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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi Zolacat Resources in Spain and other countries will only go up to 10 once they are in territory connected to the capital of a major, and in this instance the capital to aim for is Paris. Fortunately you do not need to actually capture Paris to see your resources starting to rise from 5 to 10, simply having a unit adjacent to Paris will set this process going. As long as he survives the inevitable counterattack of course!
  2. Hi Masterclaude Screenshots don't require any special permissions and any forum member can post them. I have an account at photobucket.com to which I upload gif files of the screenshots. I then copy the IMG code which will appear below the saved image, and paste it into the forum message. It usually takes less than a minute to do this, and anyone can do it!
  3. Here's the first. I've been rather impressed by the strength of the Japanese air force:
  4. Colin, you can send me the screenshot and I'll add it, just send it to Bill@furysoftware.com. I'm about to log off for the night but I'll certainly add it in the morning.
  5. I'm afraid that there isn't a way to highlight all the tiles belonging to a certain country, though if they are a major then their colour will show up more when looking at the mini-map. Changing the localization text is actually a fully proper way of changing the countries to be those in the Storm of Steel scenario. Much quicker too!
  6. Hi Borsook Have you gone into the campaign.ini file for the campaign you're making, and made #CUSTOM_LOCALIZATION= 1? If not, this would explain why Pzgndr's suggestion hasn't worked for you. I'd suggest giving it a try if you haven't already done so because it will be a lot quicker than changing tile ownerships.
  7. Hi Borsook Firstly, create a new folder called Fall Weiss or similar (the name is for convenience sake only). This folder can be on your desktop so that it's readily accessible. Now go into the WAW editor and open up the Fall Weiss scenario. Click on File at the top left, and click on Export Data. After a few seconds it will ask you which folder to export the data to - place it in the Fall Weiss folder that you made in stage one. You can now close the WAW editor and open the Global one. Go to File and click on Import Data. It will now bring up a grey box showing all of the aspects that can be imported. Due to all the enhancements and new features not everything can be imported, but if you Select All then all that can be imported, will be once you've clicked ok. But first I would suggest taking a screenprint so that you'll be able to refer back to this list of what was and what wasn't imported. Save the campaign that will have been created, but now you've got some work to do in filling in what wasn't imported. This will involve switching between the WAW and Global editors. I would suggest taking lots of screenprints in the WAW editor as this will reduce the amount of going backwards and forwards that you'll have to do. As to the scripts, I strongly recommend pasting in one type of script at a time, saving the script file, hitting update and at this stage the editor will let you know if it doesn't like the format of the scripts (i.e. where new lines have been added between versions). Then just add in the missing information and save again.
  8. No, only if Germany hasn't formed Vichy will you be able to entice Franco into joining the Axis through DE 503.
  9. Spain has to be at 30% for Franco to consider joining the Axis, so this is the reason why Spain hasn't joined in this case. However, as Spain starts the 1939 World At War scenario at 40% Axis, I'm intrigued to see that Spain has gone down to 26% in your game. Providing it is this scenario you're playing and not a mod, then it would appear that either you've done something to annoy Franco, or the Allies have invested in diplomacy?
  10. A SUPPLY script, not a STRENGTH script.
  11. That's right, taking Algiers can lead directly to Franco joining the war, which is the great prize for having fought a tough campaign to conquer all of France and Algeria.
  12. I would think that it is intentional because unless all of the Allies had been defeated it would have been quite hard for Axis naval units to sail around South Africa without a good chance of their being intercepted and sunk. But as stated above, this can easily be changed in the editor if you feel that it would be more appropriate to allow the Axis to do so.
  13. It's interesting how this game is working out, thanks for doing this AAR for us all!
  14. Patton would supply the other units, but he wouldn't command them, so you'll find that despite having some supply these British units will fight at a lower capability, all other things being equal, than the US units adjacent to them. Best to destroy them before the UK ships another HQ over to Normandy!
  15. I've put some explanation into this thread which might help: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=92176
  16. It's been a long time since I did this and to be honest I have totally forgotten how to do it, but I've just had a quick look in Paintshop Pro which I use and the following seems to be a quick way of doing this: 1) Make a copy of your Unit Sprites file. Do not use the original! 2) In the top menu of Paintshop Pro there is a bar for Effects. In the drop down I then selected Edge Effects and Trace Contour. This created a silhouette of all the units in my file. These would now need to be recoloured using the Color Replacer to the relevant colours (take a look in a unit_silhouettes_sprites_3d file for examples). I don't know what programme you're using so obviously the actual instructions that I've given above may not be exactly the same for you. It is also of course possible that there may be another way of doing this, but I hope this helps get you started.
  17. The scenario should work fine in Multiplayer mode without any scripts, but adding some AI scripts at some point will help ensure that it provides a good challenge to those who only play against the AI.
  18. That was bad luck, but I'm glad you've got it working now.
  19. The Colour Replacer tool will be the key to this, because you need to change the white to be the same colour as the background colour in the Unit sprites file. Hopefully the Help file in whatever program you're using should have a section on this. I'm glad to see that you're making some progress! PS Once you've worked out how to use the colour replacer, you may also find it useful for making any new graphics have roughly the same colours as the graphics already in the game.
  20. No, they should work regardless because I know that they will work on neutrals.
  21. It was a valid game plan and under different circumstances it might have worked. But at least you've now got territory near to Japan that might come in handy later in the war. For now, it might be better to either start smashing the Japanese on the mainland with a view to liberating China, or to put more emphasis into DDay in Europe. Without even seeing the game, the latter instinctively feels like the better choice.
  22. My art skills aren't actually that much greater! But once you get going on this you'll find that it really drives your enthusiasm to learn. I think the best thing to do is to make a copy of one of the Unit Sprites files and open it up in MS Paint (or similar) and take a good look at it. You'll need to learn how to select areas, how to copy and paste within the file, and also how to paste as a new image and how to resize an image. Learning how to do some basic painting will also help for later (e.g. how to select a colour, and how to use the paintbrush). I strongly recommend having a good play around in MS Paint, learning some skills and getting the feel for how this all works, because I can't really teach you how to do this. But once you've got going I'm sure that we can help with any specific problems.
  23. The thing to do with any that you've downloaded is to resize the image to be approximately the same size as the images that are already used in the game. Once you've done this you'll have a clearer idea as to whether or not the graphic will work, and also what work, if any, you might need to do to improve it. Photographing models requires a good light and I put them on light coloured paper so as to get a minimum of background colour. The key to success is to photograph them so that they will be at the same angle as the graphics used in the game, i.e. not straight on but at an angle, and slightly from above too. I took photos from all kinds of angles, and all distances and settings on the camera until I found what worked! It did take a little while, but the rewards when you get the shot right are really pleasing. I must add that it's been a few years since I took any photos so I can't remember the details of how best to take the photos, but I think that after a short period of time you'll get the hang of it. I'm afraid that my WWII collection isn't as good as my Spanish Civil War one, partly because I now play the former in 6mm which is just a little too small for this kind of work! But I think that there should be quite a few pictures of nice models online.
  24. This is intentional because I don't think that the USSR would ever have allowed Allied forces to operate through their territory. Just as the war against Hitler ended, so the Cold War began...
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