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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Dear Lars, The wonderful thing about being an idiot is that I am oblivious to it and so it doesn't get me down. The simple life of a moron. Love, Elvis
  2. Sincere thanks for your help guys. The link Eddy posted did the trick.
  3. Does anyone know of a place where I can get patch 1.01? A guy I was playing converted a file to 02 and then installed 03 before converting the file. I've already installed 03 and so I can't go back to the 01 file I have and convert it because I no longer have 01 anywhere on my computer. Thanks.
  4. My thoughts on #3 are that the receiver should believe the intel received at their own risk. I have on many occasions not been very....how should I say it...forthcoming. Much more so with people I play often than with relative strangers. I have been known to "give away" a piece of real information in and conversation and then when the person I'm playing finds out what I said was true the next time might be complete smoke. Or make a true statement that doesn't really give the true picture. For instance "I can't believe all I started with was one platoon"...leaving out my turn one reinforcements of a full battalion. Peng and I have been playing so many war games for so many years against each other that I don't believe a word he says. I assume everything he says is a lie. The operation we're playing now he advised me to attack a position of his that I was going to attack anyway. He told me to attack it because it was undefended. I attacked as I had planned and took it easily...He laughed saying "I can't believe you attacked there!!!". Later in the same battle he told me the same thing about a different location that I wasn't planning on attacking and I didn't. The point being I take all email/instant message information with a grain of salt.
  5. Dear Emma, Yes, on August 28th a 5lb 15oz Ryan Katherine Costello was born in a record speed delivery (under 35 from minutes from parking the car to holding the baby...hell I have a receipt from the wine shop where we picked up Champagne on the way to hospital that is timestamped less than an hour before birth). We spent 5 days in the hospital with her last week. That really sucked...seeing her hooked up to IVs and wires and getting spinal taps ( that's right tapS). All is well now. She looks exactly like her big brother did at that age with one major exception. Love, Elvis P.S. Drop me an email when you get a chance.
  6. Dear All, Me lovely wife has made this web page. http://www.astrologysurvey.org/birth%20announcement.html Love, Elvis P.S. Give Mike a hug for me.
  7. Dear Rabble, Thank you all very much. Today is my brithday and bringing her home today is the best birthday present I could ever have. Love, Elvis
  8. Dear Hiram, I'm very very sorry to hear your news. Love, Elvis
  9. Dear Loved ones, Today at 11:10am EDT Ryan Katherine Costello was born in what had to be the fastest delivery in humankind. Buying a bottle of Dom at 10:14..arriving at the hospital at 10:40..lovely daughter in arms at 11:15. A great day. Love and kisses, Elvis
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