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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Just a follow-up to the above. I am sure tracer meant no harm in his post but the simple truth is that NO-CD cracks are very often NOT used in the manner that they were intended and instead are used by people to pirate games. As a game company and game designers we do not wish to support such behavior and programs and websites that do promote it and will remove links to them and warn the posters whenever we see them. Disregard of our wishes on this issue can result in the expulsion of the posting member. If you have a problem with the game, then use the resources WE have made available to you and we will get the problem resolved. Madmatt
  2. The only patches that are permitted to be discussed here are ones that WE release and talking about software cracks isn't going to win you any friends either. CD's get worn out and sometimes die. There is nothing wrong with making an archival backup for your own personal use and there is also nothing to stop you from doing so. Anyone that has legally purchased the game and has the CD go bad can also obtain a new copy of the media via our very accomodating replacement policy. No CD cracks, while on the surface seeming to be harmless, are in fact just another way to make pirating our games and hardwork that much easier. And we will never permit that. Madmatt
  3. No, but it should say "Now Shipping!" Madmatt
  4. We are thrilled, no make that estatic, no on second thought we are all pretty exhausted and fatiugued but I digress... Anyway, Strategic Command began shipping as of July 31st (6 days early I might add) and all pre-orders were fullfilled. Thanks go out to everyone that pre-ordered! Madmatt
  5. Andrew, I normally don't take such drastic steps but I need to ask you something IMMEDIATELY. Hopefully you got my email from this morning, if not email me at matt@battlefront.com and we can chat. Don't worry, your not in trouble. This is a good thing! Madmatt
  6. He was apparently someone that is now finding out just how pissed I can get and how far I am willing to go in order to see them get a little justice handed out to them...No more need to be said on this matter... Madmatt
  7. GIC has its own forum where you can post info. We do not permit posts about other games here. Madmatt
  8. Messages like this should go in the Opponent Finder Forum.
  9. You are in dire need of some perspective. This is NOT a public forum, but rather a private one and the PIRATE above posted information which infringes upon the hard work that Hubert and others have put into the production of the game. If you don't like our polycies then don't come here but know that we will take every course of action that we can, civil and legal to protect our products and property, now and in the future. Madmatt [ July 30, 2002, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  10. As Ted said please understand that Ian (Schullencraft) does what he does in the CM technical forum on his own, he is not a staff member of Battlefront.com and so its not fair to send him emails on technical issues unless he asks someone to. Madmatt
  11. We appreciate your comments guys but I think the less attention certain people get on this matter the better. For that reason I am going to lock up this thread. Madmatt
  12. There is a second feild for the address where you can add the Province. The current system does not currently allow for Canadian Provinces in the drop down menu but its something we are looking at implementing. Madmatt
  13. Thanks Ozzy, the voices were all recorded a while ago. I just want to make sure those guys (and Michael has contacted me already) get the proper credit due them. The only person whom I have no info anymore is for my Italian friend who recorded those voices late last year. Madmatt
  14. Okay, this thread has veered far off the original question so I am closing it up now. Yes, all minor nations will have vehicles and that includes Italy. I don't have time to post any pictures in further info on this right now though. Madmatt
  15. Because when they came to the hotel he was staying at and looked that name up at the front desk, he wasn't listed? Madmatt
  16. Guys, knock it off! I probably have more IT certs than any normal human with a girlfriend should ever be allowed but that doesn't mean squat if I can't fix the problem when a system goes belly up or an application doesn't behave the way I wanted it to. The same applies here. Certifications ARE benchmarks, that much is true. The level of the benchmarks is sometimes questionable. I have worked in configuration centers that had pools of MCSE and even Master MCSE guys that couldn't troubleshoot a system problem to save their lifes, and on the other hand I know guys that could care less about a cert that would run circles around the best and brightest that MS or Novell could ever produce. Knowledge is knowledge gentlemen and it doesn't matter how you aquire it, it's in how you IMPLEMENT it that is important. Now, lets get back on track here. Madmatt [ July 22, 2002, 04:41 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  17. I can just see how this thread could easily turn sour so I think its best for it to go away now. Madmatt
  18. Once the game begins shipping we will look at opening a formal "Opponent Finder" forum. This will be even more important to have once the free TCP patch is released. You can of course always use the chat forum that is hosted on CMHQ for this purpose in the mean time or use this forum with a "looking for a Game" type post. Madmatt
  19. Don't forget, games like UT are running in either OpenGL or DirectX mode. SC is neither. Hubert has stated that he coded it to support native Windows graphics calls, ostensiably to provide wider cross platform compatability between the various flavors of Windows. A unintended side effect of this was the discovery that the different Windows versions handle desktop icon restoration in different ways, THAT (the inconsistent Windows behavior) is what is causing this issue, although he have provided workarounds that DO indeed work and are commited to continuing to investigate this issue further and are aware of the annoyance it has caused some people. Thank you. Madmatt [ July 21, 2002, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  20. Not sure what all that above is about but in CMBB the % of gun hits resulting in a "Gun Damage" result has been lowered. We discussed this internally and looked at a lot of data and decided this would be a more fair approximation since we don't model partial damage which could be quickly resolved. Madmatt
  21. Its not game specific. Some monitors allow you to bring up the current refresh rate (My 21 inch NEC does this) so you might want to check. Re: above post. I knew it was it was a Windows XP issue but couldn't confirm if it was isolated to the Nvidia cards or not. Now I know it's other cards as well. Thanks for that info on the Radeons. Madmatt
  22. I assume you have an Nvidia based video card? The refresh issue is caused by a well documented and known bug between Windows XP and Nvidia drivers and locking the default refresh rate to 60Hz. There are many utilities that correct this issue and allow you to specify whatever refresh rate you wish for all available screen resolutions. I use NVRefresh Tool which you can aquire from www.guru3d.com Its simple to use, run it select the refresh rates you want for every screen resolution and it saves that data to ther registry for you. As to no other games having the refresh issue, that is not true. Before I ran that utility (you only have to set it once and never again) I was forced to play several games locked into 60Hz due to this known bug in the Nvidia drivers. No one can seem to come to a firm reason why neither Microsoft or Nvidia have fixed this issue yet. Madmatt [ July 20, 2002, 08:03 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  23. You should have received an email confirmation and seen an order summary screen when you finished placing the order. Email me you full name (as you used for the order) and I can look it up in the order logs. Many times there is a typo in the email name given by the customer which keeps them from getting the confirmation email. matt@battlefront.com Madmatt [ July 20, 2002, 07:34 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
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