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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Guys, expect an offical comment about this issue very shortly. Until then please refrain from posting messages about this. Madmatt
  2. Guys, expect an offical comment about this issue very shortly. Until then please refrain from posting messages about this. Madmatt
  3. Guys, expect an offical comment about this issue very shortly. Until then please refrain from posting messages about this. Madmatt
  4. Guys, expect an offical comment about this issue very shortly. Until then please refrain from posting messages about this. Madmatt
  5. Okay, looks like we worked out the problem with that site. Just a minor misunderstanding. Here is a link to his site: http://municionytactica.tripod.com/
  6. Okay, looks like we worked out the problem with that site. Just a minor misunderstanding. Here is a link to his site: http://municionytactica.tripod.com/
  7. The links above have been removed due to some rather poor judgement by the webmaster of their site. If and when this issue is rectified the links will return. Madmatt [ August 18, 2002, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  8. It's not, it is expressly forbidden unless prior authorization is gained from the sites admins. It is also considered very rude to do that. Madmatt [ August 18, 2002, 12:02 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  9. The links above have been removed due to some rather poor judgement by the webmaster of their site. If and when this issue is rectified the links will return. Madmatt [ August 18, 2002, 11:47 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  10. Actually Hubert has discovered another bug in 1.03 which seems to be causing the crashes reported and I have removed the file. Hopefully we will have a *new* 1.03 patch ready soon to download. Madmatt
  11. We don't permit posts like this REGARDLESS of who is the intended target. Mannerheim, please refrain from such posts in the future. Madmatt
  12. Poobear, I don't really care WHO you are but if you decide to start merely being rude to other people here then your days on the forum are numbered. Hell I might just ban you for the hell of it. Lets see how long that takes to get on Uselessnet and alt.loserwithoutaclue.war. Madmatt [ August 16, 2002, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  13. Okay, the horse has been kicked enough and its obviously dead. If the guy is a legitimate customer (which I kinda doubt) and the game is crashing then I will work with him to get it performing correctly. As to everything else he said, well we all have bad days. Lets see what he has to say in his next post. Madmatt
  14. Mincks, I have read all your posts and at this point all I can say is that if you don't like the game, then don't play it. We pride outselves on listening to customer comments but not when they are delivered in such a brash and rude manner. You don't have to YELL to be heard here! If you want to post some CONSRUCTIVE critism of the game then that would be fine but if you continue to post in the manner I have seen so far you can rest assured that your time here will come to an end very quickly. Contrary to what you may think, we are very interested in hearing what you, as a customer, has to say, but not if you can't take the time to act in a mature and adult way. Now, to address your questions. #1 No the AI doesnt cheat, it just knows to get the best of its units and resources. If you think it cheats perhaps some proof would be good. #2 Thats your opinion. The majority of other people would disagree and say that gameplay is rather addicting, even after several days of play. #3 Care to give some more insite on what you don't like about PBEM? It is the nature of a PBEM system that it is slow. A TCP/IP patch will be released in the future for free. #4 Are you playing the demo or the full version? Have you posted to the tech support forum with a full description of your crash issues? #5 I have no clue to what you mean here. Your not paying for space on the CD, your paying for a quality game and if that can be done in 40 megs then quit your bitching and enjoy it! #6 Shipping times depend on where you live. We ship via USPS Prioroty mail in order to keep costs down for YOU, the customer. I am sure you can get faster delivery elsewhere but it would probably come at a steeper cost. #7 You have no clue as to how the monies are distributed nor is that relevant. We intend to support Strategic Command as long the market demands. In reply to your summation: Grow up child and think before you lay out your peepee for me to step on. Madmatt [ August 16, 2002, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  15. That trick will only work up until I move the current ordering system from https://www.combatmission2.com to its more proper home of https://www.battlefront.com. I have no ETA on when I am going to do that, but it is planned. Madmatt
  16. Gorski, I have tried to email you several times but for some reason the mail keeps getting bounced back to me. Is there another email address I can reach you at? Madmatt
  17. Dang, that was my next guess. Barkman apparently had a longer face. Oh well... I could always edit this entire thread and make me the winner! Madmatt
  18. I'll bite, How about Ernst Barkman? Madmatt
  19. I would be more than happy to look up your status for you but you didnt really give me anything to work with. Lets start with your name. Just email me directly and I will have a look at the order logs. Do you still have the email confirmation when you placed your pre-order? If so then please send me the order number as well. Email me all your details to matt@battlefront.com Madmatt
  20. Yeah, funny hearing all this coming from a guy on crutches after getting his clock rung playing a game of FLAG FOOTBALL..Wuss! Madmatt
  21. I have just uploaded another 121 pictures. These are from Harv. http://www.combatmission.com/Patton/Harv/index.htm Enjoy the pics, we sure enjoyed being there! Madmatt
  22. Go to the CMBB game section, there is a link to the gallery there OR just click this: http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmbb/gallery/index.htm Madmatt
  23. Okay, I have combined my pictures and those by Dave Turner into one big gallery. Here is the link. http://www.combatmission.com/Patton/index.htm Here are some comments that I took for my pictures at least. I have also added some further ID comments from Steve. Here is what they are: All file names have "IM00" before the number below. 2752-2754 Jadgpanzer IV Road wheel detail. This vehicle was just added to the museum. 2755 Close up of the three color camo on JgPzIV 2756 Rear view JgPz IV (Hehe... active tank = oilpan, cat litter, and cardboard underneath ) 2757 Close up on gun mount of JgPz IV 2758 PzIII not sure which model but it had turret skirts and a increased front hull vertical armor plate. 2759- close up detail on PzIII side 2760 StuG III (G as I recall), suffered lots of damage to both sides and fenders. 2761 Another PzIII shot from other side 2762 StuG III headon 2763 StuGIII right side 2764 Panther (supposedly this is the Panther II but I thought it was marked as a G) 2765 Panther Headon 2766-67 Panther Road wheel detail 2768 Panther Turret side detail 2769 Panther Rear deck detail, service hatch opened 2770 King Tiger cutaway side. Jeff Smith in foreground. 2771 KT Roadwheel detail 2772 KT Rear Deck Detail 2773 KT from the rear 2774 Museum floor shot with KT on the left and JgPzIV on the right, Panther, StuG and PZIII in background. 2775 US halftrack 2776 Size comparrison shot Panther, StuG III and PzIII from farthest to nearest. 2777 3/4 perspective on JgPz IV (KT in background) 2778 Some prototype US tank, bogged 2779 Panther, 2780 KT Gun mount closeup 2781 KT Track 2782 Hellcat Track 2783 PzIII track 2784 StuG Track 2785 PzIII side detail 2786 PzIII turret detail 2787 Panther Track 2788 T34/85 turret gap closeup. Width of gap, measured approx. 8 inches in heigth! T34/85 was from Korea 2789 T34/85 Track 2790-2792 T34/85 various angles. 2793 Interior hull T34/85 shot taken through drives hatch 2794 T34/85 from front, drivers hatch open. 2795 100mm armor plate with various holes in it 2796-2802 Anti-tank Rifles, all came out dark though 2803 Panzerschrek 2804 Group pic by the T-28 2805 Rune and the 'lil' Runes 2806-08 PaK 38 2809 Can I take it home??? Me standing in the TC's position of the Hetzer! 2812 Me deffinetly needing to go on a diet and sitting in the drivers spot of the Hetzer. 2813 Hetzers 75mm 2814 Me behind a .50 cal mockup on a US halftrack. 2815-16 105mm shells. 2817 Kubelwagon 2818 front shell of SdKfz 251/9 apparently 2819 the rest of the SdKfz 2820 US Pak 75mm Howitzer 2821 Looking in from the rear of the SdKfz 2822 ATG muzzel brake 2823 ATG gun shield Apparently those were from a PAW 600. Steve said this about those two above pics: I had to look it up in a couple of books to be sure, but I knew what it wasn't (Pak38 or Pak40) right away. I suspected it was the PAW 600, but wasn't totally sure until I checked 2 different books. There are four features that confirmed this... 1. The shield is totally wrong for a Pak38 and similar to Pak40, yet quite different. 2. In the shot that shows the barrel poking out through the shield... the gun rail's front end is VERY different from both the Pak38 and Pak40,which have have a pretty "fancy" and similar "cap" at the end. The PAW 600 has a much more crude bent piece of metal bolted on. 3. The barrel is not attached to the gun rail the same way that the Pak38 and Pak40 are, both of which are similar to each other (the Pak40 was a scaled up Pak38 in many ways). 4. The breech, which is just visible in the second pic. The Pak38 and Pak40 had a left side sliding breech, while the PAW 600 had a rather unusual shaped breech block which had a down sliding breech. 2824-2839 Random AT Guns and Mortars Note the nice shot of the goofy Soviet 76.2mm 1927/39 Rgt Gun 2830 Iraqi T-72 2831 Outside lot with lots of vehicles 2832 75mm laying on some crates (looks to have been from a 251/9 and it is lying upside down) 2833 A short 75mm used used for defense during Berlin. It was on a strange kind of carriage/pintol mount. Pretty cool 2834-2838 Random ATG's (2835 is a Soviet M1938 45mm ATG) 2839 My penis...well sorta 2840 Inside a Centurion as I recall 2841 Sherman that had a shell explode in barrel. [ August 10, 2002, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  24. There is a much more comprehensive Feature List but I haven't had time to edit it yet, the damn thing is about the length of the Bible! Madmatt
  25. Kudus! Both sites have some really good pics. A nice combination of pictures we have seen before as well as some new ones. Be advised that several were taken from post war reenactments though. Madmatt [ August 10, 2002, 12:47 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
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