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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. It's funny you say the Thomm. As I was just scrolling through this I was thinking the exact same thing. I played an awesome very small battle yesterday (I'm pretty sure it's the same one you're referring to) and I couldn't help but notice how well the TacAI ALWAYS seemed to move the individuals to the exact spot I would have moved them to if I controlled each man. It even happened while they were routing for cover. What I don't understand from your post is how a map design would influence this?
  2. This is an excellent catch and one I had never seen. It is also good in that it takes very little time to recreate and confirm. Thank you.
  3. Most of the QB maps were created for QBs but in addition to them every map for scenarios are also QB maps. If forget for sure but I think some of the campaign maps may be in there too but not all because when they were made they only had AI orders for one side.
  4. I usually use Google Play but also have the Amazon App Store app on my phone too. Any reason to not use that? I guess method of payment is different. This is the first app I have ever paid for so I'm not sure how paid apps even work with Google Play.
  5. This is from the list of new features with v2.0: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=297&Itemid=507 You should notice an improvement.
  6. I once had a round go through a halftrack, k.ocking it out, and killing 2 men in the squad behind it.
  7. Yes and Yes but I don't have an iPad. I plan on installing on my in-laws the next time we visit. Certainly up for a CMBN game if you have that, old timer.
  8. You know I love ya BT but you've posted a few times in this thread and no once about the reviews. Not for nuttin...I'm just saying....
  9. Jon and I started the game 3 or 4 times before doing the AAR. Who won?
  10. Oh man!!! I went to your link to the ban announcement and looked forward a couple of pages and saw Pengs comments. Posts 87 and 88 in the thread. I laughed so hard the beer almost came out my nose. 88 is a Peng classic.
  11. Did either of you follow my lead from the first beta AAR and charge your troops into the woods on the hill of the US left side and have them slaughtered? That scenario is a great PBEM scenario. It can be played out so many different ways.
  12. Does the game start to load and then crash? Or does it crash as soon as you select the PBEM file to play and give yo the corrupted file message? If it is the latter I have had this with files downloaded using Internet Explorer. When I re-download the file it loads fine. I have not had that issue when downloading using Firefox or DropBox. If your problem happens while the file seems to be correctly loading than can you please send me a private message and I'll ask you to send me a couple and I'll have them checked out.
  13. I have recently had a problem when downloading from MS Explorer. I download, go to open it and get an error. When I redownload the same file from the same email it works fine. I've never had this problem with Firefox. No idea if this is any help but thought I'd mention it.
  14. They actually all, aren't they? You can create the bocage tile then the tall grass and then 3x trees. Or you can start with the 3x tress etc....
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