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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Umm, I think not. Posting pictures in threads DOES slow the forum down so unless they have something to do with the topic, I don't want to see them posted here. Madmatt
  2. HP, please email me (matt@battlefront.com) with the name the order was placed under, when you placed it and what you ordered and I will see what is up. Madmatt
  3. Check out the official Strategic Command website as we just posted a new FAQ/Game Guide which should give you a lot of information about the details of this HIGHLY addicting and FUN game. http://www.battlefront.com/products/worldwar/stratcom/index.html Madmatt [ April 22, 2002, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  4. The screenshots were taken on the first turn so all units are set to their initial full strength value or "10". With research into new technologies those maximum ratings can go much higher though for the different unit types. Madmatt
  5. I just noticed that this mod doesnt include any side or turret skirt textures so I have made note of that in the Compatiability Issues line for it. Madmatt [ April 22, 2002, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  6. Yeah, I sorta cheated and stuck these mods into CMBB to take the screenshots. When CMBB is released these mods will no longer work as all the models will be changed (updated with greater amounts of polygons and detail) and the textures will no longer "fit" properly. Madmatt [ April 22, 2002, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  7. Managed to squeeze in a little time to update CMHQ with a pair of new mods from freshman Mod artist Steven Burvenich. Check um out, I like um! Madmatt
  8. Yeah well, thats what happens when you don't invest research into Uber Hampstertruppen! Madmatt
  9. When a unit starts its turn adjacent or on a Port it may "transport" (at a cost), the unit then turns into a Transport unit with the same Strength that it had before (but with a decreased ability to defend against attack obviously). It can then move as a ship. When you get to your destination, just move up to any inviting shore line and you may "unload" and the unit appears back as its original type on the beach and the transport unit disapears. Somtimes units can take extra damage as they land on shore but Hubert can probably come in here and describe when why and how that occurs. Madmatt [ April 21, 2002, 01:45 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  10. You can actually rename any unit that you wish at any time but by default they have authentic names. Last night, after the Reich collapsed, all that I had left were some die hard Italian units dug in around Rome and the battleship, Andrea Doria was providing some badly needed offshore support. All for naught though, advanced jet fighters from Allied bases in Malta finally sunk her as she was heading to Taranto for badly needed repairs and a combined Soviet,American,Canadian and British assault wiped the last vestigages of the Axis presence from the European continent once and for all. Madmatt [ April 20, 2002, 08:01 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  11. Yeah, I am working on making that more clear right this moment. Madmatt
  12. Not bloody likely...Now keep moving people, nothing to read here. Madmatt
  13. Actually I don't think there will be any bones until next week at the earliest. Too much other stuff to attend to right now. Sorry. Madmatt
  14. This thread is better suited to the General Forum although I would caution Mr. "pants" that making broad statements like that withoutnany cited source material is not going to win you any discussion points here. Madmatt
  15. Yeah, Battlefront, Throw us a freaking bone why dontcha?!? What I gotta do, get hired by you people or somefink....errr ohhh yeah...Hehehe..I DID. Yeah, I will see what I can pull out of the ole BAG-O-BONES and lob your way this week. Madmatt
  16. The clock on this server WAS 34 minutes slow, it is correctly set to EST (-5GMT) now. In CMBB there is now a Reset Target key for FO's that you can press after you have targeted a new position that will do as it claims, reset the target point to what it was when the turn was originally loaded with no penalty tacked on. Madmatt
  17. What video driver version do you have installed and are you running with any FSAA settings enabled? Madmatt
  18. After some testing I have now been able to come up with a fix for this, or at least everyone who ever came to with it seems to be working now. Okay, I am assuming you have a shortcut to the Combat Mission.exe on your desktop that you double-click to launch the game. I want you to try this: Right click on that shortcut and select Properties. Next click the Compatibility Tab at the top on the screen that opens. By default NOTHING on that screen should be checked but we have seen that sometimes the "run this program in compatibility mode for:" option is selected. If anything is checked then uncheck it and try and launch the game again. If that doesn't work, go ahead and select that Compatibility mode option and go through the four OS choices, testing the game after each one. Before you do this make sure you have the most updated video drivers installed for your video card. Come back here and let us know what you find. For most people that have encountered this issue it seems the NO Compatability setting (nothing checked) or Windows 2000 mode will fix the problem. Madmatt
  19. Sorry but you can not manually assemble the files like that. We use a proprietary system for the structure and will NEVER give out info on it. Madmatt
  20. Sorry but you can not manually assemble the files like that. We use a proprietary system for the structure and will NEVER give out info on it. Madmatt
  21. Isn't it about that time? Someone fire up a new one. Madmatt
  22. Okay, here is not the place to disucss ones opinions of someone elses style of emailing. As his long time friend I will say this, Fionn is unique, now drop the subject! Madmatt [ April 10, 2002, 10:07 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  23. I hope this isnt 4 pages of whinning about other players. I don't have the time to dedicate to reading it so I am going to move it to the Opponents Wanted forum where it belongs. Madmatt
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