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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Sometimes an order has to be manually completed for the download to appear in your account. But the confirmation email has the download too.
  2. We definitely appreciate your input. I'm not clear on what you mean by bullets sticking to walls? What it conjures up is images of walls with multitudes of bullets hanging on them. I'm having a hard time visualizing that. Or even thinking it may be a bug. Does a bullet that doesn't go over a wall imbed itself in a wall? Sure.
  3. That is exactly it. The original Game Engine 1 version will not run on Windows 10. You will need at least 1 of the Upgrades. If you already have the 2.0 Upgrade then you're good. If not, then just getting 3.0 will do the trick.
  4. You're missing the point, mate. I am aware of your comments on the subject. But it is a safe assumption that the original poster is not.They are the one asking the question. If they were familiar with your comments in another thread they would not have started this one asking about. Make sense? I am not sure why you think that the original poster was familiar with your remarks. That is what prompted me to correct the record after your comment. I don't have anybody on my ignore list and I can't imagine a scenario where I would. It is in my job description to set the record straight when people (intentionally or unintentionally) misrepresent aspects of the game. Additionally, how did I misrepresent your post?
  5. UUmmm....No, that is not even close to what to you said. I'll quote the OP and your reply to remind you...... As you can see....there was no mention of CMBN, hedgerows,, gaps in hedgerows or that you have seen seen signs that it had changed from 4.01 to 4.02. As a matter of fact your response is the polar opposite having said "I have never said that the problem has not been worked on, or addressed.". You may not even be aware that in all of the games breaking infantry was running out of all manner of cover (buildings, foxholes, trees, you name it) and running toward fire. That behavior has 100% been fixed...whether you have seen evidence of it or not....with the exception of 1 game (CMBN) and 1 specific type of cover in that single game (I forget offhand whether it was low hedgerows or high hedgerows but one of them....not both) , period. Lowery is still up by 5 after a shaky first hole.
  6. I didn't direct that 4.02 advise to you. I was directing it to the original poster @AlexB I suppose I should have been more specific but it does actually apply to anyone that installed 4.01 and not 4.02 yet. I quoted you because, contrary to what you say, there is tons and tons and tons and tons of evidence that the issue was addressed. You continuing to falsely repeating that it hasn't changed doesn't change that. Repeating the same misinformation over and over won't make it true. Now, I'm gonna go watch Shane Lowery with The Open Championship.
  7. There was a whole thread about it. So, I won't rehash that here. There is a still an issue with a specific type of bocage that will show this behavior. Of the 6 games that means that only CMBN is affected and, in that, only with that bocage. Other than that it is gone with the 4.02 patch. So, make sure that you have that patch.
  8. Correct. A few things will cause that error but the most common cause is that the original Game Engine 1 version of CMBN will not run on Windows 10. You need at least 1 of the Upgrades. Which is why it cleared up once you started adding Upgrades. Also, if you have the 4.0 (or 3.00) Upgrade you never ever never ever ever ever need to do the step by step installation again. Both 3.0 and 4.0 downloads are all-in-one full game installers and install EVERYTHING. The base game and every module, Pack, patch and Upgrade are installed with them. From there it's just a matter of activating the elements to "unlock" their content.
  9. Do you have the patch that ends in ".01" or ".02" installed? The ".01" created what your describe. ".02" fixed it.
  10. @CarlWAW It never hurts to add that kind of notation to a scenario's title but remember, that will not always give you 100% of the answer. For instance, what if a player made battle was created and required the Commonwealth module, Market Garden module and the Vehicle Pack? Using a CW or MG prefix isn't enough to let the player know what is required by just looking at the battle title. We do it for releases because there is no mixing up what is needed. There is no Commonwealth content in Market Garden battles (the same with Marines, Brits and NATO in CMSF). And the Packs each require both modules so including the module designation would be redundant.
  11. OPen a Help Desk ticket and I can look at your account and let you know the best way to go.
  12. Yup. I updated all the downloads to reflect the most up to date versions for everything...the 4.0 Upgrade downloads and the games themselves (if they were purchased using Game Engine 4)
  13. I guess that this is a bone-ette of sorts. During testing of scenarios and campaigns folks will post screenshots from their battles to show certain things or just cool looking shots. These 2 the @sburke posted from the South African campaign stuck out to me as particularly cool looking. So, I thought I'd share.
  14. Hiya C, The password reset email should arrive almost instantly. The most common reason that people don't get them is that the email address associated with their account isn't the email address that they thought it was. The 2nd most common reason is that it ends up in the spam or trash folder. Check that and if it's not there open a Help Desk ticket with some identifying information (name, address, etc...) and we'll get you in your account very quickly.
  15. Correct..and I'll add that a single "dose" is commonly referred to as a "hit". Which explains "the first hit is free".
  16. And with the demos, the first hit is free.
  17. I replied to your ticket about this a few minutes ago.
  18. I can dig it. The plan/hope is by years end. But I'd hate to say that and then you have quote me on January 1st if it doesn't happen. One thing I'd like for you to bear in mind through the frustration is trying to remember that we want it released as quickly as you do. It serves no purpose to sit on things and not release them. And one thing that we bear in mind/appreciate is your passion for what we make. We'd rather see that than indifference.
  19. Maybe. (Sorry...that is as official and truthful of an answer as is available at this time)
  20. That is the standard version numbering. The only exception was the CMFI 3.0 Upgrade. Otherwise the numbering will be like this (I'll use CMFI as an example). A new game engine would turn CMFI to 3.00. A new module, as you mention, would move 2.02 to 2.10. A new patch before the Rome module would make it 2.03. After the Rome module would be 2.11. If a 3rd module comes out it would go to 2.30. Because of the different engines that were used to create the game families the version numbers may be counterintuitive to some. CMRT was built using Game Engine 3. So when 4.0 game out it went from 1.xx to 2.00 because it is the 2nd game engine for that game. CMBN is the only one whose numbering lines up with the Game Engine because it was built using Game Engine 1 and now that it is using GAme Engine 4 it is at 4.02. I bet that either clears it up or makes it more confusing.
  21. I don't see how this is related to the game so I'm shutting it down.
  22. (Under appreciated by too many people and one of my all time favorites. Motel Matches? King Horse? Come'on. How is this not the classic that the others are.)
  23. I did not get it at all in the first file that you posted but I did in the second.
  24. Attaboy. There ya go. Now we've got something to take a serious look at and see if we can file a bug report. Thank you! (P.S. Next time you do Armed Forces and I'll do Imperial Bedroom, ok?)
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