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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Yes, I have gotten some save games which show this issue. We are looking into it. It is specific to the demo and does not occur in the full game. Will update everyone with what we find. Madmatt
  2. When incoming fire occurs the code looks at all the terrain and objects within about a 15 meter area from the target. It then randomly pics which impact noise to play based on what's around. If there is a vehicle or AT gun in that area it could play the bullets on metal sound. If it was further away than that there could be a problem with the wrong noise being played, or maybe just a misnumbered wave file in the demo. Right now here are the different types of impact noises. Bullets hitting dirt Bullets hitting water Bullets hitting trees Bullets hitting rocks and pavement Bullets hitting metal Bullets hitting structures/buildings and then there are some special ones for mg's hitting vehicles. Madmatt
  3. Guys, I am going to move this thread to the Tech Support forum so we can keep reported issues with the demo together in one place. Madmatt
  4. Guys, I am going to move this thread to the Tech Support forum so we can keep reported issues with the demo together in one place. Madmatt
  5. This seems to be a problem specific to Yelina Stare in the demo as its not replicated in the release version or in other battles. I am thinking that the version of Yelina Stare in the demo was created prior to this being fixed. We are looking into it. Madmatt
  6. Yes they are playing at half the fidelity i nthe demo as they are in the release version. I also noticed that for some reason the molotov bottle breaking open sound in the demo is much older than the one in the release version. No idea why, must of slipped by but when you hear it in the full game I think you will like it... There is a funny story about how I recorded it too... Madmatt
  7. Okay, I was going to ask that you guys decide where you were going to reside for now on but seems everyone else is heading east. Locking this up now forever... The MBT's new home is on the CMBB forum...God have mercy on our souls... Madmatt
  8. Nope, we never said anything like that. Once we rewrite the game engine though we should be able to show damage in all sorts of more appealing ways. Madmatt
  9. They are not backwards as such, its just that Charles prefers that they point TOWARDS their direction of travel instead of looking like little comets with trails. The fact of the matter neither is really the way they look in real life. I tried to get Charles to change it, but he likes them the way they are. They were reduced in size somewhat to reduce clutter and be a little more in line with their actual size but I dont have a problem seeing them at all levels of elevation. Madmatt
  10. Umm, I layed down between 4am and 8am but I wouldn't call it sleep. Madmatt
  11. Hell I dont even know anymore. Its the same demo regardless of what they call it. Madmatt
  12. We have a new beefy ftp server (ftp2.battlefront.com) online now that you should be able to download from. I have updated all the downloads and added some new mirror links. We appreciate your patience in this! Madmatt [ September 01, 2002, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  13. Actually, there are still too many people connected. I need some to log off so I can update the links to the website. I can't do that with all the connections filled. Madmatt
  14. That would be me. Thanks! Glad you like them. Madmatt
  15. Main guns (like the 45mm AT I think) were not actually redone by me. Ran outa time and Charles always liked the originals anyhow. In time,I will probably whip up some new cannon sounds and post them to CMHQ. I did replace the 20 and 37mm sounds though at least which I NEVER liked in CMBO. Madmatt
  16. At 1:30pm EST the main Battlefront.com server will be taken offline in order to install a second FTP server. When the server is taken offline any in-progress download will be terminated and will not be resumeable. If you are CURRENTLY in the middle of a download and it is going to take more than about 50 minutes to complete we advise that you disconnect now and reconnect at about 2:00pm EST as your connection will be MUCH faster once this second FTP server is running. Madmatt
  17. That doesnt sound right, the system you have should be quite capable of running CMBB, something else seems amiss. Madmatt
  18. (Windows version) Press "Alt-shift-;" and this will reactivate the ESC key ability to switch to the desktop (in case you prefer ESC to alt-tab for this purpose). Madmatt
  19. Here is a new one hosting the English Langauge PC version. VERY FAST! (at least for now!) http://www.gamershell.com/news/BCombatMission2BDemo.shtml Madmatt
  20. Actually I just reformatted those pages so the links are at the top but I want to be sure people read the info on them all the same as its important. Madmatt [ September 01, 2002, 09:56 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  21. Read the Windows Demo Readme. It talks all about this. Madmatt
  22. I dont think that oscillating effect has anything to do with a light source. I see it all the time on the road with wheel spokes, fan blades and pretty much anything that spins fast. Madmatt
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