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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. I just tried the new 40.41's ones in CMBB and all in game text is blank on the Scenario and Parameters screens if you have ANY Anti-Alias setting turned on. My guess is that it would be the same in CMBO. Looks like Nvidia has again introduced some new bug with their drivers. Last time it was in their mip map ordering sequence, now it appears to be something with their AA code. To fix this issue turn off AA for Direct3D in the Nvidia Applet. Madmatt
  2. The demo is about 60 megs and will get posted more than likely sometime during the DAY. We are on EST here so keep that in mind. Both Mac and PC demo's will be ready at the same time. Madmatt p.s. Closing this as we dont need the same topic a hundred times.
  3. The demo is about 60 megs and will get posted more than likely sometime during the DAY. We are on EST here so keep that in mind. Both Mac and PC demo's will be ready at the same time. Madmatt
  4. Blow2, In general we would appreciate that people refrain from handing out details about scenarios no one has seen yet. Please edit you post and add in the text SPOLIER and several blank lines so people that want to be surprised will know to skip the rest of the text. Thanks! Madmatt
  5. Oh I wouldnt worry about that... There will be more posts about the demo than you can possibly imagine...It might be good for someone to explain the spoiler policy and etiquette again though. The demo scenarios have lots of surprises and I would hate for some player to have that ruined by a wayward post which unveils too much too soon. Madmatt
  6. Honest he may be, but we dont want to alarm anyone needlessly. Not when everything is so close to begining. Madmatt
  7. Just refresh the page when that happens, thats usually enough to continue. Madmatt
  8. VOxman, Dorosh has every right to post as long as he is not inflammatory. YOU are the one that started it this time, not he. You asked a question and he provided a knowledgable response. What I warned you BOTH about was inciting the other. Now YOU Vox are doing so by demanding he not reply and also discussing private issues in public. Now YOU are being warned, flat out. You post another message where you tell someone not to reply and I will ban you. Don't you EVER tell me what I did or didnt warn someone about. Guys, I am tired of this ****. GROW UP or LEAVE. It's that simple. Madmatt
  9. Mike has appologized for what he did which was wrong and that is what we wanted to see. Every one is allowed their opinions and beliefs, so if his views on the issue have not changed then so be it. He was banned not for how he felt, but for how he expressed his thoughts and for abusing the forum to put those thoughts forth. We have allowed him to come back and he has given us his assurances that his behavior will not repeat itself. Just like someone else I recall being allowed back in... This issue is now CLOSED and will remain so. Leave your bruised egos at the door gentlemen and lets get back to business. Madmatt
  10. I believe CoolColJ (I dont even remember if thats the right spelling of his name) did the very first *mod* for CMBO. I think I did the second soon after but there may have been some others snuck in. Madmatt
  11. US vs. Them discussions are not really kosher here. In due time our demo will be out and sometime in the future, although no one seems to be sure WHEN, so will theirs and then you guys can compare and contrast all you want, just not here. The thing to remember is that they are very different games that handle the same basic aspect, tactical World War II combat, in very different ways and from very different perspectives. Oh, and one more thing... our game will beat the living snot outa theirs. Madmatt [ August 24, 2002, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  12. Although he would have liked to have kept it quiet, owing to his zenlike nature, Ted has had to scale back his time on CMHQ a great deal (to like zero). However a replacement is currently immersed in the Madmatt Worker Clone/Sycophant Nutrient Tank and should be able to resume Ted's old tasks (and lots of new ones) soon. Hopefully some time next week I will be making an official announcement on this and the future of CMHQ. Madmatt [ August 23, 2002, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  13. Knowing Moon, it was probably a pack of smokes! Madmatt p.s. God's human name is MOYLAN, no D on the end...
  14. Not sure where Software First got their specs since we still havent released the official ones but I can tell you that you will about 1.2 gigaybytes of harddrive space to run CMBB, not 400 like they say. Also one more thing, probably more for laptop users, but CMBB will NOT run in 640x480 resolution anymore. Your video card must be able to run in 800x600 or higher. We expect to post the Specs very soon. Madmatt [ August 23, 2002, 12:25 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  15. Yes, pre-orders for CMBB WILL be taken but we are not certain exactly when that will be. We will let you know once we firm up the date. Madmatt
  16. I don't recall the thread in question but it was probably much like this one and off topic and posted in the WRONG forum. We do not delete threads, we keep them as evidence. We may on occasional edit a thread from a banned user though depending on the availability of a "pure" copy and the material they contain. For example if someone were to post detailed instructions on how to pirate one of our products we WOULD remove that info. Madmatt
  17. If they didnt come for us, and we will never publish those numbers, then they dont mean anything. Madmatt
  18. I am very disapointed in all of you. While minor, there IS a graphics bone to be had from the annoucement page... Here is a link to that page again (slightly reformated)...Take another look... http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmbb/demo.html Madmatt
  19. Is it just me or do the infantry pics at the top not clearly show the lightinhg effect of starshells (dark background, bright foreground)? Regards, Thomm</font>
  20. That would depend on your definition of "run", I would imagine. Lets just say it will run no better or worse than CMBO currently does on OS X. Madmatt
  21. That is because your serious questions are usually insignificant. But what would this forum be without them? Ahhh...to dream... Madmatt
  22. It can not, but that is something we may look at adding in a patch. IIRC thats about the only thing that CAN'T be selected now in a QB though. Madmatt
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