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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. The stock answer is "when it's done." Recently I projected the release would be September and not the originally planned August. I still have hope that September is doable but nothing s ever a 100% lock. Just our best guess.
  2. No. A peek at the credits in the manual will shed some light on it for you.
  3. Have we discussed the OP enough? If so, maybe I should move this to the General Forum...and then lock it for politics.
  4. I think he was referring to my history of dying a lot while playing.
  5. Looks we've drifted way out of the realm of discussing the game and falling down the political rabbit hole. I'm trying to decide if I should move the thread out of the CMBS folder or just shut it off.
  6. Remember the name of this battle when the time comes. It was hoot for sure. I ceasefired with about 4 minutes left because it was over. It played as a series of micro battles. Each time I sacrificed a recon team trying to figure out how to deal with the threat became the mission. I have no idea if MikeyD designed it that way but that was how I played it.....and failed. He's already tweaked it some before I even finished but man o Manischewitz was it a battle for the ages. (P.S. I love canister rounds....just saying)
  7. How's this for one. This hurt me a lot more than it hurt you.
  8. 1) No. It will not interfere. 2) Not for free there isn't.
  9. 1st Armored Div rushed to block access to the Italian Alps passes into Switzerland is the subject of the scenario. It won't be used in a DAR. It does present some tactical challenges. And by tactical challenges I mean that my troops die a lot.
  10. The Space Lobster game was meant as a surprise. How dare you!!!
  11. This just struck me as a cool map. Mord inspired me to share the @MikeyD creation. I intentionally cut out some key parts of it that would be kinda spoilers to the battle.
  12. Once the module is released drop me a note on the Help Desk and I'll let you know what we'd need to do to get you a CD. @Frenchy56 is correct though. The CD will be for the entire CMFI game....not just the module. But it will have the module on the disc.
  13. I really mean it. I do plan to have something fun to show this week. I'll give a hint for (for those who haven't guessed it yet), there will be loads of screenshots.
  14. Has it really been over 2 weeks since I posted here? Well.....I can officially say that August is out. Steve addressed the biggest reason earlier. The TO&E is a bear for this baby. Some days it feels like (who can name the movie reference here?) unraveling a big cable knit sweater that someone keeps knitting and knitting and knitting and..... I think we will have some additional stuff to show you shortly though.
  15. Thanks Frenchy! We'll check it against the current module beta.
  16. Regarding the TO&E, to put the "good enough" conversation in a different light. It has always been part of Battlefront's DNA to "get it right". When that hasn't happened it has been because of missing/incomplete information or something slipping by unnoticed and pointed out by players. What hasn't happened and won't happen is to knowingly put something out that we know is wrong just to get it out.
  17. No Battlefront won't be doing it. We programed in the green dots above the module icons on the splash screen to do it. And again, remember that no Battlefront scenarios require anything above what is stated in the product information screen. Market Garden requires the base game and Market Garden.....Period. So there would never be a CW+MG Battlefront produced scenario. The Battle PAck and Vehicle Pack require both modules, so pointing out CW+MG+VP is moot. You need all 3 for them. Ditto the Battle Pack. Stating it is redundant. And the green dots do the job just fin for player made scenarios. That is why it was programed into the game.
  18. It's probably time to move this to the more generic General forum. The wargame community is a great community and discussing other games only helps the community overall. It probably comes as no surprise that we think that we are the cream of the crop. The Gold Standard. And all games of our genre only help each other.
  19. I was about to mention that. Ya beat me to it. True. I wouldn't count on everyone who makes a scenario to stick to that convention though...handy as it may be.
  20. Yes, January 19, 2003 haunts me to this day. Tampa Bay had never in the history of their franchise won a game when the temperature was below 40 degrees. It was 26 degrees at kickoff.
  21. As a quick update.....While it is still possible, a lot of things will have to line up for an August release. If we had passed the point of there being no chance for an August release I would have changed the pre-order page and mentioned it here. So, it could still happen but it isn't a stone cold mortal lock like the Eagles/Buccaneers NFC Championship game was for the Eagles in 2002. That was a lock......and anyone who knows what I am referring to will know how that turned out.
  22. I think I just answered his ticket a few minutes ago. Thanks. The part that you quoted me on is very important. The download link will always be in the confirmation email. Even if the link doesn't appear in the account for a day or so.
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