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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Meeks, do you roll your own? They say it's always good to keep it in the family! Mace
  2. Lorak, You've never patted a sheep on the back? Sheesh...you've never lived, mate!
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd: Yeah not a good idea to invite such actions. Mace and PNZ may misinterpret.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Exactly, Where I come from pats on the back are considered foreplay! Mace
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: And Mace. I can do any damned thing I please as I have been dubbed the sould of the 'Pool. By whom? (Yes, I just used whom, and properly, I might add) By me, and maybe by Meeks. He said something like that above, but I don't care enough to go back and read it. The mere fact that I said it should be enough for you. And Mace...go easy on Esther tonight...she's to be shorn tomorrow. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Silly, silly Croda! What I wrote is if you can great someone, so can I. Please learn to read properly. Also can you explain something for me, exactly what is a sould? Is it something to be wary of? Should I be afraid? As for Esther? No, dont recall that name. But I must admit, I do love them shaved! Now I must demand satisfaction, do you have a sheep handy? Mace PS Mensch, can we sit down one day and review your knowledge of exactly what a rhyme is? I don't want you to go through life with this disadvantage! [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-17-2001).]
  5. Hot air from the politicians probably aided in the combustion! Mace
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panther131: Though, I do not know if the russians used german armor.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The soviets developed the SU76i, which was based on captured Pz III chassis and looked something similar to a STUG. Mace
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: you my little old lady, got me mistaken for Mace. I do not expend such foul smelling things like that. You how ever must not either since you smell like that every day. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now hang on a minute, Mensch!!! I actually shower and shave everyday, mainly because I have the community of Victoria to serve (and to get rid of that sheep smell), so I have to be presentable. The only exception is Saturday, when I don't shower and don't shave at all, just so I can impress everyone with my rugged, unshaven and unkempt Aussie good looks! And I would also like to add, my nickname doesn't rhyme with Stench, now does it! Mace
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: 3) sex life (sheep don't count) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> YES THEY DO!!!! btw, If Croda can do personal greetings, so can I - Hi Kitty!! Mace ------------------ Inaugural wearer of the MASK OF SHAME since 7 January 2001, as bequeathed by Her Royal Highness of the CMBO discussion board, and ruler of all hamsterdom.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: silence if for the lambs<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Err, someone mention lambs? Mace
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: when was zimmerment first used? and second anyone have a good site where there is a lot of photos (colour would be nice but most likely not avaliable) of StuG's and StuH's? I am looking for a better reference to paint up my StuH/G and maybe even personalize it more, anyone??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Menschy, be careful with the zimmerit pattern! Stugs had what was normally called a "waffle" pattern zimmerit, so dont go putting on the sort of pattern that the Tigers or the Panzer IVs had. As for sites...try these, as they should have some completed Stug Models on display: Missing Lynx Track link Hyperscale Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-16-2001).]
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Forever Babra: For 1:35 offerings I'm generally a big fan of Dragon/DML and Academy. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> DOH!!! Yeh, I forgot Academy and AFV Club. In both cases the more recent releases from both these companies have been very good Mace PS Hi KwazyDog, Babs!
  12. Model kit manufacturers that produce good quality WW2 Military kits include Tamiya, Dragon, and Italeri (don't have the URL for that one), perhaps in that order as quality is concerned. There are also a few Eastern European manufacturers out there, with ICM and perhaps Eastern Express producing the better quality kits from this region. I personally tend to stick to 1/35 scale for the AFVs, and 1/16 scale for figures As far as shops go, I can't comment because I do all my model shopping in Australia. If you need any further advice or help, feel free to drop me a line. Mace
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: I formally nominate Mace as our official "whip boy", now mind you he is to use it on sparing occasions but he can use it on his on buttocks as much as a spring South American Swamp Slug exfoliates in a day<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wow! A sheep costume, newbies to get "familiar" with, the mask of shame, an invitation to kiss HRH's instep, and now the whip! *SNIFF* I just Love you guys! *SOB* Allow me to show my love for you with an update: jdmorse Almost over, my {censored} remaining Chaffee/s play hide and go seek with a few King Tigers. Given the score, I just wonder what posessed me to volunteer to play this most evil of Rune's scenarios in the first place. Oh yeh, that's right! STUPIDITY! Joe Moore Joe has suddenly decided to withdraw most of his forces from one of VL, and try an all out outflanking manuever on the other VL. Given the (lack of) quality of a bazooka team that tried to take out one of my mobile flak laddies and failed dismally even after several attempts...I'm not worried at all. Meanwhile, I'll just help myself to the other VL, will I? SirABCD Geez, get a new nick will ya? I find yours hard to remember mainly because I never got past the letter "E" at primary school. Anyhow, 4 of my recon jeeps are now reduced to 1. One jeep played hide and go seek with a Hetzer (and lost) but the crew died heroically by trying to gum up the Hetzer's tracks by throwing themselves under the AFV. Fortunately, the jeeps have helped me fix some of his forces, and I have now cheerfully lobbed some HE his way to show him I care! Seanachai Keeps mentioning works of classic Australian writers when he forwards me the turns. Sheesh, as if I care! I prefer to restrict my reading to the fine articles in Penthouse or Playboy. As to the game, another one almost complete. Savage early game combat has meant we are a both nearly out of ammo and resources, with both of us controlling one VL each. Our time is now spent glaring at one another and name calling. And trying to get the odd kill to drive that percentage up just a little higher. Speedy The combat is not what I would call fierce. I'm trying to recon by force to fix his forces. Meanwhile, he continues to swill beer down at the pub. One bonus was the destruction of a piat team of his that was sneeking up via reverse slope to workover some of my AFVs. Didn't expect that 251 did ya! Well I'm spent! Was it as good for you as it was for me? Mace
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Can we watch while you kiss her instep, next? This is the best bit of grovelling I've seen since...well, I don't know that I've ever seen grovelling of this quality. My gods, it's damned reassuring that a pretty face, insouciant attitude, and leatherware still have the power to move men's...er, well, 'hearts', I guess. Very impressive, Mace. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why thank you! btw, deplorable, this thread was on bottom of page 2, hence my intervention. Mace ------------------ Inaugural wearer of the MASK OF SHAME since 7 January 2001, as bequeathed by Her Royal Highness of the CMBO discussion board, and ruler of all hamsterdom.
  15. Whoa! Seems to be a bit of tidal activity in the pool lately. Oh well, this certainly looks like the ideal spot to discard my old signature (which was stating the bleeding obvious), and introduce the next one. And who said I never listen to my adoring fan (that is singular btw)! ------------------ Inaugural wearer of the MASK OF SHAME since 7 January 2001, as bequeathed by Her Royal Highness of the CMBO discussion board, and ruler of all hamsterdom.
  16. Yeh, you obviously know a lot about those sort of things, Stuke, as your experience shows. Comes from a lot use, huh? Mace
  17. Is a bored Hiram a dangerous thing? Inquiring minds (and I) want to know! Mace ------------------ If their culture is to be judged by the general standard of education and the arts among the population, once again it must be said that Australia has little or none. Indeed, there is a terrifying crudity in the manners and pursuits of the masses John Pringle, Australian Accent
  18. If anyone played the board game ASL (Advanced Spook Leader), you probably know that you could have your scary psychopath partialy disassemble the knife and increase their allocated movement points to run. The knife could then still be brandished as a bread knife. Is this misrepresenting the scary pyschopath? Or should this be something to consider incorporating into CM? Mace
  19. I also find placing the new "charity collector" unit near the door of the house works wonders as well. Everyone avoids a charity collector when they see them rattling their little collection cans! Mace
  20. I do believe Patton was quite adamant that AFVs under his command would not make use of sandbags. The reason for this was that the extra weight was adding stress to the suspension and the drive, resulting in more frequent maintenance being required. Mace
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Your'e getting me a 1/16th Tank Mace? Thanks buddy!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> i) Get your own, and ii) Where's your donation? Mace
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: Extremely useful info on the JagdTigers usage snipped..... Your friend and docent, Mark IV Working together for sub-continental literacy. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mark IV, Thanks for the info, mate!! One suggestion though, can you avoid words that require me having to go to the dictionary please. Mace ------------------ If their culture is to be judged by the general standard of education and the arts among the population, once again it must be said that Australia has little or none. Indeed, there is a terrifying crudity in the manners and pursuits of the masses John Pringle, Australian Accent
  23. Whoa!!!! Bottom of page 2...time for CPR While I'm at it, anyone know which Schwere Abteilungs were equipped with JagdTigers towards war end? Mace ------------------ If their culture is to be judged by the general standard of education and the arts among the population, once again it must be said that Australia has little or none. Indeed, there is a terrifying crudity in the manners and pursuits of the masses John Pringle, Australian Accent
  24. While checking out the model (the static, plastic types, guys) sites, I found something that I thought may inspire KwazyDog to greater artistic heights. Tiger 1E Check it out. Mace
  25. Great stuff. Tamiya also had a 1/16 scale King Tiger available recently, but without the sort of functionality now available with this. However, Something like this would cost $500 Australian and thus I cant afford it, so if you guys could do a whip around and collect some money for the "Buy Macey a 1/16 Tiger 1E (no make that two, I know someone else who'd like one)" charity, I'd be much appreciated. Mace ------------------ If their culture is to be judged by the general standard of education and the arts among the population, once again it must be said that Australia has little or none. Indeed, there is a terrifying crudity in the manners and pursuits of the masses John Pringle, Australian Accent
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