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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Leafy, tree, crocked, broken, splintered, wooden and some others. Madmatt
  2. Actually that was a typo due to lack of sleep. Operation Maps can be 24 square kilometers (6km wide by 4km high max) and Battle Maps can be 9 square kilometers max. Madmatt
  3. Yeah, HI, it's me again. Yeah the guy with te padlock and keys and the almight Ban List. Remember a few months ago when I rolled up my pants legs, waded in here, busted a few heads and said what IS and ISN'T acceptable? The post above by Fiona Keller falls into the later catagory. If you post with two accounts, your breaking the rules. There is one outcome when you break the rules. I am feeling generous today so I will issue a warning. I don't want see something like that again. To push home the point I am locking this thread up. Start a new one. Madmatt [ July 13, 2002, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  4. We do plan on allowing pre-orders much in the same way as we did with AA. Not sure how much of a lead time there will be though. We will let you know as soon as we work that out. Madmatt
  5. Interesting choice of words... Moon, I think the answer we're looking for is whether or not the patches will be available for all version at the same time?</font>
  6. Hmmmmm, might want to check out the Main Page, could be somefink interesting to see there... Or you could look here... Http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmbb/press.html Madmatt
  7. CMBB does feature Human Wave assualts but I opted to not include bugles or whistles because, to be honest, they get rather annoying when you hear them over and over again in the game. You will hear a nice chorus of screaming Russians bellowing HURRRAAHHH (among other things) though during such attacks. Madmatt
  8. All MG's across the board, regardless of where and how they are mounted, have benefitted from the new enhancements. Ammo for vehicle MG's is tracked together unless the calibers differ as is the case with a 12.7mm DShk AAMG for example. When MG's are the same calibure it makes sense to track the ammo together since its all coming from ammo boxes inside the vehicle itself and would be shared amongst the various weapons as needed for the most part. Vehicle MG's do not jam. We have to leave some stuff for the next version after all! Madmatt
  9. Actually, it was Steve that dropped that tidbit, not I. Madmatt [ July 11, 2002, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  10. Okay, I think everything about this topic that can be said HAS been said. Madmatt
  11. Umm...Yesh. Hasn't this topic and its ilk been beaten into the earth enough already?!? Michael, you know better than to post something like this. Our reponse to this is the same as always. This forum is NOT the place for personal messages, regardless of intent. Don't do it again! Madmatt [ July 11, 2002, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  12. Normally when those keys stop working it is because the CAPS LOCK key is enabled. Madmatt
  13. Yeah but God Love Ya All, I sure do like your money when you buy our products! Madmatt
  14. Actually, as stated on the Purchase Policy Page: *** Please note that typical orders paid for by check or money order take between 4-5 WEEKS to arrive to the customer. You will get an email confirmation once the check clears the bank and the order has been processed. We STRONGLY reccomend that people use online ordering as opposed to ordering by mail. This is just one more reason. Madmatt [ July 10, 2002, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  15. From our Order Options and Policy Page (which no one ever seems to read!): Military and Diplomatic Personnel If your mailing address is currently at a military base then please use your "Serving Country" as the Country Location. For example, If you are located on a military base overseas but are serving in the British Military or Diplomatic Corps then you would select United Kingdom as the Country even though the base could be located in another country. For US Service Personnel the State Field on the order forms allow you to select the specific region ex: Armed Forces Middle East (AE), and you would also use United States as the Country. Madmatt
  16. Just letting you know that I do intend to be in attendence for this event. My entire family is from Louisville (pronouced Lulvul!) and Ft. Knox is an old stomping ground of mine. Madmatt
  17. Thanks go to Gordon and his team of little helper elves for the continued and amazing work they do with CMMOS and its associated mods. Today, CMHQ is proud to offer you up these new goodies. Have we got a CMMOS update for you! 44 mods, Commonwealth vehicles (summer and winter), German vehicles and guns (summer and winter), German uniforms, and more terrain than you can shake a stick at (sorry, the stick mods were unavailable as we went to press). Let's just dig a little deeper and see what we've got. Terrain: new pine trees for the Abominable Snow mod, a new road for Tom's Battle of the Bulge mod, a fix to repair a blemish in DD's scattered tree bases and a whole passel of new Ed Kinney mods covering brush, hedge, wall, woods bases, scattered tree bases and grass. Commonwealth Vehicles: Andrew Fox's Cromwell, Marco Bergman's M10/M36/Wolverine/Achilles, and Gordon Molek's Challenger. Winter Allied Vehicles: Gordon Molek's whitewashed and snow covered versions of Andrew Fox's Cromwell and Comet, and his own Challenger. German Vehicles: A veritable truck-stop's worth of existing truck mods re-packaged for CMMOS, including JorgeMC's "Opel", Marco Bergman's "Saurer" and Robb's "Foliage Saurer" mods. The "Nearly Compleate Tiger Collection " featuring the work of bfamily33, DesertFox, Fernando Caen-Bermudez Perez, Graal, JohnS aka "Tiger", JorgeMC, MDMP2, Mensch and mike8g. Marco Bergman and Gordon Molek's FlaK 37, Joshik's Pz VG (late), and Gordon Molek's Pz VIB (mono-color, hasty and s.Pz.Abt. 503) mods. Winter German Vehicles: Gordon Molek's winter versions of the FlaK 37 and Pz VIB (mono-color, hasty, s.Pz.Abt. 503 and whitewashed) mods. German Uniforms: An update to Andrew Fox's German uniforms, a new "brown" wool version of Fernando J. Carrera Buil's Heer uniform, and a new panzer crew uniform and updated Volkssturm uniform from mchlstrt. And of course, the updated CMMOS configuration files to allow you to enjoy all of this splendor in the comfort and privacy of your own home. -Madmatt
  18. A release announcement has yet to be made. When the time is right, we will make the date public to all. Madmatt
  19. A release announcement has yet to be made. We will be sure to make a big hoohah when the time is right so everyone hears about it at the same time. Madmatt
  20. I think I am going to just start locking these threads up whenever I see one. Honestly, when the time is right you will all know what the release date will be. The time aint right yet. Madmatt
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