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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. This is already modeled in the game. Ya know how when you take some sort of casualty the floating icon flashes? Ever see that and check the unit only to find all of the men are still there? Well, look a little closer. At least one will have their weapon changed to a yellow color color. Those soldiers have sustained "minor or medium wounds".
  2. More than you can imagine. But (and I guess this may come as a mini-bone) the extra time has led to a coupla/few more stand alone battles. There are some really cool battles in this module. Some are unlike any type of battle I've played. I won't elaborate on what I mean by that until it's out and people have had time to discover them.
  3. I thought about that. Even considered this sentence instead "....I ain't saying much about the release date until I start using the "V" word ".
  4. Yeah. I'm out of the estimate game for now. I would have bet that we'd have it in September. It is getting wrapped up but beyond that I ain't saying much about the release date until I start using the word "very".
  5. I'm pretty sure that I have figured out what is going on. I just emailed you a question.
  6. They were the only band that mattered. The bummer with Combat Rock is that it was my least favorite (I don't even count Cut the Crap as a Clash album). Give'em Enough Rope.......that's the one that I probably still play once a week.
  7. September ain't looking good for the release folks.
  8. Yes. The 4.0 key in the Bundle will work for all 5 games in the Bundle.
  9. Coolio. Just use the full game installers for each game and you'll be set. Then use the Activate New Products utility and enter the following keys for each game: CMFI: Original base game key 3.0 key 4.0 key Gustav Line key CMRT: Original base game key 4.0 key CMFB: Original base game key 4.0 key CMBS: Original base game key 4.0 key CMSF2 (assuming you have the CMSF Upgrade): Original CMSF1 base game key Original CMSF module keys (if you own any of the modules) CMSF2 key
  10. I replied to your ticket earlier. I saw that before seeing this.
  11. The entire message is your answer. The rest of the message instructs you to use the Activate New Products utility and enter your 4.0 key. Do that. Now, if you don't own the 4.0 Upgrade but installed the new 4.02 patch you will also get that message. The 4.02 patch is ONLY is your game is using the 4.0 Game Engine. If that is the case you can revert your game by installing the previous patch.
  12. No, you do not need to uninstall. Do you know offhand if each of your game are currently using the 4.0 Game Engine? If so, reinstallation is s snap as each game is a full game all-in-one installer. So there will only be one download and installation per game.
  13. I pretty much only know him as Amanda Palmer's husband. #AFPRocks
  14. Fair enough. That is the highest level of "very" that I'd be willing to give it right now.
  15. I'll mention it but at first glance it seems these guys are spot on. Thanks.
  16. I am doing everything that I can to avoid that. September is still not off the table. *****mandatory disclaimer on****** As always, never any promises or guarantees. **** mandatory disclaimer off*****
  17. I agree. I have been on this forum for 20 years now. I have seen it be overflowing with sycophants. I have seen it overflowing with "haters". Currently I see it as having reasonable people right now. Critics are essential to any business. To not pay attention to them can be fatal. That isn't to say they are always (or even frequently) right. But if they give you pause to self assess it's worth it. Haters, rather than critics, are easy enough to spot and easily ignored.
  18. Could be a mod problem but most commonly it indicates that something is missing from the installation. Open a Help Desk ticket and include a screenshot of the contents of the game's Data folder and I'll be able to confirm it.
  19. No. We coordinated it with GoG. It was being sold there without our permission. When I found that out they pulled it down and we came to to terms to offer it through them ourselves. So, it's all good.
  20. I have responded to every ticket. So, if he has submitted one it looks different than what is displayed here and he may not have replied to it.
  21. I'm not seeing one. It's best to disable both the firewall and anti-virus software and re-download
  22. It looks like the OP is fairly old. If he submitted a ticket I am not sure when. When I see this type of message it is usually a corrupted download. It could also be that his anti-virus software and/or firewall did something funky during the download. It's best to disable both of them and re-download
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