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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi Geofighter Thanks for the observations. 1. I'm not sure what might have caused this as I think that the US should automatically be at war with at least one of the Axis powers. Have you been playing the AI or against another human? 2. This is correct, because if territorial waters are violated then the violating naval units can be legitimately attacked. It's therefore best to steer clear of them until you're ready to go to war. In one of my games I had a lot of pleasure in sinking a Japanese naval unit that was scouting out my forces before he was actually ready to declare war. 3. Interesting. I think we'll have to look into this. 4. If the US were at war with Japan (as one would expect it should have been) then I wouldn't have thought this was a problem, because US units interfering with the Japanese navy's operations would be what we'd expect. So I think the real issue that you've mentioned is point 1, about the US not being at war with the Axis! 5. Regarding the fighting spirit of the British, I don't think that the British in India and the South Africans were likely to give up any easier. Would the Royal Navy in the Indian Ocean have really been likely to surrender to Japan if it could escape to friendly ports?
  2. Has anything else happened in the scenario that may have triggered it, for instance have the Axis carried out a Sea Lion?
  3. Don't worry Geofighter, you have bought a game that you can modify, we just need to figure out what's stopping this script from working. But you haven't answered my question asking whether you have been able to get other new scripts of different types to show up?
  4. Hi Koo Welcome aboard! 1. The effect of snow is to reduce combat effectiveness, so as you've noticed the effect of your attacks will have gone down quite significantly. This is a good time for resting and reinforcing your units. Soviet winter is a one-time event to reflect the unpreparedness of the German forces for the severity of the Russian winter at the end of 1941, and it just reduces the strength of Axis units within the USSR. 2. Historical news such as in the examples you've given is just to add historical flavour, to give a feel for the times and some of the things that happened during the war. 3. There is no quick and easy way to count the units you have of each specific type, as the reports that you can see in the game will tell you how many Land, Air and Naval units you have, but it doesn't break them down by type, e.g. Corps, Army etc.
  5. Hi Geofighter I'm not sure what's causing the second problem, but as to the script itself, there's nothing in it to prevent this decision from coming up when the UK government moved to Canada and the country has ultimately surrendered after a German invasion of Canada. You could either set the condition position to be when a Japanese unit has taken Melbourne, or set Melbourne rather than Tokyo to be the friendly position. Or alternatively you could link this decision to DE106 where the UK gets to choose whether to move its capital to Australia or Canada. In that case, set the link to be: #LINK= 106[1] I'm intrigued to know what's causing the second problem. If you add in other types of scripts, e.g. a Unit script, or Popup, do they appear ok?
  6. Hi Gorgin, the good news is that this will be fixed in the first patch.
  7. A quick fix to the research issue could be to make achieving level 1 have a significantly higher chance than it currently does, say 8% instead of the current 5%. But perhaps leave the higher levels as they are, because level 1 is the most important in tech areas like IW and AT. I must add that this is just an idea I've just had, and I haven't tested it at all.
  8. There was an issue with the 1939 Alliance of Evil scenario which is being fixed in the first patch, but there is no such issue in the 1939 World at War scenario. Fortunately there will soon be no issue at all!
  9. Hi A fix to this should be included in the first patch. Bill
  10. In the demo it isn't possible to actually purchase any units, but rest assured that in the actual game you certainly can!
  11. Supply lines are very hard to change so I'm not convinced that evasion would be the most appropriate answer here. If one wants to give them some protection then the easiest and quickest solution would be to just give HQs higher Air Defense and Carrier Defense values so that they cannot be attacked with impunity.
  12. You would need to paste it into something like Microsoft Paint, Paintshop, or similar. Or even into just a Word document if you don't have anything better, so that you can then email the Word document.
  13. I'm a little confused here because the UK has Manchester as a secondary capital. Did you take that too?
  14. Ah, we must have renamed it since writing the manual. The army to use will be the 11th Army that starts at 160,25.
  15. Hi Wushuki I've just tried replicating this but I'm not getting the same result. In my test the Industrial Modifier didn't increase the British colonies' incomes at all. Are you definitely sure that this is happening in your game? Thanks Bill
  16. Could PBEM with someone be another solution? Most of the people I play against live in other parts of the world so it's only for part of the weekend that we might be online at the same time, but we still enjoy great games and give each other a tough struggle.
  17. Hi Alexandre Please could you let us know which scenario this is in, and at what stage it's at, i.e. has the USA joined the Allies? Thanks Bill
  18. Hi For the first issue, if you go to the War Map and select the USA's flag in the bottom left, then click on Germany's flag on the map itself, you will be able to declare war on Germany. As to your air units, right click on them and select Operate. All the places in the world that they can be moved to will now be highlighted when you scroll around the map. Regarding how to bring the USA in sooner, diplomacy is the key. It's obviously a bit late for this game, but in your next if you go to the Diplomacy screen early in the game and invest some chits in the USA then it should bring it in sooner. Quite a bit of the above is covered in the Manual, especially in the Beginner's Tutorial section, so you might also find it useful to take a look at that.
  19. Could it be that the enemy had had an intel hit telling them the location of the sub? Or any airpower (carriers or bombers) nearby with the range?
  20. The free units will automatically side against the aggressor, so the engine will cater for this.
  21. Hi David Good point about Brest, I think we can easily fix that, and the evil problem should be resolved in the first patch! Bill
  22. Hi U8led I think he was pointing out the spelling mistake, as it should of course be Pakistan. BTW this mod looks pretty interesting! It reminds me of one I used to play in the SC1 days which had the whole world divided into two camps right from the start.
  23. Making peace with China isn't a possibility, so the only way for Japan to end the war there is to conquer the country. Which is possible with the right amount of effort.
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