12 tanks on the map won't that be your build limit, with soft build limits starting from there? But another way to keep things rare is to increase the price. That way a desperate Soviet player will buy back more armies than tanks. I guess that the right name for this suggestion would be a rebuild limit.
  18. I've had a go with the scripts and you're right, the unit is arriving at the end of the first turn. I am now wondering whether using soft build limits might be the answer, because that should act as a good deterrent against players buying more than the number you want them to have. Plus the soft build penalty can be set quite high if you want.
  19. Ok, I'll have a think about this. Ah, I think I know the reason for this, because if a unit has been placed in an amphib in the editor, and then you change the unit type's combat stats, the amphib unit will retain the combat stats that it had when it was first placed in the amphib. I noticed this by chance while designing the PTO scenario, and as no one had ever mentioned/noticed this before I didn't raise it because it seemed like it could be a potentially good way to have units with two types of stats in a game. Not that I've yet thought of a practical use for it! I didn't design the D-Day scenario so can't comment on whether or not it was intentional.
  20. I think it would work if Germany didn't start at war with the USSR. That way, when Germany DOWs on the USSR in turn 1, the unit scripts will immediately fire, deploying the tanks so that the Panzers can then smash them to pieces!
  21. There is a way this can be done, and that is to start the game with no more than 6 deployed either on the map or in the production queue, and with the build limit set to 6. Then have all the remaining tank units deploy by script on turn 1 (or later, if they are currently in the production queue). Would this work here?
  22. Yes, the USA has been expanded and Mexico and Cuba are now on the map. It's good to hear you're enjoying it!
  23. PDE contains more features, most notably Decision Events which give the player the option to make various choices throughout the game. If it's WWII you want, it also contains the Storm of Steel scenario, which starts WWII in the spring of 1939. Plus the AI will be better in PDE than in WAW! However, WAW contains some great scenarios too, and I really wouldn't want to be without either. Battle for Russia 1941-45 is an awesome scenario. There's also the Spanish Civil War if you fancy trying something a little different... Just take your pick, enjoy, and pick the other one at a later date!
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