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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. The elicense key you get allows you to install it on 2 computers. Best way to do it is to buy say 4 copies and then you can run it on 8 computers though.
  2. Tigerclaws, you will need a patch, which will be coming out when the latest build of it has had time to be tested by us. You are playing a version from a month or so ago. So welcome to the backway into the beta. Oh and now do you see how its not always fun to beta test? We may be playing it first, but it's sometimes not all fun and games. But I think you will be happier when you can get the patch.
  3. You guys waited 4 years, what's a few more hours? They need to sleep occasionally too.
  4. If it has the Intel Extreme2 driver set it will most likely work on your laptop. You wont be using the best settings but it will run. I have tried it on a machine that has a configuration similar to this and it was more than playable. Say hi to Benning for me, it was my home for a long time in the 90's.
  5. Enough with the Canadian bashing. Isn't it enough that they already live in Canada to keep reminding them that they live there? I mean what normal person would want to watch a bunch of men with no teeth give violent hugs to another man while on skates in an arena that they have to make the ice to play on? Oh did I mention that they dont even have the best team in it anymore, as Disneyland now holds the big ass cup that doesnt even come with beer? Oh and if you are going to continue bashing them, wait till they take Pamela Anderson back so they actually let her cross back over. And doesnt RCMP stand for "Real Canadian? Must Pitty"
  6. And this is done so there aren't more people who need medical care or worse after the fight. On the otherhand, when your buddy goes down, its a natural reaction to want to aid someone....
  7. I only play with best settings on my rig and It works pretty well all the time. The only thing I have a problem with is with loading scenarios in the editor (the bigger the longer it takes ) and when I view elevations in the editor (2D mode) on huge maps. I have a C2D 3 gig with 1 gig ram and an ATI x600 256 MB card. I dont know any testers who have super rigs but I could be wrong.
  8. Ok sports fans, time for you guys to let everyone know which mode you "think" you will prefer playing. At first I was more into the turn based play but now seeing as there is so much more you can actually do in RT, I prefer RT by far (Which wasn't the case up until about a month ago). So lets have some record of what you guys think now before playing and what you like later. Let the polling begin.
  9. Haha I had this. At first i thought there were 12 guns in the front, 3 on the right side, 9 on the left and 6 in the back. Ah youth and here's to not getting much smarter than I was then.
  10. Funny stuff. Even funnier is I have been playing it for months now. And some people have been playing it for much longer. And people who start threads like this should have to go to the back of the line to get to dl it. :mad: But I remember when CMBO wasnt available as a download and I was weeks behind in getting it in the mail. That was torture, so a few more hours or days will not hurt like it used to
  11. I have to say my favorite thing about CMSF is the Artillery. When it finally got in I wasn't impressed by it, I was floored. It just adds so much immersion and kicks up the cool factor when you can save your little straight leggers from harm with an accurate burst from your mortar teams. Scenario designers need to pay attention to putting it in as it can effectively ruin your plans. And this goes for the Syrians as well as the "Blue" side, especially in the smaller scens.
  12. Also I might add. This isnt CMx1 as far as controls go and at first some of you will have a hard time coping with something you have been doing for 7 years being changed wholesale. I know most of us had to get used to the new fangled controls. But when you get used to it you wont even think twice about it again. But the review wasn't very professional IMO in modern gaming. No company releases a game that is finished from Gold Master anyway. And just because the game is finished enough for BFC to release it doesn't mean it's finished by any stretch of the imagination. People who have been around from CMBO will know that and you guys that are new around here will soon figure that out.
  13. You are only a noob if you played Chance Encounter w/o running full speed accross the map 5,000 times, and winning anyway.
  14. The game is only about 1GB so he would have 9 Gigs for winblows and whatever else he uses
  15. Humvees RULE if you are attacking fortified positions. They give off lots of smoke when blowded up and will help screen for the sniper team assault that follows! And I bet you guys thought you could only do that in Counter Strike.
  16. The file sizes arent outrageous except for the picture files you can incorporate into it. You will understand when you see it. The learning curve for designing a scenario is pretty steep to add all the bells and whistles and VERY TIME CONSUMING (to do it right that is). Getting used to the terrain function will be the most difficult part at first, but I am also sure once you get the hang of it you will be glad you learned it.
  17. Scratch that. Everytime Moon emails me everyone else goes into "Junk" who aren't in my contacts. I don't know what that says about you guys, but I bet Moon will come on here and tell ytou how smart Hotmail has become. So far 6 of you sound as though you wish to come. Remember, those of you who give the best bribes have a better chance at getting more intel.
  18. Hi guys, Only person I have an email from is Runyan. Sure you guys emailed me correctly?
  19. Hi guys, Well its looking like it may happen, along with a few surprises (that you will like). So if you are interested, email me at sixxkillersquadron@hotmail.com and I will set it up. I may only be able to get 8 to 10 computers (because thats all that will run this ) The exact date we will figure out when you guys email me.
  20. But it does seem to make a difference in more RAM and the better the Vid card. I think 1Gig RAM and having a 256mb vid card is the important part. P4 and C2D doesnt make much difference IMO for CMSF. 1 of the 128MB cards I have used is a shared onboard Intel and it did just fine. The editor took longer to load and all but this was also like 2.5 months ago, so the game runs much better now. I can only imagine how it would look and play on a top end system. Wonder if Alienware would consider me being a beta tester for thier rigs.
  21. Well I have a Celeron 2gig/ 512MB Ram 64MB SiS Vid Card that refuses to run CMSF. In fact it Starts, then Laughs at me in a evil Kathy Griffen kind of way. And says Dude, You Got a Dell (You asshole)
  22. And most of the scenarios are not huge, especially for those wanting to play RT. I have run it on a P4 with a 128MB video card and its just fine, and on a 96MB shared mono-vid card that ran it but occasionally slowed unless I went to low detail specs. Then it ran fine but wasnt as pretty. But the comp I play it on is a Core 2 Duo/ 3Gig with an ATI Radeon x600 256 MB card with 1 gig of RAM with all Best details and it runs just fine. So since that is a lower end comp, most of you guys should be fine.
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