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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Not sure if the original poster was asking about in the game or in reality but we do model the diminished effect of HE detonations in deep snow actually. Madmatt
  2. We will not be adding a grid line option but I am sure a mod for them, just like in CMBO, will be made soon enough. Madmatt
  3. Email directly at matt@battlefornt.com I will need as many details as you can provide about what occurs including your full address. The order system is working fine and processing orders day and night without issue but every so often a credit card comes along that seems to need special care. We should be able to get this sorted out one way or the other. Madmatt
  4. Fair enough Fred. In this case, the customer IS right and I will dutifully abide by your wish. You were warned to cease your constant tirades after we answered all your questions as best we could. You refused. You were asked to behave in a mature manner. You refused. You were asked to put forward an alternate solution to what you perceive as a fundamental fault with our deal with CDV. You refused to comment on this. I asked that you just show a little patience and allow us to address the concerns that you, and more elegantly by others, brought forward. You refused. I asked you to stop ranting and trolling in posts. You refused. The truth is, I dont dislike you. I could care less what you user number is or how often you have posted to the forum. The fact that you have been around so long and still are clueless to how we do thing business via the internet is conducted is rather sad. Perhaps you should try and get a refund from that school in Hamburg? You say that I don't like you, to be honest I have no opinion of you either way. But you are now banned which is exactly what you asked for. Gary Barr, you concern about the patches will be addresses in the near future. In short, ALL patches will be done by us, so you have nothing to worry about. Madmatt
  5. The demo will only work with the included demo scenarios and tutorial. Madmatt
  6. Fred, I will not show the same tolerance for your posts as Steve is showing elsewhere. I would advise you to watch it as you are now merely trolling and offering nothing constuctive in your posts. I will not tolerate that, regardless of the current situation. You are wrong in just about everything you said. You ARE still getting a manual, every single word of it but part (90 pages) is in print and the other portion is in a PDF format. If it could have been done with the whole thing printed for the European release it would have been done so but the reality of the situation means that it could not. There is nothing mediocre about the European version. It is the same version that myself and others sweated over for more than two years and you are simply ranting like a child now because the truth of the situation is not to your liking. We have listened to your viewpoint, and have even accepted that not everything is 100% to our liking but we have answered you with the truth of the matter as best we could. The customer is NOT always right. More often than not the customer is completely wrong. The sign of a good business is one in which they can work WITH the customer to educate them about what is in fact right and true. We are sincerely trying to do that. We don't ask for sycophantical support, just a little patience while we address peoples concerns and issues in the best way we can. Posting in every thread you can find to badmouth us, CDV or just to rant over and over again with the same diatribe isn't going to do anyone any good, in fact it will just end up badly. The patch issue, the manual issue and more will be addressed by us very shortly. Madmatt
  7. It's a bug and will be fixed in the first patch. More details on that patch will be forthcoming, but don't beg. I will let you all know more about this when its time. Madmatt
  8. I wouldn't call the 88 page booklet that came with IL-2 much of a manual. I can barely read anything in it and whats there is poorly put together and there is no index. Just my personal observation. Madmatt
  9. Actually your an annoying punk that just got himself banned. You offer NOTHING to the threads you reply to, you seek only to incite and to start trouble and we are sick of it. I would have banned you weeks before but I was too busy. Well today I decided to make some time just for you. Now since I seriously doubt you work for the LA County's Sheriffs department and you seem to have a static IP which you probably access through some sort of remote access or proxy I am sure you will weasel your way back into the forum under another name in the near future. Rest assured that in time your true nature will once again emerge and I will ban you again, and again if need be until you finally decide to get a life and do something else with your time. Bye bye... Madmatt [ September 20, 2002, 07:18 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  10. Just hold your horses guys, we aint ever let you down yet and we won't on this one either. Expect an official message on this subject very soon with some details that will make everyone nice and happy again... Madmatt
  11. <big><big><big> ROAD TRIP!!!</BIG></BIG></BIG></font>
  12. Hmm, that would be: 1 Subpena 1 Summons to serve on jury duty 1 Registered letter from the O'Rouke Sexual Disfunction Medical Lab labeled "Test Results, please sit down before reading..." Madmatt
  13. Yes, as stated above, orders will only ship once all items are in-stock. I should probably look over the wording in the confirmation message though as that might not be clear. It was written back before we took pre-orders. We don't break up shipments as to do so we would have to absorb the added shipping and handling charges ourselves or add the extra shipping charge to the customer and we dont want to do either. Madmatt [ September 19, 2002, 12:32 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  14. This is actually one of the main reasons we still use USPS. That and there rates to Europe are much better than Fedex. YES, we ship to PO Boxes. Madmatt
  15. Oh I know. I took 4 years of French in school. I just prefer everyone sticks to the same language is all. Madmatt
  16. US orders wont be shipping out until the 20th. As such, I wouldn't expect your friendly Mr. Postman to arrive with this dearly expected bundle of joy until sometime next week. Madmatt
  17. Guys, drop it right now. You want to chat back in forth in French do it through email! Pascal, you have expressed your opinion on the CDV issue, people have listened and replied now its time to move on. You feel screwed, you feel betrayed, hell you might even feel unloved, OKAY, we hear you but we do not feel our deal with CDV is screwing anyone out of anything. Quite the contrary. It is bringing both CMBO and CMBB into a marketplace at a scale and level that we were simply unable to reach ourselves via our website. You are STILL getting the game, maybe not when you wanted and maybe not entirely in the fashion that you wanted but the GAME is the SAME. We don't need you questioning our decission to work with CDV in every post you make. It is starting to get tiresome. You stated how you felt and we have replied. Now move on. Madmatt [ September 19, 2002, 12:11 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  18. CDV has to offer there games in the new, smaller DVD sized cases. As such the full manual could not be shrunk down to fit into the space available in the case. What you get is a 90 page printed manual with all the key game info and the rest is offered on the CD in PDF format. This is for the CDV version ONLY. Madmatt
  19. The ship date for the Battlefront.com version is still the 20th (tomorrow). Looks like CDV shipped at least some pre-orders already and some people in Europe (perhaps only Germany?) have received their copies today. I don't expect anyone in the States will get theirs until middle of next week. Madmatt
  20. Hi Przy, when you got an order number, even if you don't get a confirmation email, then it usually means that the order went through. It might be a typo in the email address field that prevents the confirmation from being sent out. Matt isn't available right now, but when he gets back, he will take care of this. Martin
  21. We have released the latest patch for Strategic Command today bringing it up to version 1.04. We have also updated the demo to also incorporate those same changes. Startegic Command- European Theater v1.04 Patch Download Page Note: I am not sure if previous save games will work or not. I stated that they would not on the download page to play it safe. Still waiting for Hubert to confirm/deny this. Version Notes: Changes Made For v1.04 (September 4, 2002) - removed CD contents check - reduced CPU usage during idle times to ~10% (applies to both SC and Campaign Editor) - reduced memory usage, significant performance improvement on lower end systems - eliminated crash when trying to load from previous saved game versions, now displays warning message with appropriate course of action - improved AI planning and assessment of priorities, decisions should be slightly more intuitive - slight delay and better coordination for Allied amphibious assaults (units properly line along port areas prior to initial amphibious launch) - killed theme sound playback when SC window minimized - fixed FoW bug for research table, now shows all contents when 'Game Over' - fixed supply linking for HQ's, friendly HQ's can act as supply sources for each other - fixed FoW replay bug - fixed Russia neutral bug, in some cases the Axis AI would still not declare war on Russia - US amphibious planning after UK surrender improved, limits fruitless attempts - Germany surrendering rule adjusted, takes better account of post capital loss situation - added SU cruiser to Black Sea fleet, only appears in 1939, 1940 campaigns for now - systems that do not have 'dx7vb.dll' registered will have this automatically registered by the game if needed Edit: Fixed the link! [ September 09, 2002, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]
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