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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Dear Urban Shocker, My idea was is not intended to take the CM engine to a stratigic level. Mearly a neat way to sort scenarios and give QBS a more historical background. So if for instance you wanted to play a scenario with units from the 81st Airborne in September 1944 all your choices would be located in a single spot. Our server at work crahsed today so I wasn't able to do as much research as I had hoped to. I do however have a list of all "armies" that were in Western Europe in September 1944. Now it is just a matter of finding out what divisions were attached to those armies. Love, Elvis
  2. Dear Michael Dorosh, I will begin work on it at once. Also, I need to discuss something else with you. I tried to send you an email a while ago but never got a response. Can you please email me at the email addy in my profile. Love, Elvis
  3. Dear Dmeadows, BTS has said for years that the scale of combat used in CM does not make for realistic extended operations. Love, Elvis
  4. Dear Sergie, If you are serious I will reseach it and run it by you and Michael. I have been invovled in CPX, CMMC1 and currently CMMC2. In all of these OOBs were obtained fairly easily (of course that is easy for me to say because I didn't do the research). CMBB and CMAK already do the OOB for certain areas and dates right now. I would have to assume that the historical OOBs that are availble now are based on research for accuracy. This would be fine tuning of that research. Again, I'm not married to this idea. It seemed like something that might be cool. If I have underestimated the amount of research vs game payoff then I sit corrected. Was division too small of a unit to think about? Perhaps. How many divisions were involved in the Normandy invasion for just the allied side? Hell, for that matter I can't even tell you what the highest number of divisions there were in western Europe at any given time. Love, Elvis
  5. Dear Huddled Masses, Here is an idea that popped into my pea brain after comments by Andreas in a recent CMBB battle. Would it be possible(or worth doing) in CMX to have a grand strategic map that had a series of drop down menus to select month and year. When a month and year are selected the map displays where all major units were located historically (I'm thinking divisions). When you click on a unit all scenarios involving that unit at that time and place are displayed. Also, all QBs launched from that location would be limited to the historical units available to those units (both friendly and enemy) at that place and time. QB random maps would be determined by the weather and terrain of that area at the time and place as well. There would, of course, need to be an area for scenarios and QBs that are not based on historic set ups. I am not talking about a campaign type feature. Just a cool way to sort scenarios and limit QB selection options. Love, Elvis
  6. Dear Michael, Your warning is enough to make me "do the right thing" and play it as I normally would (pretty ambiguous, huh). Love, Elvis
  7. Dear Everyone, I had read a thread before about this and thought..."oh well. It will get sorted out". But I now find myself in a scenario where I intentionaly have not moved a schreck into a building where I could really use it because I was afraid of the backblast. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most gamey) how gamey would I be if I moved it into the dream location? Gamily yours, Elvis
  8. I didn't get the email but I did get my CMAK. Thanks Gail.
  9. The Philadelphia preveiw was a huge success!!!!! Mostly because no one else was here except Peng. The tequila pretty much got polished off. What little was left we just finished. We are getting older though. Peng fell asleep just as the hookers got here and I fell asleep before the blow arrived. All I can picture now is the sorry look on the "delivery mans" face as he desparately pounded on the door.
  10. Dear tooz, I hear ya brother. Our Iggles are coming back strong. Drop me a note and maybe I can keep you posted on details you might not be getting. And Ryan and copy of the demo will be on both computers so no need to bring your own. Love, Elvis
  11. of the demo. Peng is coming down Saturday and we thought we might see if anyone else is in the Philly area. We'd be looking at about 8pm. Let me know....Peng is coming down regardless. I work until 6pm and will need a little time to get loaded before dealing with him or anyone else.
  12. Dear Masses, I am noticing a lot of low member numbers come out of the woodwork as we get closer to release time. Kinda cool to see posts from people who haven't posted in a while. It bodes well for the strenght of the Combat Mission branding. When you guys go public let me know so I can buy in early. Nasdaq? Love, Elvis
  13. Wow......Did he scoop ya Matt? If so that isn't right. Stealing your thunder like that.
  14. Dear Fellow forum posters, I have held me tounge for a while but decided to say something tonight........ It is getting very old and tired that whenever someone posts something on this forum the same group of people jump on top of them and turn a thread into their own personal playground. Cane you guys be really be so bored? Can you really have nothing better to do? It doesn't seem to matter if someone posts something inane (like this thread) or something that is worth talking about. It always goes straight to the same few people turning the poster into their punching bag. At the risk of sounding like a "back in the day" person, I remember when CMBO was getting ready to be released and people were constantly starting this of this type. Usually they got a polite "BTS says it will be released when it's ready" response and that was the end of of it. To constantly pick on people who start threads that you believe are stupid, when they may mearly be misguided, or to begin silly attacks just to try to sound clever in what are sometimes legitimate threads is degrading what was an excellent forum into a place where people don't even feel like visiting or posting. Some of you might want to examine why you choose to behave this way. There is a place where gruff and nasty discourse is welcome and encouraged. It is in the cesspool..not out here. Love, Elvis
  15. Dear fireyknifeguy, You just made me think of something. I used to get emails from BTS/BFC from time to saying when a new product was released and things of that sort. I guess they stopped that. Love, Elvis
  16. Daer Strappres, I'm really feeling my new sig lately. Love, Elvis
  17. Dear Buzzard, The numbering or non-numbering of turns has nothing to do with whether an email was received or not. If we had been numbering turns and I hadn't received the email how would numbering have helped me determine that you had sent it and I hadn't received it? It is flawed logic like yours that reinforces my stance that onlt dimwitted knuckleheads need to number files...and most of the time they don't even know why they are doing it (other than the "everyone else is doing it so I guess I should too" reason). Love, Elvis
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